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... you mean.... Are you referring to changing the diamond for a single or double slip? Hi Brian, When you design a track plan with Templot, it is only necessary to do so with diamond-crossings, because their geometry is identical to a slip. It doesn't make sense to go to the trouble of adding the slip roads until you know that you have finalised the design and the diamonds aren't going to change. The .box file I supplied was simply the geometrical design. It's not ready to be printed out as construction templates until the slip roads have been added. But there is no point in doing that until the track plan is finalised, which in this case it isn't. If you change the diamond, curve it slightly say, or change the crossing angle, the time and effort put in to adding the slip roads is simply wasted. I knew it was a mistake to post an unfinished file! regards, Martin. posted: 13 Nov 2007 00:42 from: BTuckey Martin Wynne wrote: knew it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  208k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_228.php
... topic: 1712 Print command failing posted: 1 Dec 2011 21:21 from: Gordon S It's not my night.... Martin, this has happened several times in the past few weeks. I'm using groups and highlight say 20 pieces of track. I then use print/group and this message comes up. 479_011611_530000000.jpg This stops everything and I cannot print. Typically it will be when I wish to print between 50 and 80 sheets. Closing this down, gets Templot running again but as soon as you go try and print again, the message is "Invalid request. The printer is in use". It completely locks out access to my printer and the only was I can get going again is to close Templot and start the process all over again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, so I may have to repeat the process several times. I also have to unplug my printer both power and USB connections and essentially reboot the whole thing. Any ideas? I'm on XP SP3. I had some problems with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1712.php
... topic: 1741 Printing a Background Shape posted: 20 Dec 2011 22:11 from: Ian H Hi I have a 40ft to 1 inch GWR plan which I have as a background shape Luckily I have a large plotter at work which I can use, and what I would like to do is printout the templot plan and the background shape as one print out. I then can place it on to the baseboards which I can lay the track to, but it would also give me the position of the buildings, platform,etc Is there a way to print the Templot template and the background shape together? Thanks Ian posted: 20 Dec 2011 22:19 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ian, back_scan2.png 1. Page outlines (here as orange/black dotted lines) being adjusted for best fit. For more details about how to do this, see this video. back_scan3.png 2. After clicking print> print entire pad menu item. You must click the print pictures (stretch) option shown to get the background scan to print. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1741.php
... topic: 2527 Unable to select 3 particular templates for a group print posted: 1 Sep 2014 17:10 from: Dave M Aft'noon all, Printing out approx. 15 templates (of approx. 100 total) for a double junction area track build on Tor Giffard is proving problematic. Three of the templates cannot be selected for a group print and will only print if I request a complete print of the scenic section (100+ pages). The other option is to print the 3 as individual control template prints but this gives weird results such as sleepers printed over rails etc. Any ideas as to why the 3 fail to select as individual templates for a group print? Dave posted: 1 Sep 2014 17:52 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, Do you mean they can't be selected to a group, or that they are in the group but don't print? Perhaps you could post your .box file and say which templates you mean? If the problem is selecting templates to add to the group, hold down the SHIFT key ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2527.php
... topic: 316 Problems Calibrating Printer? posted: 15 Jan 2008 23:33 from: russ I've just being trying to calibrate my printer for the first time.(Its an Epson CX3200). All has gone very well and according to the instructions until I get to producing the proof-sheet. I have measured the 'picture frame' and entered those measurements. Then on printing a proof-sheet. I get the 'Warning Message' that the paper size needs resetting to A4 portrait before I can print out. WHen I check this in 'printer set-up' the printer is already 'correctly' set up for A4 portrait. When I go back to printing the proofsheet, Templot still thinks its wrong, even though it is right in printer set-up. Of course if I select 'Try print it anyway' the result is wrong. The printer is still uncalibrated. What do I try next. I am wasting alot of paper& ink and getting nowhere !- I am sure it must be a simple mistake? posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  71k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_316.php
... for an article on making straight-cut switches. Hi Simon, Oh not again. They are "straight" loose-heel switches. "Straightcut" means "not undercut" i.e. for use with a joggled stock rail, and applies equally to flexible switches. It refers to the way the switch rail is planed to fit the stock rail at the tip, not the geometry of the switch. "Straight" switches can be straightcut or undercut. Ever since that article appeared I have seen this misunderstanding repeated in print countless times. An REA semicurved flexible switch with undercut-pattern blades and a plain set in the stock rail (no joggle): joggle-3.gif rea_no_joggle1.jpg rea_no_joggle2.jpg____ A GWR curved flexible switch with straightcut-pattern blades and joggled stock rails. The very much more robust nature of the blade tips in this case is very evident: joggle-1.gif gwr_joggle1.jpg gwr_joggle2.jpg____ Notice that in the undercut switch (upper two pictures) the blades are not shiny on top at the tip -- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  197k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2326.php
... topic: 3795 printing large layouts posted: 7 Oct 2020 23:19 from: ikcdab Hi all, i have been busily desiging and i have started construction of my new layout, Charlton Bridge, its on RMweb here .You will see that I have printed out and built the upper edge of my oval, about 4.5m long. Now i need to print out the remainder, starting with the oval ends. My preference is to create a pdf from templot and then send the pdf to the printer. This gives me more control over what is happening. My home printer will do A3 and, as far as I can see, won't do endless lengths. I understand how to move the page origins to get the best fit of the track to the pages. But I still appear to be stuck with pages that run left/right and up/down- this can give me lots of wasted pages with just a fragment of template. I can group templates and print out different sections, but i am still left with lots of wasted ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3795.php
... , wait before unlashing too much potential- for whom? Regards, René. posted: 11 Mar 2008 05:19 from: Denis Kahl All, I receive the messages as a daily summary from both "The Club" and the Yahoo Group. I find the Yahoo summary far easier to read than the summary from "The Club" Cheers Denis posted: 16 Apr 2008 22:50 from: jeckardt The only real issue that I have with this forum s/w is that it's sometime difficult to get a decent printed copy of a thread. Even the "printer friendly" version often yields an image that is too wide to fit on landscape US paper. I often have to resort to hand copy-and-pasting the articles into a Word document and printing from there. IF the new forum s/w version better supports "printer friendly" printing, then it might be worth considering. Regards, Joe posted: 17 Apr 2008 09:12 from: Martin Wynne jeckardt wrote: The only real issue that I have with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_356.php
... topic: 3045 Printing the cess in B&W posted: 14 Jul 2017 21:50 from: Richard Spratt when Printing the cess is b&w on a template that overlaps another, part of the overlapped template is not printed. When in colour the cess doesn't hide the overlapped template as you'd expect. Attachment: attach_2465_3045_image.jpg 234 posted: 14 Jul 2017 21:52 from: Richard Spratt Now the b&w printout, using templot's b&w settings. Attachment: attach_2466_3045_image.jpg 264 posted: 14 Jul 2017 23:32 from: Trevor Walling Hello, I would think it is still a usable template in colour or black and white. The cess would not extend into the area to which you refer anyway. The timber and rail positions of relevance are still usable despite the blank area. There will probably be some technical reason Martin has ignored it possibly? posted: 15 Jul 2017 01:15 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, Firstly of course it makes no sense for the cess to overlap adjacent templates. I am currently ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3045.php
... topic: 1702 HP DJ1280 printing problems with custom size pages solved, hopefully! posted: 27 Nov 2011 23:41 from: Tony W For anyone suffering similar problems to those described under my earlier entry, see "Problems printing with custom size paper" and having determined the fault was not with templot, I am now confident enough to offer this solution. The following applies to windows XP, the only experience I have with windows 7 is that there are problems obtaining a driver to use with this printer. Download the printer driver attached below. Although it is labelled dj1075, it is intended for the HP DJ1220C printer which is compatible with the DJ1280. You will need to copy the file to the directory/ folder from which it is to run, I created a "printer files" folder in the program files folder and copied it into that. When you run the dj1075en.exe file, it will create a DJ1220C folder containing all the printer driver files. You will next need to run the add printer wizard and choose the HP 1220 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1702.php
151. Printing
... topic: 1798 Printing posted: 21 Jan 2012 13:31 from: sevenmil Hello to anyone, I have finally understood a little how Templot works thanks to Alan Ferguson, and have currently a simple plan, an S bend with a turnout in it with a branch track all stored to background, I know I'm doing something wrong re printing. If I preview the plan it only shows me a small part of the of the layout, I know its me who is silly cos I've printed out previously a lot of plans. Please put an old codger out of his misery& let me know what I'm doing wrong. Peter Last edited on 21 Jan 2012 13:32 by sevenmil posted: 21 Jan 2012 14:54 from: Martin Wynne Hi Peter, The preview is available only for the control template. To print all your track plan, click the output> print background templates (trackplan) menu item, or press CTRL+ F11. Or to use the default printer settings straight off, click the print now!> print ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1798.php
... topic: 1438 Print of Timbering Data? posted: 31 Mar 2011 17:27 from: Bill Fay Is it possible to print off the timbering data for a turnout? Specifically I am thinking of the timbering spacing after having shoved timbers around. I have tried a search of previous topics but drew a blank. Bill posted: 31 Mar 2011 21:11 from: Martin Wynne Bill Fay wrote: Is it possible to print off the timbering data for a turnout? Specifically I am thinking of the timbering spacing after having shoved timbers around. I have tried a search of previous topics but drew a blank. Hi Bill, Sorry this isn't directly available. Can you say why you need it in printed form? The dimensions really make sense only when laid out graphically. There is a way, sort of. But it's a bit tedious. Well actually, it's very tedious. 1. Copy your template to the control template if not already. 2. Set it as a straight turnout, with timbers square-on, and ends ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1438.php
... topic: 1045 Control Panel posted: 12 Feb 2010 19:11 from: Dellboy Hi there There are quite a few suggestions around on how to make a track circuit diagram for a track control panel or how to produce one for a lever frame panel. Below for interest is my attempt using M/S Excel which I have not seen used before. The result is a professional looking diagram. It can be adjusted to any size for printing and mounted under a perspex sheet for protection. Regards Derek 1821_121405_190000000.jpg posted: 12 Feb 2010 19:44 from: John Lewis Derek wrote: There are quite a few suggestions around on how to make a track circuit diagram for a track control panel or how to produce one for a lever frame panel. Below for interest is my attempt using M/S Excel which I have not seen used before. The result is a professional looking diagram. It can be adjusted to any size for printing and mounted under a perspex sheet for protection Derek Yes, that looks very good. How did you do ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1045.php
... topic: 969 Track disappears when using print group.... posted: 13 Nov 2009 15:59 from: Gordon S Got a weird one Martin. I often use grouping to select parts of my layout for printing. I used the Group Selection Fence as normal and then Print Group. The screen shot shows all the tracks on the screen highlighted in red. When I came to print the templates, I have noticed that one pair of double tracks which will tunnel under the others stop abruptly and haven't printed. Really strange and no idea what is wrong. Any ideas? 479_131057_080000000.jpg 479_131058_140000000.jpg posted: 13 Nov 2009 16:14 from: Martin Wynne Hi Gordon, Hmm. That's odd. Can you post the .box file or email it to me? Thanks. Martin. posted: 13 Nov 2009 16:35 from: Gordon S I've sent you the file Martin, but wouldn't you believe it, tried selecting Print Group again and the missing track has returned.... What date is it? .... ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_969.php
... . It can scan documents and photos and has a frame and backlight for scanning negatives and slides. The software that comes with it is particularly good. Any of the Epson inkjet printers will do a marvellous job but to reduce costs go for spongeless refillable ink cartridges (available from various suppliers on Ebay) and bottled ink from http://www.consumablecafe.co.uk/. Their ink is pigment, not dye, based and in my experience is actually better than Epson's own. I have also noticed that this ink doesn't clog in the print head so readily meaning the machine won't run cleaning cycles anywhere near as often, which is wasteful of ink. If I refill my Stylus Photo R800 with Epson cartridges, it costs £132 and they only last a few months. On top of that the onboard chips will stop the cartridges from working when they're only half empty. This is a major rip-off. You can get chip resetters but it's a pain as the software then thinks the cartridge is full again.This gives a false ink reading meaning the print quality ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1984.php
... using Templot, I've just had another look at it, and I think it's superb. It has been structured with care, it has an excellent and attractive user interface, and it employs a range of multimedia techniques to get across Templot operation, from the basic to the advanced, in a far more effective way than would be possible with a paper-only approach. And it does contain paper options. Take the "track plan tutorial", which you're encouraged to try as a means of getting started. You can print this out. Do that, work through the tutorial on screen, and you've got the paper by your side if you want it. Moreover, you can scribble your own notes on the paper for future reference. I'd recommend that you concentrate on that tutorial, because once you mastered that, you've got the basics of a very large chunk of what you in practice may want to do with Templot. It won't tell you how to construct slips, for example, but it will give you the confidence to go to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1054.php
... plain track sleeper spacing. It seems there are only pre-set values i.e. 60ft rail/25ft sleeper spacing options. I have tried the customised spacing option however it seemed I would have to input the spacing of every sleeper on the track plan. NSWGR sleepers are 8ft long, 9 inches wide and spaced at around 2ft between centres. I am not overly concerned about the straight track sleeper spacing but would like the point timbers set correctly for building; 4. The last thing that I am having trouble with is printing to PDF. I can print onto small sheets no problem but would like it printed in one continues run on a large plotting type printer. When I enlarge the paper size within the printing to PDF screen, the final print no longer includes my track plan. I am not sure how to attach my track plan with this post. I am sure it would make more sense looking at the actual plan. Sorry about the huge post. Look forward to some advice. Thanks in advance, Linton Last edited on 22 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2385.php
158. Printing
... topic: 1171 Printing posted: 16 Jul 2010 19:53 from: julia I am looking at getting templot, however before I fork over my any cash, I want to verify if everything will work properly. I am not a windows user, having run Linux exclusively for many years, I have verified that templot will at least start under wine (as far as the please enter your registration code thingy). Which just leaves one major feature to ask about: Printing. My machines don't actually have printers attached, under Linux I normally do print to file, which creates a postscript file that I can dump to a friends networked laser printer without difficulty. Does templot support creation of postscript output in this form or something similar? Thanks J posted: 16 Jul 2010 20:38 from: Martin Wynne Hi Julia, Everything you need to know about Templot on Linux, kindly compiled by Adrian Cherry: http://www.templot.com/info/templot_on_linux.htm and more discussion by Linux users here: topic 402 I don't know Linux so I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1171.php
... topic: 2133 Printing after shoving timbers posted: 1 Jan 2013 19:58 from: John Arkell I have only just started using Templot and am trying to work to an SE&CR switch drawing from 1913. I have used the 12ft loose heel switch with rail lengths of 30ft and a 1in 8 crossing. I have shoved the timbering and altered the lengths to match the drawing and an outline of the original positions remains. When printed both original and revised timbering positions are printed so that they all overlap and are useless to work to. I am probably doing something very simple to correct. Any help will be useful. Regards John Arkell posted: 1 Jan 2013 20:14 from: Martin Wynne John Arkell wrote: I have only just started using Templot and am trying to work to an SE&CR switch drawing from 1913. I have used the 12ft loose heel switch with rail lengths of 30ft and a 1in 8 crossing. I have shoved the timbering and altered the lengths to match the drawing and an outline of the original ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2133.php
... been renamed "the control template". This was the only term I could find which made clear both its unique nature and the fact that it is a design tool, not a part of the track plan. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions about this at different times. This then required some further changes to remove the word "control" elsewhere: The "control" menu has been renamed the "main" menu. The "control room" window has been renamed the "program panel". "Portrait" printing has been renamed "end-run". "Landscape" printing has been renamed "side-run". There are some notes about these meanings at print> page orientation/origin>? orientation- help menu item. In addition the "drawing pad" has been renamed the "workpad", to make clear that Templot is not a CAD-style drawing program. There is a new HTML-based viewer for the internal Help notes. At present the content is largely unchanged, but it will now ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_113.php
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