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... . These are all fiddle yard boards. The scenic ones will be done differently. To generate a cutting list for each curved board, I print out each board scaled to fit one sheet of A4 paper as centre lines only. The lengths of the various members are worked out from the template lengths displayed in the information panel (when selected as control) or press the F4 key to display it. One just has to remember to allow for the thickness of the material in the right places. I write the full length outside the line and the required length inside whether different or not. The angles for the blocks on the curved boards are calculated by selecting the particular template centre line and moving the Peg to one end or the other of other as appropriate, note the peg angle. (Displayed toward the bottom of the list) Then select the one it joins up to and do the same. The angle of the join will be the difference between the two. You may occasionally have to add or subtract either 90 or 180 degrees to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3215.php
... need quite a lot of re-drawing though. You also have some B-5.28 turnouts, which is a very strange size indeed! if you want something longer than 9ft-5, allowing for some gentle curving if needed, I suggest a 9ft-6 or 12ft-6 size would be more in keeping. You can convert any turnout to an inside slip at tools> make slip> menu item. However 1:5 is too short for a practical inside slip in P4. It would likely be an outside slip instead at that angle. Even 1:6 is tight for an inside slip in P4. I'm not too clear where you want to put it? cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Share and show> A second go- this time with flow (Ban Chang) about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3580.php
... I would imagine that it was a real pain to maintain and that's why they did away with it. Hi Phil, On that argument they could have done away with the steam locomotives and gone over to DMUs. Martin. Hi Martin Having relaid a plain diamond and fettled a second, I can safely say that they are bad enough, I for one would not like to fettle that formation very often. Using DMUs may only increase the time between maintenance periods and I doubt whether they could get a replacement lump for the outside slip if that was worn. As a piece of trackwork I do admit, it does look nice. Phil posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:32 from: Martin Wynne Phil O wrote: Having relaid a plain diamond and fettled a second, I can safely say that they are bad enough, I for one would not like to fettle that formation very often. Hi Phil, But their stated aim at the time was "Preservation". Nowadays many of them have dropped that, and simply call themselves "Heritage ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3109.php
... topic: 3148 Rotating NLS maps in Templot posted: 5 Dec 2017 21:56 from: r_wilton I've been trying to load a background image from the NLS from within Templot. It all works as expected except for some reason i can't rotate the map using shift alt buttons with the mouse.If i go directly to the NLS website outside of Templot the rotate function works fine. Am i doing something wrong or is the rotate function not available in Templot? Regards Ray. posted: 5 Dec 2017 22:19 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ray, The embedded browser in Templot is a version of Internet Explorer provided by Windows for embedding. Templot has no control over the way it works. Unfortunately some of the NLS web functions don't work on there. You have 2 options: 1. rotate the map in your usual browser and make your own screenshot. There is a function on the background shapes dialog at help> calculate size of a map screenshot menu item to obtain the required size for the picture shape. or 2. make a screenshot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3148.php
... topic: 3500 Bug Warning: printing bug in 223c posted: 11 Sep 2019 02:31 from: Martin Wynne There is a serious bug in the latest version 223c. When printing the control template, the timber infill is escaping across the page outside the timber outlines. This could waste a lot of ink, and obscure other parts of the template. I'm a bit surprised that no-one has mentioned it? Perhaps not many folks use Templot to print single one-off templates these days? Fortunately it doesn't apply to track plans/ background templates, nor to PDF or other outputs. It's only when direct printing the control template (F11). It was caused by yours truly when messing about with the experimental 3D chairing. Sorry about that. I will get it fixed in the next program update as soon as possible. I had intended to wait a while before releasing the next update, but this bug needs urgent fixing. cheers, Martin. posted: 11 Sep 2019 16:36 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3500.php
... template. I can't see any useful purpose that is served by display of all of those paths; instead what I would want to see is the envelope representing the furthest projection of any part of the dummy vehicle in the course of such traverse. That seems likely to be a combination of parts of the various paths denoted by the purple lines, but one is only interested in the parts of such paths that extend further out than any of the other paths plotted. Only when the path plotted by one point crosses and lies outside the path described by any other point does it form part of the clearance envelope and need to be displayed. Not sure I've expresssed myself very clearly, and what I am proposing may be of excessive computational complexity in any case, but them's my thoughts. posted: 26 Sep 2017 15:33 from: Martin Wynne John Palmer wrote: Not sure I've expresssed myself very clearly, and what I am proposing may be of excessive computational complexity in any case, but them's my thoughts. Hi John, Yes you have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3085.php
... Roger Henry A clever looking gadget, but Templot is The Way. But if you are without your trusty PC, what is wrong with a simple trammel? posted: 24 Sep 2017 16:00 from: Martin Wynne Roger Henry wrote: A clever looking gadget, but Templot is The Way. But if you are without your trusty PC, what is wrong with a simple trammel? Hi Roger, Or even a piece of string? It does need access to the radial centre, which may be off the baseboard, outside the room, obstructed by a model of Ben Nevis. Also difficult for those graceful gentle curves of 26ft radius. regards, Martin. posted: 24 Sep 2017 20:25 from: mikewturner My first thought was waste of time but given my planned model of Bannavie Junction Martin could have a point! :-) Strikes me would be more attractive if it was laser cut mdf, ply or Perspex. Regards Mike posted: 24 Sep 2017 21:12 from: Trevor Walling Hello, I'll give it a miss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3083.php
... important that I do get on and make some progress with the Templot Companion. Just saying "lots of friendly help on Templot Club" isn't much help if the friends all say different things. I do wonder how other software copes with this problem? And having said I'm going to get on with the Templot Companion, I'm not actually doing it today or any other day for months now, because it is far more interesting to get on with the code for the NLS map imports, or the code for auto-generated outside slips, or the code for... regards, Martin. posted: 15 Sep 2017 20:22 from: Tony McGartland I watched one of the video tutorials and found it very interesting. I've tried following the routines in the video and managed to keep up with things. I was not able to activate the command Ctrl+ F6 Snake through Peg and was really puzzled as to what it does. Can someone explain please. Last edited on 15 Sep 2017 20:23 by Tony McGartland posted: 16 Sep ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  130k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3080.php
... the 1:24 even with removing the rails before the switch tips forces the whole arrangement too far to the left and means a very tight curve to get everything joined up again. Thoughts of Half K crossings etc will have to wait ;) I have found some info on symmetrical Y points though and the .box file posted a while back should help a lot even though it's OO posted: 19 Sep 2019 14:54 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ian, It's a lovely sunny day. Switch the computer off and get outside. As I said, you need a short custom switch. I have come in just long enough to make you one: 2_190942_350000001.png 2_190942_350000000.png It's a 6ft curved switch. After loading the attached .box file it will be in the bottom slot of the switch list, from where you can select it into your turnouts. Or alternatively use this turnout as-is. You can adjust the size to whatever you want using F5 or F9. At 1:4 it has a radius of 11" as above. At 1 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  204k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3498.php
... : Martin Wynne Thanks for the kind words about the slips. Andrew Duncan wrote: Now I know you're expecting this, but if you'd now conjure up a three way, I promise not to ask you anything more....for at least a very long time! Hi Andrew, Keith, An automated tandem is going to have me scratching my head for weeks/months, and I'm not going to even look at it for a while. It is likely to be limited to a few common size combinations. An automated outside slip may be more feasible, at least for regular diamonds. But I really must now spend more time on the Templot Companion, if I can drag myself away from the program coding to get on with it. regards, Martin. posted: 10 Sep 2017 08:48 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Martin A few weeks ago, pre version 215a auto slip feature, I created a station throat, as in the attached .box file. Post 215a I thought it would be interesting to compare my original throat with a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  101k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3073.php
... reason for doing that? It's not likely that we would ever want more than one instance of that form, or want to inherit another one from it. I would have simply added them as procedures in the implementation section... Hmmmm- possibly ignorance on my part. I do remember agonising over this, and in particular, thinking "what's the point of putting a Private element in the interface at all? Surely that's what the Implementation section is for?" I understand the interface section is for things referenced from outside... but then why have Private things there? I seem to recall I had it in the implementation section at first, but I can't remember why I put it in the Interface in the end. (Googling for a while did not answer my question on the Interface/Private combination). But in this case they are not referenced anywhere other than in the above procedure, so they might just as well be nested child procedures within it. That way everything is kept nicely contained in one place, and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  170k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3544.php
... about Macs, others here may be better placed to add to this. You are not seeing the full Templot screen for some reason. Do this: 2_111722_210000000.png 1. click restore down on the trackpad window. 2. you should then see in the bottom right corner, the program size slider. Move it upwards until you get a comfortable result after making the change. This will change the size of most things in Templot. But not the menus. The size of those is controlled by your display settings in Windows10, outside of Templot's control. Close Templot, then on the Windows desktop, right-click on a blank area and select Display Settings. Then under Scale and layout I suggest you set 125% or 150%, for the size of your screen. Note that this will affect all your Windows programs, not only Templot. Thanks for alerting me to this problem. I will add a means in the next program update to adjust the program size without needing access to the slider. p.s. If you have right-clicked ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3550.php
... of the platform. I presume this would have two main starter arms, one for each platform but would these give a route indication or would this be determined by the road that the signaler pulls off? In addition to this would each road require a subsidiary signal for shunting or would the main arm just be given? Moving down the line, on the main line there could be a section signal towards the end of the scenic section? As for arriving at the terminus, I presume there would be a home bracket signal outside the main point. I am unsure what arms and indication this would require as you can effectively access the loop, platform 1, bay platform and yard from the main line. Again, I presume there would need to be a subsidiary arm or ground signal for shunting or when the platforms are occupied? I don't think the branch at the top requires any signalling as it is not on the scenic part of the layout for long enough to model any. However, I presume the yard and loop are going to need ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3050.php
... with DEMU Update work and a lot of shows, so it wore me out somewhat). Yes, I'll look at widening the spacings (I've moved the outer siding on the right out a bit already, though more is needed, but too late to do more now). I've made some changes since my earlier posting, having researched the location, it seems more than usual long timbers were used to support the crossings, possibly this is due to the 3rd rail to give more support where it has to switch from outside to inside (which it will in the station)? A look at your revision and compared to photos of the area on flickr (admittedly a bit later than my time period, but I can live with that) It also seems to show that interlaced sleeping was not used in the area. Attachment: attach_2494_3046_kelly_shepperton _mod_2017_09_13_2123_02.box 228 Last edited on 13 Sep 2017 23:06 by d827kelly posted: 14 Sep 2017 15:42 from: Tony W Hi Kelly. Ah yes PE! Photographic Evidence is always the best reference ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  83k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3046.php
... rid of the branch run around and instead push pulls/dmu's can go straight into the bay, anything needing to run around can join the mainline and run around there before moving to the bay. I have tried moving the goods yard to the front (at the bottom) along with the cattle docks as that's the only place I could see to put them? and have turned the inside loop into mostly a goods yard headshunt but could also be used by slow moving goods trains to move out of the way? The outside loop has an extension on the end for the same reason. I do loose a small industry with this plan though? i.e timber yard/dairy/mill etc. At the top left and left hand side behind the railway will be the country village/town that crosses over the branch line with a level crossing. and then a small country road will lead down past the station for the entrance to that. 3446_251148_520000000.png Attachment: attach_2476_3030_loftwithsinglebay .box 219 posted: 25 Jul 2017 17:23 from: Nigel Brown Looking fine ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  84k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3030.php
... 2010 Track Design Handbook The above handbook (208 pages) is online here. Many thanks to David Laing for the link: http://www.networkrail.co.uk/browse%20documents/improvements/northern%20hub/the%20network%20rail%20hope%20valley%20capacity%20order/network%20rail%E2%80%99s%20statement%20of%20case%20%E2%80%93%20january%202016/nr40_track%20design%20handbook_nr-l2_trk_2049.pdf As far as I know the handbook hasn't been generally available outside the rail industry. Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Prototype pics> Network Rail 2010 Track Design Handbook about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2915.php
... 2020 22:14 from: Martin Wynne Mike Kynaston wrote: I have been looking round for a programming system to use on the PC, and came across this thread. Is it the Community Edition that you use for Templot or have you purchased the full blown edition? Hi Mike, I strongly advise against the Delphi Community Edition. It seems to be just a marketing exercise by Embarcadero. You will get endless nagging emails from them to buy the very expensive full version, even hinting that you are using the Community Edition outside the licence conditions. And there is no guarantee that the licence will be renewed after the first 12 months. If you are looking to do a bit of coding, I suggest Lazarus. Free and open-source: http://www.lazarus-ide.org/ It's a clone of early versions of Delphi. For Templot2 I use a very early version, Delphi5 from 1998. Templot3 is coded in Lazarus: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentemplot/ To try running Templot3, click the T3 menu in Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  179k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3607.php
... Attachment: attach_2885_3491_slew.box 114 posted: 19 Aug 2019 17:45 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, The problem with the transition isn't that the radii are too similar, the problem is that they are both on the same centres. Is this any good? You didn't say how far round the curve you wanted to go on the right, so this is just my guess: 2_191229_460000000.png 2_191229_470000001.png Box file below. Manually create a transition having the required radii change over a suitable length. Add a slew that starts and ends just outside the transition zone. Peg it onto the outer curve on the right. Adjust the slew amount (CTRL+ F7) until it is nicely over the bottom template at the end of the slewing zone. Put the peg on the end of the slewing zone position. Make split at peg to leave a short bit of plain curve. Cancel the slew in it. Recreate the bottom transition curve from it. Check running clearances on the right. You could extend the template to replace the fixed curve top right if you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3491.php
... ready to lay P4 as I just read the latest post from your tie-in with Shapeways. Good luck with your project, shows what can be done with the right mind set. If Peco beat you to it I hope they remembered to change the geometry this time Snow, hail and wind here. Gather you have had snow round your parts again near you again. Rob posted: 17 Jan 2018 01:49 from: Andrew Barrowman Rob, Not too bad here in the Pacific Northwet at the moment. 3C outside and the snow from last week is melting. But I better not disrupt this thread any more than I have already Andy posted: 17 Jan 2018 23:36 from: Tony W Martin Wynne wrote: Rob Manchester wrote: downloaders of Templot become regular users and where their knowledge level is regarding prototype trackwork. Hi Rob, Right on cue to answer your question, an intending Templot user has just asked on RMweb: "Can anyone suggest for a main line (my layout will either be WCML or ECML 1980s based ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  90k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3185.php
... . This change will be in the next program update 218d shortly now available. It will be interesting to have some feedback on this for different systems, processors and screen sizes. Separately from that, I have added yet another menu option, to improve the response when working on large track plans. Often in such cases all the current design work is taking place in a small area, despite the plan being much larger overall. I thought it would be helpful to be able to tell Templot to ignore temporarily all background templates outside a specified rectangle. This doesn't make any difference when working zoomed in to that rectangle of course, but if you happen accidentally to zoom out too far on a large plan, it can take a while for Templot to catch up with the Windows message queue and let you zoom back in. If it's not having to draw all the templates, that is possible much sooner. We already have a mechanism to draw such a rectangle on the trackpad, and adjust it by mouse actions. It's the output boundary rectangle for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  70k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3207.php
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