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... , which I will be starting on as soon as time permits. Let me know if I can help in any way. Regards Brian Lewis. posted: 16 Sep 2009 09:19 from: philchudley Thanks Martin and Brian for your comments. I have ordered the relevant diagrams from the LSWR Society and will verify/ change my templot plan accordingly. Will visit Brian's stand at Scaleforum with regards the purchase of Timber Tracks and possible production of specific Track bases for other LSWR Turnouts. Brian, are the templates from Templot (developed from prototype data) OK for the Timber Track production? If so I could bring some along at Scaleforum for discussion/ comparison to the existing Timber Track LSWR turnouts. Thanks and regards Phil Chudley posted: 16 Sep 2009 09:51 from: Brian Lewis philchudley wrote: Thanks Martin and Brian for your comments. I have ordered the relevant diagrams from the LSWR Society and will verify/ change my templot plan accordingly. Will visit Brian's stand at Scaleforum with regards the purchase of Timber Tracks and possible production of specific Track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_934.php
... by. Hope this helps, thanks again Martin for the detailed reply. All the best, Brian Nicholls. Attachment: attach_1053_1468_diamond_crossing _vee_sample_1.box 204 posted: 29 Apr 2011 17:37 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, Many thanks for posting your file. You have found a program bug. Notice that you can cure the broken wing rails by turning any of the omitted rails back on, and then off again. Significantly changing the crossing angle then creates the broken effect again. The bug is still present and reproducible in my development version, and I have just spent an hour hunting through the code trying to find it -- so far without success. But I will find it and fix it eventually, so many thanks for reporting it. I must apologise for the rather large screenshot pictures, unfortunately I attached the original generated file, I had post-processed a reduced version of about half that size in a copy file which should have been posted. It's much better to use the Image Gallery for pictures -- the attachment function is intended ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1468.php
... topic: 3283 Getting started with TemplotMEC- coding for beginners posted: 9 Jun 2018 20:42 from: Martin Wynne This topic assumes you are using Windows. topic updated 5th July 2018 2_180742_400000000.png Now that I have posted the open-source code for Templot, you might want to join in the developments. Or use Templot as a basis to learn some coding. If there is something in Templot which you have always wanted to change, now is your chance. There is the Templot3 Project which might one day replace Templot2, see: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentemplot/ Or alternatively you might like to try the TemplotMEC option so that you can dabble in coding on your own personal version of Templot. If so, the first thing to do is to download and extract the open-source TemplotMEC files. They are in the zip file at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentemplot/files/ Create a new folder somewhere on your system to unzip the file into. It can be anywhere you like, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3283.php
... topic: 1337 Pre 1900 Bavarian turnout posted: 16 Jan 2011 15:56 from: Franz Martin; Thanks for developing a great tool. It will take me some time to learn this. I am staying with the v74 while I try to learn. I am attempting to build a layout with custom turnouts. I am developing a Pre 1900 Bavarian turnout. I am using drawings from the Laenderbahn Forum (see attached): (click the image to see the large full-size scan, or view it in the Image Gallery): 2033_161048_020000000.jpg I have had trouble determining the terminology used for turnout designs. I came upon the entry topic 1129 which is helpful. I am having trouble determining the Heel Offset from my dimensions. I am also planning to use Proto87 parts for an HO layout. I do not know if I should use the Drawing dimensions or the dimensions of the Proto87 hinges. Do you know the dimensions of Andy's hinges? Regards Paul Franz Attachment: attach_966_1337_W1_8,5 -SPr1HauptBahnenD11-re-li.pdf 430 posted: 16 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1337.php
... OK with Brian et. al. Richard. posted: 4 Mar 2011 14:57 from: Jim Guthrie richard_t wrote: It's just a shame that neither C&L and Exactoscale have stands at Kettering this year I hope everything is OK with Brian et. al.. Richard, I saw Brian at the Bristol 0 Gauge trade show a month ago and he seemed fine and in his usual loquacious form. I believe he is cutting down his exhibition appearances and spending his time running the mail order business at home and developing his laser cut kit projects. Jim. posted: 4 Mar 2011 16:47 from: Brian Lewis Hi Rob. Apologies for not replying earlier- and thanks for prompting me. I have all but given up on the Templot group, as I have with others that you have to keep logging in to. (In fact I have 572 unread Templot messages as emails. We used to be able to just click 'Reply' and carry on. The current situation is a retrograde step in my opinion, but rather ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1394.php
... topic: 979 Laser Cut Templates posted: 23 Nov 2009 14:47 from: Donald MacLean I have seen posts on the forum regarding availability of laser cut sleeper configurations for complex track sections. (C& L) My (convoluted) question is this. As 'printed' templates can be developed showing only inner stockrail faces and crossing vees, is it possible to derive CAD-type (DXF?) machine readable outputs of specific point formations so that 'physical' templates could be cut out of wood or plastic of appropriate thickness? This would simplify the accurate fixing of the outer rails and crossing. I realize that this would only benefit those who are content with using a sub-set of 'standard' templates. In my case straight B-6s, and curved B-8s. But as I will need about thirty sets of points on my 'new-and-improved' layout it would appear a cost effective way of proceeding. [I am using Canadian 'FastTrack' filing jigs to prepare the crossing vees and points planing.] ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_979.php
... that happy position, and even if they are it's often handy to have several different ways of getting to where you want to be. It's not necessary to memorize all of them if you don't want to. So this is one change I won't be making. I may even add a few more! regards, Martin. posted: 31 May 2011 23:53 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, I decided late this evening to have ago at Sketchboard, first let me say, I did read your notes "Templot Development Version -- please read this first", and noted that Sketchboard was deemed as "barely yet usable", but thought I would give it a go anyway. Now I had the copy of my New Street layout on the workpad in Templot, I then called in Sketchboard by using:< sketchboard>< show sketchboard> And the screen appeared as sown in the screenshot below. Initially, I thought that was a great start, until I noticed that for some reason most of the turnouts were missing and all ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1492.php
... the level of interest in these open-source Templot3 discussions. I expected only a handful of members to be interested in following this computer stuff. But already it is over two dozen. Which is surprising bearing in mind that the open-source project had been lying dormant and forgotten for 18 months, despite my occasional reminders about it. Which leads to the obvious questions -- where next, and with what urgency? Is getting Templot3 up to speed and released as a viable alternative to Templot2 more important than further Templot2 development? For a start there is the question of the name. The name TemplotMEC seems fine for the home workbench version. But for the final release version I'm minded to change to Templot3 rather than OpenTemplot. It is after all the logical progression from Templot2. We have in the last few days made some progress on the outstanding issues: High CPU usage: A kludge solution has been found which can be lived with until a proper fix is discovered. Thank goodness -- that had been a big worry. BOX and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3542.php
... way of the world. Martin. posted: 9 Jan 2014 21:17 from: Trevor Walling Hello Martin, Are you going anywhere nice for your holidays this year.Seriously it sounds like you could do with a break.I am sure people would still find using Templot possible even if you took more of a back seat and just let people get on with using it to the best of their own ability. Unfortunately people will always want more whatever you give and the only person that can draw the line is yourself.Perhaps if you stopped continuously developing Templot people who use it could get up to date with its use more easily.As far as I am aware there is nothing else available that enables modellers to produce trackwork in such a realistic manner.Best wishes. Trevor. posted: 10 Jan 2014 09:19 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin People will always misunderstand or not attempt to understand any software, and they will always spread their misconceptions far and wide. The model railway word especially seems full of froth- just look at the complaints about new model releases not being quite ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2373.php
... topic: 2283 Laser cutting posted: 11 Aug 2013 11:20 from: leflep I have recently acquired access to a laser cutter which uses *dxf files. The last time this topic seems to have been discussed here seems to be 2009 and I wondered if there have been any developments since. Getting an output in *dxf format is simple but I wonder what methods people have used to generate the 'nibs' that hold the sleepers together. Peter posted: 11 Aug 2013 11:36 from: Martin Wynne Hi Peter, My suggested method is here: topic 767- message 4515 The main development since then is that most folks have realised that the whole thing is a daft idea. It is far more difficult and time-consuming, with significant risk of damage, to remove the webs after construction of pointwork than the traditional method of snipping timber strip to length and fixing it on a paper template. Coupled with the great waste of material and extra cost if purchased ready-made, the perceived advantage of this method is something of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2283.php
... topic: 1521 Emailed Messages settings posted: 30 May 2011 14:25 from: Nigel Brown This arose out of the TDV discussion, but it's not really connected to that so I've started a new topic. I entered Emailed Messages under my account to ensure that I received messages from the Development doings forum, and was a bit puzzled as to my existing settings. From experience I assumed I was getting all messages as they were posted. However, my settings are as follows:- All forums are unticked The tick/untick all forums box is unticked The from forums ticked action setting is set to daily digests My interpretation of these settings is that I shouldn't be getting any emails, and if I did they should be in the form of daily digests. Puzzled! Wonder if the fact I've never altered any of these settings (didn't know they existed to be honest!) has anything to do with it. I'm unsure as to whether I'm getting messages from Development doings, but I'm certainly getting most messages. Before I actually alter anything ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1521.php
... shift-F6 fir rotating a group 180 degrees, frequently used (by me at least) when joining a group onto a notch, rather than overlaying it into a notch. Not only is Shift-F6 reallocated, but there is no keyboard shortcut for rotating a group 180 degrees. Why? posted: 26 Nov 2017 00:20 from: Martin Wynne Simon Dunkley wrote: Not only is Shift-F6 reallocated, but there is no keyboard shortcut for rotating a group 180 degrees. Hi Simon, As every software developer knows, you tamper with established keyboard shortcuts at your peril. A few points: 1. no actual functionality has been removed. You can still rotate a group 180 degrees via the menu. 2. there is still keyboard access if needed via the menu accelerator keys. In this case: a. press and release ALT, press U, press 1. You don't need to remember these because they are shown underlined on the menu*. or b. press and release ALT, right-arrow key along to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3130.php
... topic: 515 Warning -- SVR SignalBox data files posted: 5 Aug 2008 18:49 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, When I first developed the Windows version of Templot 10 years ago, I searched quite hard for other users of the .box file extension. The only one I could find was an obscure preferences file for something called Lotus Notes, which is or was "an integrated desktop client option for accessing business e-mail, calendars and applications on an IBM Lotus Domino server". Which isn't something likely to be found on a home computer, so I thought it safe to adopt the .box extension for Templot's storage box data files. But it seems that the SVR's SignalBox simulator program is also using the .box extension for its parameter files. I don't know why my searching didn't find that, perhaps SignalBox is a more recent program. It's unfortunate to say the least -- two railway-hobby applications using the same file extension. During installation of Templot there is an option to associate .box files with Templot, and it's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_515.php
... want it to show also on the workpad, tick the box at B to show items on workpad: 2_021324_540000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 2 Apr 2012 19:34 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Many thanks for the quick response. It looks as if for once I'm not the culprit of my own dilemma. Apologies for sending the wrong attached image file, I did in fact use a prepared scaled sketchboard GIF file to add the signal box into Sketchboard just as specified when we were discussing this during the early development of sketchboard. I have now attached, to this message, the correct file that I actually used. BTW, The image below, is what it looks like on my Workpad track plan. Colours are a little bit off, which may be due to the background colours of the track plan, but I am not too fussed about it, so long as I can successfully check clearances etc. All the best, Brian Nicholls. 1853_021428_220000000.png Attachment: attach_1413_1895_signal_box_number _5_at_new_street_station_with_stra ight_ridge_roof_96ft_8p4in_x_13ft _9p84in_v1_a1a_brian_nicholls_z2z __pf1797.gif 390 posted: 2 Apr 2012 20: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1895.php
... if it would be possible to create "permanent" groups which could then be selected and manipulated as a single entity and appear as such in the storage box until an "Ungroup" button was clicked (at which time of course the "regoup button would become active). They could then have a common set of peg positions which would then mean that when you had created some partial template masterpiece, it could be moved around like a simple template. I am hoping that such a thing would be only a *simple development* of the 'Remember Group As' action- the biggest issue with that being that it is not saved between sessions.(new set of Box File structures needed???) Alright, I know that we are supposed to do all the juggling around BEFORE we fiddle with partial templates, but I find that (especially when in a tight corner) it is only when you do the detailing that you realise that you have created something which would be near impossible to build from "real" components. By that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1265.php
... export a PDF track plan as a single page several feet long, which can be taken or sent to a digital copyshop and printed in one piece on a wide-format roll-paper printer. You can do the same thing with exported DXF files from Templot for a CAD printshop dealing with engineering drawings. cheers, Martin. posted: 26 Oct 2018 15:49 from: Steve Lovett Cheers Martin I shouldn't have mentioned Exactoscale as that seems to have confused matters; apologies. Simply with the Templot track plan I have developed is there a specific (best) file format to use when printing; i.e. pdf or printing directly from the .box file? posted: 26 Oct 2018 16:03 from: Steve Lovett Martin, Please ignore the last post as clearly the answer was in your reply (i.e. pdf). Steve posted: 26 Oct 2018 19:21 from: Martin Wynne Steve Lovett wrote: Simply with the Templot track plan I have developed is there a specific (best) file format to use when printing; i.e ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3349.php
... Copied below. cheers, Martin. Dear Community Edition User, Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. (" Embarcadero") holds the copyright for various software offerings, including, but not limited to, the Delphi Community Edition and the C++ Community Edition (collectively, "Software"). The scope of this letter is to remind you of the permitted usage of the Embarcadero Community Edition Software pursuant to the terms of the End User License Agreement (" EULA"). The Community Edition Software is an important mechanism to attract new developers into Embarcadero's ecosystem and to encourage Delphi and C++ learning. To that end, the target users for the Community Edition Software are students, hobbyists, and early stage startups that meet the required threshold. Note that the usage of the Community Edition Software for any commercial activity is prohibited. While the Embarcadero Community Edition Software is freely available and offers powerful capabilities, Embarcadero, as the copyright owner, wants to ensure its usage is within the scope of its license agreement. We determined a number of abuse cases in the last ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3627.php
... a powerful program that requires time to learn and even more time to master. It also is really useful to learn something about real PW and how it is built. You can't, as many seem to expect, just boot it up and printout the perfect layout two hours later so you can show it off at the Saturday meet. Then the panic sets in. "I can't get this to work, it's no good". At the moment I can't get into the Windows side of my HD as Windows 7 has developed it's famous "I can't find your profile problem". But as I am replacing the HD on this machine in the next month I'll wait. But when I can boot up Windows I will spend some time in Templot playing with different leads and crossings, and practicing tandem formations as I may actually have to build one for the layout. Yes there are little bits of Templot that can be obscure initially, but find me a program that doesn't have that problem. But you join the forum, make sure you get ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  147k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2377.php
... , I have plenty to get on with on Templot as it stands. But most of the Templot code, including all the maths stuff, is available open-source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentemplot/ So if someone wants to re-write it for the web, they can. How about you? cheers, Martin. posted: 24 Feb 2020 22:28 from: Ian Bunch Funny you should say that... I'd like to have a go. Perhaps it's something that could be developed in tandem with the open source version? posted: 24 Feb 2020 22:34 from: Martin Wynne Ian Bunch wrote: Funny you should say that... I'd like to have a go. Perhaps it's something that could be developed in tandem with the open source version? Hi Ian, Sure, but at present the activity on open-source Templot3 has reverted to nil. Do you want to see the T3 topics? See: topic 3539 cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3616.php
... topic: 3611 Happy Birthday, Delphi- 25 today! posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:12 from: Martin Wynne A note from Embarcadero to tell me that Delphi is 25 years old today. Delphi1 was first released on February 14th 1995 as a new development tool for Windows3.11 (16-bit). I didn't realise that Delphi was only a couple of years old when I started using it. By which time it had already morphed into 32-bit Delphi2 for Windows95. Both Delphi and Templot are still going strong all these years later. See also: topic 3607- message 29023 Martin. posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:39 from: Jim Guthrie Martin Wynne wrote: A note from Embarcadero to tell me that Delphi is 25 years old today. Delphi1 was first released on February 14th 1995 as a new development tool for Windows3.11 (16-bit). In the early 90s I was trying to write a program to deal with files in my business. I had been using C (Microsoft Quick C for Windows) and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3611.php
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