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Search results for: add_image_dialog_text.png

1 result found.
... , their browser program can fetch the image from the internet and insert it into your message. Unlike attached images, there is no limit to how many hot-linked images you can include in a message. To provide a hot-link to an image, the easiest way is to click the insert image button above the message editor, like this: add_image_button.png which will cause this dialog window to appear: add_image_dialog.png so that you can enter, or copy and paste, the web address in the box, like this: add_image_dialog_text.png When you click OK the image will then appear in your message, like this: total_in_text.jpg and you can continue writing your message below it. Instead of clicking the insert image button, you can if you prefer type the web address directly into the text. You should then add the img and /img tags in square brackets on each side of it like this: add_image_hotlink.png The image will not then be displayed until you click Preview or Send the message. This method is convenient if it is a large image which would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_243.php

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