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Search results for: attach_30_sslip.jpg outsid

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... the sequence in Martin's video as I found it easier (after altering the switch of the turnout based on the curved diamond and saving a copy) to attach the turnout to the peg, MCP or TCP as appropriate, and then manipulating it by swapping/inverting the hand until it obviously lay on the diamond in the right position. Once there making the slip road was easy and guranteed to be right. I say this after making numerous mistakes and getting some very weird slips, incliding those in which the switch blades were outside the point entirely. Anyway, here it is. Phil Attachment: attach_276_444_Double_slip_group_0 8_05_26_1206_14.box 660 posted: 26 May 2008 21:25 from: Phil O Hi Phil I have had a look at your double slip and I see that your bottom slip road has minimum radius of 43" which scales out at 2.34 chains this will only be suitable for 0-4 -0 locos and short wheel base or bogie wagons. Is this what you have in mind for using on your layout? Cheers Phil posted: 26 May 2008 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 153  -  99k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_444.php
... are some dots in the file that need to be eliminated. posted: 5 Jan 2016 11:06 from: Charles Orr Hi Martin, I have a Rep Rap Pro Omerod which I built from a kit. It took some time to set up but generally produces acceptable prints. I am going to get a Maker Bot Replicator 2 very soon. This the one that MERG uses to produce some of its kits. Best regards Charles posted: 5 Jan 2016 11:20 from: johnbirch72 Nigel I would certainly stick with outside printers for 3D work now. I use Chris Ward( http://www.cwrailways.com) who produces good results and tends to be cheaper than Shapeways with faster turnround which removes a lot of frustration. John posted: 5 Jan 2016 12:28 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Barrowman wrote: Attached version might be better. I removed the junk that was in a 2-D page tab and set the origin to something more sensible. Hi Andy, Attached version? Did you forget to attach it? In the setup ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... the hinge for the loose heeled switches was very poor engerneering practice and generally a no no. I conceded defeat and actually found using 8BA or 10BA nuts soldered to the bottom of the sleeper rather satisfying to do. The appropriate bolt recessed bolt in the sleeper top produces the hinge to which the rail is soldered. 2787_031704_250000000.jpg and here is the switch blade about to be soldered in position. 2787_031705_320000000.jpg this shot shows the basic point work in an almost finished state. Just the trackwork to finish and crossing wires installed, before taking outside to spray. It also shows in exaggerated form, the distinctive dogleg produced by the loose heel of the switch. 2787_031658_470000000.jpg Sprayed and wired, the track is very fragile in this state so I took a tip from Iain rice and soldered some rail across the point work to reinforce it. All I've now got to do is get up the courage to lay it in a bed of glue and ballast it all in one just like Norman Solomon!! Martin I'm aware that this isn't strictly 'correct' continuing in 'Baffled beginners ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  1,855k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2547.php
... topic: 2573 Has anyone any idea what this is? (extra rail on the OUTSIDE) posted: 10 Nov 2014 17:39 from: DerekStuart This has got me stumped. It is the only photo I have seen of its kind. As you can see from the attached link (I couldn't upload it as it's copyright by RCTS) at the lower left there is a length of rail on the OUTSIDE of the running rail. It is about the length of an average checkrail and opposite is what looks like either a grease reservoir or some sort of actuator. I know that due to the severe curves in and out of the station (Whitby) there are several grease points, but this seems to be on the outside of the track. No doubt someone here will know and I'll reply with "ah of course. I should have thought that." Thanks Derek http://www.rcts.org.uk/features/mysteryphotos/show.htm?location=Whitby%20Town&serial=6 &img=66-97-19 EDIT: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 96  -  103k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2573.php
... Martin Wynne Hi Graham, Thanks for uploading your files. You also need to upload the .sk81 image file from the \SHAPE-FILES\ folder. Otherwise the background shapes show a picture shape as a blank rectangle. regards, Martin. posted: 28 Jan 2014 14:45 from: Graham Idle Here's the sk81 file. Attachment: attach_1731_2393_elan_14_01_25_143 7_41.sk81 1690 posted: 28 Jan 2014 19:35 from: Martin Wynne Hi Graham, Looking good. The diamond will be about 1:4.7 so will have to be an outside slip -- a nice impressive bit of trackwork at the centre of this small layout. To that end, I moved the loop track a little lower, to make room for the far slip switch. This also gives you a bit more run-round clearance in the loop: 2_281430_470000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 28 Jan 2014 20:22 from: Graham Idle Many thanks, Martin. I thought that it all might be a bit tight. I'm at work tonight but will get a good look at it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 91  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2393.php
... topic: 634 Outside slip posted: 18 Nov 2008 15:52 from: David Hiya Guys This is my first attempt at what I believe may be a Semi Outside Single Slip. Not 100% sure about this. semi_outside.jpg?t =1227005077 My main concern is whether the crossing angles, in particular the Slip road are to obtuse (flat I think). I understand that the K-Crossing angles are on the extreme limit for a fixed elbow, according to the GWR Gospel in the GWR handbook. I guess that the formation is probably not prototypical for a GWR terminus, but due to space restrictions and flowing track plan, my options are limited. However, in 4mm is it possible to build, and have reliable running at these angles. Welcome and appreciate any comments, as this is well outside of my knowledge area. Kind regards Dave Attachment: attach_418_634_gwr_terminus_08_11 _18_0950_34.box 301 posted: 18 Nov 2008 17:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, That's great! Proper partial templates for the slip crossings too! Many thanks for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 91  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_634.php
... topic: 3644 outside slips posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:51 from: Martin Wynne Mike's request for an outside slip set me thinking about them again. With the tandems now automated (at least for the basic designs), outside slips are next on the list to be made a bit easier. So I have been testing 2 new fixing peg positions, OSXP and OSMP. Yes really, even more of them. These 2 make it a lot easier than previous methods to get an outside slip road aligned and to establish the V-crossing angles and positions. At least for a regular diamond-crossing. I have made a bit of video to explain them: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=3o4-PiKKPVaAXZsePJOwSA2 Will be in the next program update, but not for a while because there are several other unfinished loose ends I have to deal with. This now makes it possible to think about a full tools> make outside-slip function, but there's still quite a long way to go in automating the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 91  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3644.php
... topic: 2931 Outside slip posted: 3 Oct 2016 08:37 from: Hayfield I have been asked to make working drawings from what looks like an Iain Rice drawing, there seems to be an outside slip as well as a 3 way turnout, the outside slip is at quite an acute angle, please how do I start. Do i make the central crossing first? I have done a quick search using outside slip on this forum without any luck, so can anyone give me some pointers please, thanks John posted: 3 Oct 2016 11:03 from: Jim Guthrie John, I would start with the diamond crossing then attempt fitting the two switches so that the radius of the slip road is acceptable and the position of the crossings on the slip road is feasible for building. You might also have to watch out for where the locations of the hinge points of the switch blades in the four foot so that the blades are long enough to flex. You might find that you have to make a decision about it becoming half of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2931.php
... add the slips. There are problems straight away as the predefined slips only go down to 1:6. There is also the problem with how to deal with the different V crossings each side. I have been reading as much as I can about irregular crossings and slips and have a better idea of how to put them together now but I can't see how I can get around the low value crossings. On the "inside" of the crossing the slip road had a very tight radius that I guess would require an outside slip to work. Anyone any ideas as to how I can make it a bit curvey but still within a reasonable length? Thanks in anticipation Fraser Last edited on 12 May 2016 22:54 by FraserSmith posted: 14 May 2016 22:51 from: Tony W Hi Fraser. The only useful suggestion I can make to ease the situation would be to slide the two turnouts to the left such that the switch part enters the curved approach producing turnouts of contrary flexure. You can use longer turnouts and this will make ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2875.php
... topic: 2369 Outside Single Slip posted: 1 Jan 2014 12:55 from: Michael Woolford A while back, I started manually draughting (using templates) the trackwork for my new layout. This involved determining the position of turnouts and once happy, sticking the templates to a large roll of paper and penciling in the plain track. Only partially complete, it is a very time consuming process and mistakes/alterations take a long time to redraw (especially if the paper is damaged when removing a previously stuck sown template). All of my turnout templates were obtained from the EMGS and C&L. The C&L templates include an outside single slip with crossing angles of 1 in 4.5 and 1 in 6.5. If possible I would like to attempt a draft of the trackwork in templot to assess the feasibility of the layout in terms of space and geometry. I have searched the forum for previous requests for help in creating an outside single slip and found a few topics. I did find one almost complete template that someone had created ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2369.php
... go and I therefore chose the above section. This won't be used on the layout, rather I can test various methods of attaching the track to the aluminium sheet/cork baseframe and include some practice of building track on plywood baulks (as this style of trackwork will feature on the two large viaducts of TG). There were various admiring comments re the ambition of the trackwork and the work done with the trackplan thus far. However, the knowledgeable track builders amongst them quickly observed that there were several unsupported 'V's within the outside double slip undefined 2297_091115_510000000.jpg Please study the above close up and advise whether the timbers can be positioned to properly support all 'V's. A larger version is in the Image Gallery at: gallery/2297/original/2297_091115_510000000.jpg Regards Dave Attachment: attach_1842_2455_actual_print.box 329 Last edited on 18 May 2014 07:07 by Dave M posted: 10 May 2014 10:42 from: John Palmer Dave, So far as I can see you have a problem with three common crossings in such close proximity on the right hand side of the formation ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2455.php
... topic: 3696 Replacing a peco double slip- easing or outside? posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:55 from: William Williamson I have a layout plan that was put together primarily using peco track geometry to "save time", it has ended up as anything but, but I still feel that the track plan is solid. The throat of the station on my layout looks like below: aYx2cxc.png My thoughts (as you can see above) are now to hand-lay rather than use ready-to-plonk components for the asymmetric threeway and the diamond- and generally I'm fairly comfortable with how this would work. The lack of a Peco bullhead-double slip has made me realise however, that if I'm going to hand lay that too- then the whole area indicated by the pink line above can be laid almost however is required. The only restriction, is that on the adjacent baseboard there is an expectation that the track will flow nicely into the platform roads. Here's a picture showing the two roughly mated (and the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3696.php
... to lay out the track in the 1880s? (ie preferred crossing angles) any hints on double slips? best wishes Richard Jones Wirral ps illustration of approach b) attached for any comments or suggestions- I can't add the illustration of approach a) as this is the OS map and would breach copyright! 1763_150741_460000000.jpg Bump. No replies for Richard? posted: 24 Feb 2010 15:54 from: Stephen Freeman Curved turnouts= long turnouts. Curved Double Slips!!!= evener longer. Don't get me started on outside slips! posted: 24 Feb 2010 16:46 from: John Lewis Richard Singleton- on- the- Bend You do not say the period you are to model- will you have short 4-wheel coaches or ordinary 8-wheel ones? It is your railway and if the LBSCR made the mistake of not curving the line so a model will fit in your living room, then you put them right! The things to watch are the minimum radii, especially on the crossovers, and the spacing between the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  236k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1010.php
... topic: 660 Double outside slip posted: 14 Dec 2008 23:53 from: John Preston Hello to all Here is a print screen of my first attempt at a double outside slip. The timber shoving is not the best, so there is some more work to be done. The Templot .box file is attached to the nest message. Any comments and/or feedback is welcome. Regards John P. Attachment: attach_438_660_OSSLIP.jpg 1263 posted: 14 Dec 2008 23:54 from: John Preston and here is the box file as promised. Attachment: attach_439_660_outside_slip_final .box 507 posted: 15 Dec 2008 22:04 from: donald peters Made me smile posted: 10 Jan 2009 07:01 from: jadafmak I think that is very well done. You have given me incentive to do more. Thank you very much. posted: 17 Dec 2009 22:04 from: awhite I would love to build a double outside slip like that but in f/s 0 Gauge (32mm). Is there any way of converting your drawing from P4 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_660.php
... topic: 819 Half-scissors in P4 posted: 17 May 2009 16:44 from: philchudley Hi All I have made attempt at Templotting an outside single slip in P4, the .BOX for which is attached. This is form the major part of a small goods yard where the maximum loco will be an 0-6 -0T and short wheel base goods stock. I have used curved B7s (REA) and a 1:4 curved diamond as the base templates and I intend to use Exactoscale and C&L components (crossings switches and chairs) for construction using ply sleepers. I would very much appreciate any assistance in "cleaning up" the result as with my limited templot knowledge I cannot find a way eliminating just one rail on a template. This is necessary around the crossing areas. Cheers Phil Attachment: attach_549_819_Outside_Slip_P4.box 381 posted: 17 May 2009 17:27 from: Martin Wynne philchudley wrote: I cannot find a way of eliminating just one rail on a template. This is necessary around the crossing areas. Hi Phil ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_819.php
... topic: 3165 Slips and Half-Scissors posted: 30 Dec 2017 15:25 from: RogerW Slips and Half-Scissors What are the general rules for determining what to use regarding a double slip vs two points heel to heel? Similarly what would determine whether to use an inside single slip vs outside single slip vs half scissors configuration. Many thanks- RogerW posted: 30 Dec 2017 20:10 from: Rob Manchester RogerW wrote: Slips and Half-Scissors What are the general rules for determining what to use regarding a double slip vs two points heel to heel? Similarly what would determine whether to use an inside single slip vs outside single slip vs half scissors configuration. Many thanks- RogerW Hi Roger, Inside or outside( or even semi outside) slips ar usually determined by the crossing angle of the tracks. The radius of the rails on the slip tracks needs to be within sensible( lower) limits. Try using the make slip function on tracks crossing at different angles and check out the positioning and radius of the slip ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3165.php
... a length of plain line leading to where the turnout of other double junction will be. Not having risked "having a dabble" at the menu's, is there a method to move that length of plain line across the third line and create a turnout? I know pictures would speak a thousand words but hopefully question is logical. I'm hoping there is method in the madness as it will certainly help other areas where it would avoid endless roaming of turnouts. Also as a side issue, is there a function to produce an outside slip [straight main line facing and trailing turnouts with one diamond obtuse crossing in main line four foot]? Humble apologies if first question is forcing you to rush into clip D! Cheers, Paul edit: video clips referred to are at: http://templot.com/companion/live_screen_archive.php posted: 7 Nov 2020 22:47 from: Martin Wynne Hi Paul, Welcome to Templot Club. Your second question first -- there isn't a specific function for outside sips, but provided the diamond-crossing is regular ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  64k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3810.php
... Then you can build a new inner fiddle yard at your leisure. A full 2 metre move gives you some extra operating space to get at the stock more easily than doubling the existing fiddle yard width. Something like this: mostyn_fiddle_new.png regards, Martin. posted: 16 Nov 2007 16:32 from: Richard Oldfield Hello Russ, Thanks for your thoughts. I think you are on the 'right track' with your idea of extending the scenic sections down each side and then building a double junction leading to a new fiddle yard outside the existing one. It has the advantage that we could finish the new scenic parts in stages e.g. do the 'Holyhead end first and then the 'Chester' end second. There's no problem in losing the section you identify- it is where the dock branch joins the fiddle yard and we will re-position this to lead into the new fiddle yard. We're not too worried about the need for high speed turnouts- in our experience, as long as we keep within the 1200 minimum radius constraint, then trains will ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_236.php
... topic: 1019 Single Outside Slip posted: 18 Jan 2010 23:09 from: alangdance Can anybody help me get started with building a single outside slip. I have no idea where to start. I have been using Templte for a little while now and have manage a single slip and 3 way tandem using the videos without much problems but do not now where to start on this outside slip. \doed anybody have a box file I could use or just some starting points to get me started. I am working in 00-BF. Any help would be most helpful. Alan posted: 19 Jan 2010 01:07 from: Martin Wynne alangdance wrote: Can anybody help me get started with building a single outside slip. I have no idea where to start. Hi Alan, An outside single slip is essentially two overlapping turnouts. The basic alignments can be derived quite quickly. Here's a bit of Jing video showing that (give it a moment to download): Getting an exact crossing angle requires some experimenting with the crossing angles ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1019.php
... It could be increased if nec. At present there is no location against the outer edge of the rail foot -- as on the prototype, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to drop the rail into the chair. That means location relies entirely on the key, I'm not sure how well that will work for a model. Plenty of trialling and errorring awaits. cheers, Martin. Hi Martin, I think the keys should print OK in Shapeways hi-res resin but I suspect you'll need to include a locator on the outside of the foot. I tried to do it without that, but it didn't work (for me). Things are a bit different with a filament printer like the one I have. Unless you add some sort of support columns that will be removed later, it's not possible to have overhangs that exceed about 40% of the extruder nozzle's diameter. The slicer will build the overhang out gradually with each layer which means that the keys won't be too much like the real thing. For home printing I've completely abandoned any ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
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