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... a massively complex dialog and and an even bigger Help file. For partial templates in a tandem or slip for example, the complexity of the task falls off the scale -- no user is ever going to bother attempting it on-screen. When all that is needed during construction is to download one of the excellent Exactoscale templates, and use it as a reference for the typical chair types and positions. I think it is far better that Templot shows no chairing information, rather than wrong information. I'm still keen to develop the software for all this, and try it on a 3D printer. But purely for our own use, not as part of Templot. Otherwise the support load for users will grow far beyond what I can reasonably manage. And not yet, otherwise the next Templot update will never be ready. It already contains several new but as yet unfinished functions, so I need to spend time on those first. I have obtained the £9.75 offer of TurboCAD Deluxe V20 -- thanks Nigel. But so far I'm disappointed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 166  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... . I'm really very embarrassed that I've been promising irregular diamonds for several years now, and yet they are still not currently available in Templot. They will be in the next Pug, but at present I can't make any promises about when that will be available -- there is still a lot of unfinished stuff to complete and many gaps to fill. Not least the writing of masses of help notes, especially for the sketchboard. After years of saying I would do no such thing, I have decided to make my unfinished development versions of Templot available. I'm sure proper software developers would strongly advise against such a move -- but as I'm not a proper software developer such advice can be happily disregarded. In the short term this is mainly to help those who need irregular diamonds to progress their layouts. But also I'm hoping that feedback from members of a "development group" will be a valuable help in filling the gaps. Unlike some software support forums, I very much do not want to create a "them and us" situation in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 161  -  101k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1479.php
... it. Are you sure it isn't an improvement that you made when you made some. It seems to be quite clear in the article that Mike has gapped as I did, opposite each other...? Have I misunderstood your meaning somehow? Kind regards Andrew posted: 24 Dec 2018 03:44 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Everyone I've not made much progress in the last few weeks electrics apart. But on this subject I've installed the Megapoints board for controlling the turnout and signal servos and here's there's been an interesting development. But before I get to that I've also decided to use the Megapoints relay board, as I had one in stock, to change the polarity of the crossings as previously did on the junction board. So in addition to the Servo control board there's the interface board for the relays and the two relay boards themselves. Anyway back to signal operation. I think I mentioned a little while ago a chap, John over on RMWeb, who's building an impressive layout of Leeds City the Midland side in EM. I noticed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 148  -  1,855k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2547.php
... -one is much bothered? cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Sep 2018 17:50 from: Trevor Walling Hello Martin, I think as long as it is possible to print the actual Templot track images for building track with OpenTemplot all the other stuff in Templot2 is not really needed. The extra work you would make for yourself if you felt obliged to do so would end up taking all your time. We all appreciate what you have provided for already without adding to more work for yourself. I think your enjoyment developing Templot would become an unwelcome ordeal if you ventured down that path. Best regards. Trevor. posted: 6 Sep 2018 11:01 from: madscientist Publish it all on GitHub. Then leave it into the wild, no support After all you can't take it with you! Dave posted: 6 Sep 2018 12:00 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: Publish it all on GitHub. Then leave it into the wild, no support After all you can't take it with you! Hi Dave, It is already ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 122  -  133k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3324.php
... time and its users manage to adapt. The same can be said about Android as well,and Linux is just the same. The key factor is people becoming familiar with a particular piece of software by just using it. I find word processing applications are much the same across all platforms... Trevor. Hi Trevor Totally agree. Windows "style" is prevalent across most Windows personal applications, but once you get beyond that into serious applications then it tends to fall by the wayside. I became a professional software developer and implementer way back in 1969 and Windows only had marginal effects in many application areas. Over the last few years I've become involved in CAD software for my own uses, first for etching purposes, now for 3D printing applications, and in doing so have tried many CAD programs; very few could be said to have a Windows GUI, and most have a steeper learning curve than Templot. I think the way to lead people into using Templot is, as is the case with many programs, is to start with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 118  -  350k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3197.php
... of a RAW image that could be improved. The wagon could do with a bit of tweaking, too. cheers, Martin. posted: 28 Feb 2018 14:04 from: Paul Boyd All this technical talk! I've recently bought a couple of, um, less technical cameras to play with! A Kodak Brownie 127 box set and a GB Kershaw 110. I've got film for them both so I'm waiting for some warm sunny weather to have a go with them! The Kodak costs about £1.50 per frame before developing (8 frames per roll!), so that'll really make me think before pressing the shutter! We get too used to being able to snap away with digital so it's nice to go back to basics once in a while. My go-to camera for carrying with me is a Canon SX720HS, I also use another couple of Canon compacts and a Canon EOS60D DSLR for special projects, for which I have a couple of nice lenses. Oh yes, and a Canon T70 35mm film camera which I take with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  1,335k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3228.php
... topic: 1701 ADMIN: Templot changes posted: 27 Nov 2011 18:41 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, The price of a Templot licence has remained unchanged for over 10 years. That means it is now much cheaper in real terms than it was, despite the many new features introduced over that time. I've allowed this situation to develop because I'm very aware of the deficiencies in Templot as a proper software product -- especially with regard to the confusing mess the user documentation is in. New users have been starting with the 10-year-old version 074b, despite the availability of much improved later versions, simply because 074b is the only version with a reasonably full set of user docs. But I've reached the end of my tether in trying to explain this over and over again in emails to users, despite the fact that it is fully explained in my order confirmation letter. If we carry on as we are I shall be ill. There is simply no way in the short term that I can find the time to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 96  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1701.php
... working on Windows is a worry. Assuming Windows still exists in its present form, even. Surprisingly, at present it is working better on Windows10 than it has ever done before. I have no plans to shuffle off stage just yet, but if the proverbial bus runs me over tomorrow, I have arranged that Templot in its present form and this web site would continue to be available for at least 5 years -- assuming someone keeps clicking the donations button of course. But there is no-one else to continue developing it or to answer questions about it. I have been wondering what to do about that. The task of explaining all the code to someone else is just too awful to contemplate -- it would put updating the Templot Companion completely in the shade. In fact there are some sections of the code which are now a bit of a mystery even to me, I would need to study them long and hard to remember how I made it work. cheers, Martin. posted: 21 Jan 2018 21:00 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 96  -  143k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3189.php
... topic: 1296 digital trends -- and Templot? posted: 27 Nov 2010 10:16 from: Martin Wynne 15 years ago many homes had an IBM-pattern Business Computer, desperately pretending to be a domestic appliance but in truth serving little recreational purpose and requiring a tame teenage geek to do anything remotely technical, such as connecting to the internet or printing a photograph. But it was an ideal gadget on which to plan a model railway, and I developed Templot for it. Go into PC World today and where are the desktop computers? All but gone. Instead there is a dazzling display of sleek must-have mobile devices, itouch raspberry padpod netphones with enough computing power in the palm of your hand to run a nuclear power station. It's almost impossible to come out without one. Perfect if you want to tweeter to your friends from the back of the bus, or get the closing prices on the London Metal Exchange while sitting on the train home. But run Templot? Several people have told me that Templot is now ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 86  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1296.php
10. Despair
... describing what you want to achieve and how you're thinking of setting about it on Templot Club. There are a load of Templot users there of varying degrees of experience who would be only too willing to provide suggestions and guidance. There's bound to be a distinct learning curve in getting to grips with software such as Templot and drawing on the experience of others who've been along that curve is a good way of getting going....." I think the "greatest good" is heavily weighted towards you continuing with Templot development. cheers Nigel posted: 18 Mar 2009 00:44 from: allanferguson Martin style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffee"I and no doubt hundreds of others have got to grips with Templot; it took a while, and I'm still discovering new tricks, but Templot does what I want it to do, which is probably different from what many others want it to do. style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffee"You can't be all things to all people, and I think you have to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  106k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_766.php
... that you don't want them -- at the very least for 24 hours. They are not difficult to delete, you can do it without leaving Templot by right-clicking in the File dialogs. Of course it's your computer and if you want to overwrite existing files when saving data, that's up to you. But Templot is not going to do anything to facilitate that. Programs such as AJC Active Backup (highly recommended) have been created to get round the shortcomings of the Windows way of working, but I can't develop Templot on the assumption that everyone is running such software. I know the BOX-FILES folder can get a bit cluttered, but at least you know all your work is there if needed. The recent files list is the way to quickly find your current work, and the button for that is the first on the left on the program panel window (formerly the control room) at start-up. Even if I didn't feel so strongly about it, it would be difficult to implement in practice. In Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  164k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_330.php
... branch gradient is 1:55 C to D branch gradient is 1:45 Minimum radius is 850mm (33"). It's tight for EM, but just about doable I think. I will try adding some more and see how it goes. Anyone else? There is increased room for the visible area of the eastern junctions, which should look very impressive. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Jun 2008 06:42 from: Paul Hamilton Wow! Thanks Nigel and Martin! Some previous work on this design was developed by others primarily with a focus on prototypical MR/LMS period operations (ie minimimum facing points etc) and suggested the following schematic. This eliminates the slip and simplifies the details 2A and 2B with the inclusion of simply catch points also at these locations. I will eliminate the short siding from detail 3 and altered the pointwork slightly in detail 1 from what was originally shown. Attachment: attach_292_458_RevisedLayout.JPG 2036 posted: 25 Jun 2008 06:55 from: Paul Hamilton Additionally the following has been developed to aid operational planning and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  145k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_458.php
... topic: 2720 About the docs yet again posted: 3 Jul 2015 20:36 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, Long-standing members will sigh to see yet another post in which Martin agonises about the Templot documentation. We have been here before with numerous false starts and second thoughts, and we are no further forward. Today I have been surveying all through the Templot web site, and really it is an awful mess, having developed piecemeal over 15 years or more. There is no overall structure or plan at all, and great swathes of it are out of date. It is not surprising that beginners find it so difficult to find information. For me creating the Templot program itself is a piece of cake compared with the task of writing and maintaining the documentation for it, and I have to concede that I have failed miserably in that regard. My only consolation is that nowadays no-one is paying me for any of it. Here is a run through the present state of affairs: 1. First there is the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2720.php
... topic: 1971 TDV 12 months on- and still no updated docs? posted: 31 May 2012 21:59 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, It is now just 12 months since I invited members to help me develop TDV, and 6 months since it became Templot2 and available free to all. So a good moment perhaps to reflect on where we have got to. The main prompt for the original decision was the need to get the irregular diamonds into your hands as quickly as possible, because you had been asking and pleading for them for years. I didn't think I could make anyone wait any longer, even if the development version was in a half-finished mess. The strange thing is, that after all the clamour for them, they now hardly get a mention on here. So either the demand wasn't really there, or I got them just right first time -- which is difficult to believe. The same goes for several of the other new features -- platforms, gaunt turnouts, wrapping a picture shape along ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  267k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1971.php
... Dear all, Today I'm working on John Watt's irregular diamonds, and I'm very aware that the code I'm using -- both for the diamonds and for mouse-action adjustment of check rails -- is now 5 years old since it was written, and it still hasn't made it into a Pug release. I'm beginning to despair that it ever will. I've written about this problem several times before, but I'm no nearer a solution. In recent months I have been able to spend almost no time at all on program development. All my Templot time has been spent on user support, not only on here but also on RMweb and elsewhere, and in emails. I recently turned 60, and I'm getting genuinely worried that the grey cells will fail on me before I can get everything done in Templot that I want to do. Already there are areas of the code which were crystal clear when I wrote them 20 years ago, but are now getting distinctly foggy. I'm worried that in 10 years time I will have forgotten how Templot works ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_618.php
... topic: 3607 Making sense of program code in Lazarus posted: 8 Feb 2020 15:31 from: DerekStuart Hello Martin Sorry, I can't find the thread you discussed this, but could you add me to the list of those who can view the development sub-forum, please? I am particularly looking for the thread where you described how to get started with programming (the link to the compiler and there were a couple of useful sites you suggested for further guidance.) I'm afraid I'm not about to develop Templot 3 any time soon, but I'm hoping to get beyond "Hello World." Many thanks Derek posted: 8 Feb 2020 15:48 from: DerekStuart Thanks Martin. I can see it now. A nice weekend of reading awaits (not to mention some headaches no doubt). Derek posted: 8 Feb 2020 15:50 from: Martin Wynne Hi Derek, You are now green. You should now be able to see: http://85a.co.uk/forum/view_forum.php?id=26 although there ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  179k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3607.php
... at random angles. The bright colours in the screenshots are simply to make the details more visible. *not when crabbed. cheers, Martin. posted: 30 Jul 2018 17:34 from: Rob Manchester Martin Wynne wrote: I'm making some progress, as discussed on the 3D printing topic. Chairing works for equalized timbers or square-on, and the chairs remain on the rails when timbers are shoved: cheers, Martin. Hi Martin, Thanks. Yes you are making great progress, interesting to watch the the development of this even if much is way over my head Rob PS...Ha Ha, Surely you need to take the chair screws out of the chairs before you can shove the timbers otherwise the rail will get slewed over? posted: 30 Jul 2018 18:01 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Rob. The 3D printing stuff is going over my head too. I'm still writing DXF code the same way I did in the 1980s. That's why I started this separate topic to cover the track design aspects. Here is something ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
... and just the menus exist. I know the bloke is on holiday but is he coming back after? It's not normal to just blank a website like this. Hi Derek, Phil at C&L is obviously completely out of his depth with computers. At present he is on holiday, and says he has found someone to fix his website. In recent days the C&L web site has been all over the place, so it seems that whoever is fixing it is working on the live site and not a development copy. And doesn't have the sense to put up a "sorry for any inconvenience" message. Without someone in the firm who actually knows what they are doing with IT, I think you may do better to stick to stamped addressed envelopes and phone calls. Folks who do that report excellent service. Exactoscale have a new web site at: http://exactoscale.com/ which takes up to 5 minutes to appear. The present situation at both C&L and Exactoscale is in flux. I'm sure it will ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  182k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3271.php
... 20 Aug 2014 06:45 from: Ade Please move this if I'm posting in the wrong place. The videos found here are all Windows EXE files. Why is this, please? It's a real pain in the proverbial to try to run these on a Mac, even with Crossover. I appreciate that there is no intention to make a Mac version of Templot itself, but why oh why does it have to be so difficult to access the training materials? I really, really like Templot and- as a software developer myself- appreciate very much the efforts of Martin to create and maintain this (let alone provide support), but why does it have to be so difficult to access the tutorial videos? [/ rant] Thanks! posted: 20 Aug 2014 07:00 from: Matt M. Hi Ade. In what way are these a pain to use? I run Templot in Bootcamp on a Mac. The videos run in a web browser without problems. They also run on the Mac side in Safari or any other ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  144k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2514.php
... anyway.) Because Templot does not follow this now almost universal approach (for better or worse), I find it very difficult to even get started with it after over 25 years of using a style of window interface that is common to everything else I do on my PC. No wonder anyone forgets the sequence of key/mouse strokes or menu options between sessions. If ever Martin can be persuaded to move Templot closer to the Windows style of interface, I will be delighted and I am confident his user base would develop exponentially. But I will not hold my breath... Templot is a remarkable tool for those who have the patience to cross the boundary to its inner mysteries and I only wish there was enough life ahead of me so I could be one of them. Cheers, David C posted: 5 Mar 2009 19:42 from: Martin Wynne David Catton wrote: Xerox engineers insisted that the same drop-down menus and mouse actions were employed on all applications be it document creation, spreadsheet, slide presentation, database ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  239k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_752.php
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