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Search results for: innermost

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... 09 from: Brian Lewis Martin Wynne wrote Double outside slips are certainly found in UK track, more commonly in yards than in running lines. Here is a well-known picture of one. Notice that it is not symmetrical, the left-hand slip road is longer and to an easier radius than the right-hand slip road. Which adds to the fun of building it. double_outslip.jpg Amazing! Now I have just got to build one of these. It would be fairly easy to construct- just start with the innermost straight section, as you normally so do in construction of tandems, slips and crossings, and work your way outwards. But with my limited skills with Templot, I would have to just scribe a few lines with a trammel and work from those- unless Martin came up with a tutorial.... Regards Brian Lewis Carrs -- C+ L Finescale. http://www.finescale.org.uk posted: 29 May 2008 18:17 from: phileakins Paul has kindly posted his outside slip which is in P4- How ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  99k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_444.php
... roads. If you want longer roads then the line from the centre would have to be at an angle and that would mean that your fiddle yard would have to move at the same angle, and your loco head shunt section would also have to be at the same angle. Your main fiddle yard and your loco head shunt would them become forms of parallelograms. A problem with this setup is that you might require a bit more room to give full movement of the yard- i.e. the outermost fiddle yard track matches the innermost curve- since the movement of the fiddle yard to the left also moves it down and if the lower limit of the drawing is a brick wall, then there will be definite limit to the leftward travel. I worked out something similar many years ago but used a sector plate rather than a traverser on a curve. I wrote it up for the S Scale Newsletter so I'll have to dig back a long way to see if I can find it and refresh my memory on the maths that was necessary Jim. posted ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_994.php

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