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... topic: 2702 Turnout Cost Comparison posted: 29 May 2015 14:24 from: madscientist following on I did a quick and dirty book comparison, using only C&L pricing using a Templot turnout for a right hand B 5 type turnout all sleepers are 1.6mm thick 1.2 metres of HiNi Bullhead £1.2( assuming you are bulk buying rail) 2.5 strips of 17" long copper clad £2.62 4 strips of 1.6 ply 300mm sleeper strip £0.68 exactoscale 1.6mm turnout sleepers( builds 2 points) £4.25 vero pins costs have been ignored@ 8.50 per 1000 Chairs- plastic c&L 60 plain chairs @4.8p per chair( 500) £2.9 c&l 20 slide chairs £1.71 allows 20 chairs for butchering £0.96 Exactoscale ABC fully functional chairs turnout builds 2 point £4.50 per point Exactoscale Common Crossing chairs( 2 points £4.50 so you can see firstly that ply is now far cheaper then any other method so 90% ply with functional plain chairs+ slide and some copper clad at strong points with cosmetic chairs at common ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2702.php
... so much detail in the chairs that the file was enormous and Shapeways couldn't handle it. I will have to make them a bit less detailed. I think it's mainly caused by all the fillets. They do make the rendering look very pretty but they are probably invisible when printed at 1:76 anyway, so off they come. Regards, ab posted: 1 Aug 2017 03:06 from: Andrew Barrowman I simplified the three bolt chairs and ordered samples in both sintered nylon and FUD (Frosted Ultra Detail) for comparison. I'll also print some in PLA on my printer. Here's the rendering: 2983_312156_480000000.jpg posted: 1 Aug 2017 03:55 from: Martin Wynne That's looking very good Andy. You do realise that my reference to daylight showing through steel keys was in jest? Do I understand that you are now planning to make these 3D prints available commercially? Do Peco know about this? Martin. posted: 1 Aug 2017 04:58 from: Andrew Barrowman Martin Wynne wrote: That's looking very good Andy. You do realise ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... than a few seconds I get a blinding headache. Sorry, but there it is.[ Did you select HQ before running it? It looks better on my system?!!] Well Martin, I agree that your need is for a higher quality than mine, but my screen shot is of a 1920x1200 screen running at 90dpi!!! From the looks of it, you screen shot is 120 dpi (and on a smaller screen?) so it is just easier to read full stop! Perhaps a better comparison is on Techsmith's own site with a direct comparison between swf and Mpeg 4 http://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-jing-video-format-swf-mp4.html Of course swf is better but the Mpeg 4 is not unuseable (but I never get headaches!!). It seems to me that there has to be some compromise somewhere as the ideal is not attainable- it seems a shame to not have the videos- especially as they are so useful to beginners. Best wishes, Howard Last edited on 18 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  163k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2260.php
... 7 turnout, everyone knew what I meant. Things nowadays are rather different. A majority of the new users are 00 modellers, and many of them have never built their own track. They want to learn to do that to do justice to the recent improvements in 00 RTR models, and obtain Templot as the perceived first step in that direction. But if I refer to a B-7 turnout now, a good proportion of the readers are going to need an explanation of what that means, preferably with diagrams, comparison with Peco turnouts, and advice on when to use a B-6 or B-8 instead. The task just doubled in size. regards, Martin. posted: 1 Jun 2012 01:47 from: Glen Suckling Hi Martin, I am probably not a typical TEMPLOT user but my modus operandi is to design track formations in TEMPLOT and then build them from the resulting template. In this context a track formation can be anything from a single turnout to a complex station throat. For this the irregular diamonds are ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  267k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1971.php
... S4 flangeways. posted: 8 Apr 2009 22:46 from: Brian Lewis richard_t wrote: I think it's perhaps best to stick with one supplier. I have gone for C&L rail as I like their NiHi rail- I haven't seen Exacto's rail so I can't comment (and they don't seem to attend many 7mm exhibitions.) But I've gone for Exacto's chairs and fishplates. My reasoning, which may well be wrong, is that the moulds could be newer and therefore the definition of the chairs better. Now comparisons of varying manufacturer's products are something for the users to ponder upon and for the manufacturers to stand back from. However, I will comment that the age of a mould is no indicator of quality, crispness or whatever. I am sure all users of plastic injection moulding tooling have their tools maintained as required. As far as C+ L is concerned, we have a rolling programme of maintenance and refurbishment. In recent years I have spent in excess of £20,000- probably more, on tool maintenance. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  169k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_780.php
... user but I found it was just getting too sluggish. Unfortunately Chrome is heading the same way as software developers keep fiddling with things for the sake of it, or more likely to justify their jobs! posted: 28 May 2015 18:18 from: Trevor Walling Hello, I was a Firefox user but I found it was just getting too sluggish. It could be the cache is too large2110_281317_570000000.png Regards. posted: 28 May 2015 23:39 from: Rob Manchester Hello, It would be good if we had a comparison chart giving the types of track making 'methods' available and the pro's and con's of each method. People browsing the forum in the future would be aided by this, just reading all the( helpful) replies on here may tend to confuse. The chart could give a view on the strength, longlivity, cosmetic looks, ease of building, etc and could add comments specific to a method( smell of the glue, hard to find parts or suchlike). Any takers to compile one? Two specific questions : ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  149k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2698.php
... topic: 1420 Comparison of N and 2mm Fine Scale gauges printout posted: 15 Mar 2011 12:07 from: kenbec I have decided to use code 40 track but haven't yet decided whether to use the N or 2mmFS gauge width for the standard track. As a test to allow me to create test straight track in both gauges I created a simple 500mm length drawing in N for UK gauge and printed it. I then changed to 2mmFS gauge using the gauge/scale selector and printed it. In both cases the Information Panel showed the correct gauge of 9mm and 9.42mm respectively. The printouts were identical. Does this mean that changing the gauge is not possible after a track template has been created? I thought from other reading that a change as simple as this was possible. Is the only way I can get a printout of a 2mm 9.42mm gauge straight by creating it as an original? This is not a problem with the turnouts I have designed as I intend to still use the 9mm standard in their case. Regards, ken PS ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1420.php
... or a local club. And many of them use Templot. If Templot creates the files for 3D printing directly it opens up a whole new range of layout possibilities. But still a long way to go. cheers, Martin. posted: 27 Jan 2020 22:18 from: Andy Reichert I was responding to the "faster way" part of the post. The presumption that a newer technology automatically has greater benefit than exiting methods, is not always 100% correct. It's usually worthwhile to do a more in depth comparison as to which ways provide the most desirable results. In hobbies as well as in industry. Andy posted: 27 Jan 2020 23:07 from: Martin Wynne Andy Reichert wrote: I was responding to the "faster way" part of the post. The presumption that a newer technology automatically has greater benefit than exiting methods, is not always 100% correct. It's usually worthwhile to do a more in-depth comparison as to which ways provide the most desirable results. In hobbies as well as in industry. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  116k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3578.php
... posted: 23 Dec 2018 03:39 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Barrowman wrote: There you go! Slap some paint on them and nobody will be able to tell they were not injection moulded. Thanks Andy. Yes, I was quite pleased with them. What I don't know yet, is whether this is near the limit of what can be expected from a home filament printer, or whether I still have a long way to go to get the best out of it. Have you tried anything in 7mm scale for comparison? I shall be interested to see what Stephen comes up with when he gets his printer going. cheers, Martin. posted: 23 Dec 2018 04:50 from: Andrew Barrowman Martin Wynne wrote: Andrew Barrowman wrote: There you go! Slap some paint on them and nobody will be able to tell they were not injection moulded. Thanks Andy. Yes, I was quite pleased with them. What I don't know yet, is whether this is near the limit of what can be expected from a home filament ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
... used several partial templates in other areas to get the best fit to the plan. It is recommended, that on the initial viewing of the formation, one should remove the track centre lines as these do tend to clutter and give false track alignments at first sight, these can then be replaced as and when during further viewing. BTW, In the final box file, the first 31 templates (hidden from the background) are the original plain track templates used as the base, which I have left in the box for comparison for anyone that wishes to look and check. Although, it took me quite a while to reach this stage, in doing this formation, I have learned a considerable amount about using Templot. I would be most grateful for any input comments from you more experienced Templotters, as I would like to get things put right (if in error). Best regards to all. Brian Nicholls. Attachment: attach_860_1227_Plain_Track_BASE-AK.box 226 posted: 1 Sep 2010 23:26 from: Brian Nicholls Hi All, This is the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1227.php
... Regards Brian Lewis. posted: 16 Sep 2009 09:19 from: philchudley Thanks Martin and Brian for your comments. I have ordered the relevant diagrams from the LSWR Society and will verify/ change my templot plan accordingly. Will visit Brian's stand at Scaleforum with regards the purchase of Timber Tracks and possible production of specific Track bases for other LSWR Turnouts. Brian, are the templates from Templot (developed from prototype data) OK for the Timber Track production? If so I could bring some along at Scaleforum for discussion/ comparison to the existing Timber Track LSWR turnouts. Thanks and regards Phil Chudley posted: 16 Sep 2009 09:51 from: Brian Lewis philchudley wrote: Thanks Martin and Brian for your comments. I have ordered the relevant diagrams from the LSWR Society and will verify/ change my templot plan accordingly. Will visit Brian's stand at Scaleforum with regards the purchase of Timber Tracks and possible production of specific Track bases for other LSWR Turnouts. Brian, are the templates from Templot (developed from prototype data) OK for the Timber Track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_934.php
... , and the accuracy to which the wheelset BB could reasonably be expected to be maintained within the specified maximum. In practice, experience has shown that 0.25mm may be a little too generous, and a clearance of 0.15mm may be regarded as the minimum permissible." At this early stage of my renewed study, it appears that P4 makes use of some concessions as I have been pondering for 1:48 scale on 22.2mm gauge track- but that Scale7 is essentially a direct scale reduction from the prototype (?) Shall prepare comparison diagrams tonight after spending the day in the workshop. Cheers, Brian McKenzie posted: 22 Aug 2014 07:33 from: Jim Guthrie Brian McK wrote: At this early stage of my renewed study, it appears that P4 makes use of some concessions as I have been pondering for 1:48 scale on 22.2mm gauge track- but that Scale7 is essentially a direct scale reduction from the prototype (?) Brian, I can just about remember the Exact Standards discussions of over forty years ago- some might call them ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  60k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2515.php
... makes a startling difference when rotated in front of this monitor screen (flat-screen monitors emit polarised light). Then the sun came out, so a chance to try it on the camera. Brilliant! Reflections from shiny surfaces much reduced, sky twice as blue, plants and foliage show more saturated colours. But it is clearly confusing the autofocus. I shall have to use manual focus with it, which is no great difficulty with distant views- just set infinity. If the sun stays out I will post some comparison pics later. cheers, Martin. posted: 26 May 2018 20:51 from: Nigel Brown Martin Wynne wrote: Nigel Brown wrote: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5782473 Thanks Nigel. The sky looks a bit threatening there. I like your phone box picture lower down: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5782443 Martin. I use Highlights/Shadows in Photoshop Elements quite a lot. Here I used it to brighten the darker bits (shadow lifting) and darken the brighter bits (gives ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  1,335k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3228.php
... an animation, sorry it is so old: f7_snap_ani.gif More about it, and the various options, here: http://templot.com/martweb/f7_snap_demo.htm This is provided mainly as an aid for beginners, because the results are not very prototypical. Real railways don't design complex trackwork this way. Or at least they didn't, in the era most modellers wish to replicate, with smooth flowing curved junctions and station throats. regards, Martin. Thanks Martin, I was aware of that. My comments were more as a comparison of GUI orientated cad as opposed to specific templot issues posted: 26 Mar 2015 21:20 from: madscientist Nigel Brown wrote: madscientist wrote: Most CAD systems have fairly consistent approach these days. First you build up a set of parts, either from scratch or from templates. These parts then appear as a selectable list on a pane. The user can then drag and drop such parts where the default action would be to attach itself to the designated" snap" point( as opposed to peg idea), ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  170k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2650.php
... of hell if required, is a MK7 so had all the problems ironed out, and hardly uses any fuel... modern cars maybe horrible to work on, but when they're going they are pretty impressive compared to what we grew up with! Blimey I'm beginning sound ancient. One last memory, I once got a ride in an MGB and that was a very different animal to the A. No scuttle shake, far less buffeting from wind and I felt really quite insulated from the road and the weather, by comparison. Really nice car. The MGA was a raw experience. Kind regards Andrew posted: 26 Oct 2020 23:08 from: Andrew Barrowman Andrew Duncan wrote: Andrew Barrowman wrote: Are you up for a race Andrew? 2983_251702_140000000.jpg But not this year. We just had six inches of snow and IDSPIDY will be tucked-up in the garage till Spring. Enjoy the Beemer! Cheers, Andy Hello Andy A race, I'm not sure I'm quite up to Italian exotica acceleration figures, although i might eventually catch you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  1,855k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2547.php
... and how to check the "stock gauge", see: http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_realtrack.htm#set http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_realtrack.htm#split_switch Sometimes for curved switches a proper check rail is provided immediately in front of the inner switch tips, as shown in this picture (linked from RMweb, thanks to Adrian Marks): 41_horseboxes_1.jpg This prevents the wheel flanges from running hard against the outer rail as they approach the tip of the switch. In photographs you can often estimate such matters by comparison with the rail width. Most modern UK rails are 2.3/4" wide, which is significantly more than the flangeway gap of 1.3/4" and significantly less than the switch opening of 4.1/4". Even in this picture you can see that the switch opening is more than a rail width. For P4 I suggest a slightly overscale switch opening of 1.5mm (which allows for the slightly overscale flangeway gap clearance needed behind the blade). For EM and 00-SF 1.5mm opening may not be enough ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  138k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_235.php
... reverse curve. I would expect that Bullhead P&C speed limits would be lower than these figures but it is undefined interesting to see how slowly the limit rises as the turnouts lengthen. 2151_041315_060000000.png Regards Tony. posted: 4 Nov 2014 20:02 from: DerekStuart Cheers Tony. Someone did also show me a copy of a BH version of that document, but in the 100s of bits I've got I've misplaced it. If the 'owner' is agreeable I will upload it to this thread as it would make a good comparison for anyone else between the two tables. EDIT: That one was for FB as well, but the poster said the speeds would be the same. The doc also shows that for a crossover (or 'return curve' I would have thought) mostly drops 5MPH. Last edited on 4 Nov 2014 20:06 by DerekStuart Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Trackbuilding topics> Speed limits through turnout (to decide which ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2565.php
... is 260' x 109'. If I believe the OS it is 200' x 46'. If I believe the sketch it is 112' x 49' So I am struggling. What I need is a fixed dimension I believe to calibrate the scales on the drawing.... posted: 20 Oct 2014 21:32 from: alan@york The width can be estimated by the number of tracks going into it, and making any required, inspired guesses based on photos you hold. Ditto length from comparison with known loco/wagon in front. http://www.alangeorge.co.uk/dowlais_caeharrisstation.htm has photos of the shed to enable you to do this,- seem to be 3 roads at say 12' spacing plus end errors would be nearer 46' than 109' I don't know the length of the loco in front of the shed, that's your pigeon& puzzle. Seems as if OS is better than the plan, by all accounts, just by looking at the photos, and noting the ratio of the sides/ends ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2553.php
... nothing wrong. Surely Avast gives you an option to bypass or ignore its objections? If not I would change to an anti-virus program which does. The download is much larger than previously because I have included 3 different embedded versions of the Templot Companion for testing. You can find them at help> experimental Companion formats> menu item. Note that there is as yet no more actual content than on the web site, it is the format I'm testing, not the content. I included Windows classic CHM purely for comparison, it is not a practical option because it won't launch the FBR video files directly, whereas the other two formats will. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Oct 2015 14:39 from: David Long Thanks, Martin, but I've just tried it again and it is still blocking an infection called DRep. As I said previously I have not had any problem with Avast in the past and I have the latest iteration. It looks like I shall have to uninstall it in order to get Templot back. David ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2751.php
... Index without needing to be downloaded and run from your browser. At present they are temporarily linked in the program from the watch a video> menu item in no particular order. Which is ok pro-tem, but is not a long-term solution as the number of them grows. I prefer the EXE version for ease of use, but unfortunately it won't run under Wine/ CrossOver. So I have also created the simple viewer version which will run anywhere. I have included the classic Windows CHM format simply for comparison with other Windows programs. It is not a viable solution because it doesn't provide file linking. Even if it did, I wouldn't want to use it because it is truly awful -- originally introduced, full of bugs, nearly 20 years ago with Windows98 and never changed since. Why Microsoft continue to provide this with Windows10, with no apparent intention to replace it, is something of a mystery. Presumably the idea is that everything in future will be done via the web. After so many false starts over the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2755.php
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