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Search results for: 2_040506_390000000.png

1 result found.

Did you mean: Pink or Panic or pong?
... " with the hourglass/ spinning roundel showing while saving, but if you wait long enough it does come back without error. But that's just my system, I wouldn't want to guarantee that Templot can handle such large files on all systems. There has to be a limit somewhere -- the difficulty is in specifying what it is, because all systems are different. Here is a tiny bit of it on the trackpad with a turnout aligned over it. I hope this small section falls within fair dealing for copyright purposes: 2_040506_390000000.png I was pleasantly surprised to find zooming and panning on the trackpad quite fast and smooth. It wouldn't transfer to the sketchboard in the default metafile format -- I got a streaming "out of memory" error, not really surprising. But by changing to the manual option to add the trackplan item in bitmap format, and using the boundary rectangle* option (the green outline above), it did work. This is the sketchboard view: 2_040506_400000001.png However, I couldn't get it into the PDF or print outputs. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2246.php

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