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Search results for: 2_050720_070000000.png

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... require several settings to be changed. Finding default settings which would be appropriate in all circumstances has been a headache. I doubt very much that buying a new computer will make much difference. I am seeing the same effects here. It would make some difference, assuming increased memory, but maybe not enough to make a significant change. You can probably get everything in the PDF correctly by reducing the DPI (dots per inch) setting. I found that it worked fine at 100 DPI, but not at higher settings: 2_050720_070000000.png 100 DPI means everything is rounded to the nearest 10 thou. That's probably fine for the sketchboard items, but not good for the track templates. I usually recommend at least 300 DPI for those, and 600 DPI looks neater. Here is a close up from your plan at 100 DPI. You can see that the rounding effects at 100 DPI produce wonky rail lines and varying rail width: 2_050716_120000000.png That's probably acceptable in 7mm scale, but discrepancies of this magnitude would obviously be unacceptable in 2mm scale. So ideally you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2229.php

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