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Search results for: 2_131602_520000000.png

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... you can control which overdraws which: 2_150605_380000003.png You can control the visibility of overdrawn items to some extent by using the transparency settings, but this will work only for small items. The Windows graphics systems won't zoom transparent items beyond a certain limit. If transparent items are missing from the output, try changing them back to solid. skewed ends on platforms: There is a new function to skew the ends of a platform. In other words to shorten or extend the rear edge of the platform relative to the front edge: 2_131602_520000000.png Combined with the option to set a different platform width at each end, this allows a much greater range of platform shapes to be created and combined. In practice, the most useful application of a skewed end is where a platform ramp lies between diverging tracks. At present the two square ends of the half-platforms produce a mismatched end to the ramp: 2_131603_510000002.png 2_131603_510000003.png With the new function, the end of each half-platform can be skewed to match, producing a much neater result: 2_131603_500000001.png 2_131603_500000000.png program preferences ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1511.php
... topic: 2197 Skewed platform ends posted: 13 Apr 2013 21:25 from: Martin Wynne At present the ends of a platform are always drawn square to the rails. This isn't always convenient, so in the next program update I have added a function to skew the platform ends. In other words to shorten or extend the rear edge of the platform relative to the front edge: 2_131602_520000000.png Combined with the option to set a different platform width at each end, this allows a much greater range of platform shapes to be created and combined. In practice, the most useful application of a skewed end is where a platform ramp lies between diverging tracks. At present the two square ends of the half-platforms produce a mismatched end to the ramp: 2_131603_510000002.png 2_131603_510000003.png With the new function, the end of each half-platform can be skewed to match, producing a much neater result: 2_131603_500000001.png 2_131603_500000000.png In the next program update soon. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2197.php

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