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Search results for: 2_251946_090000001.png

1 result found.

Did you mean: Pink or Panic or pong?
... Martin Wynne At present it's possible to leave copies of the dummy vehicle scattered about for clearance testing purposes. But the exact spot where they need to be left isn't always obvious, leading to a lot of swapping to and fro between the dummy vehicle and making fresh copies of it. So I thought it would be useful to generate a clearance envelope all along the length of a template, as if the dummy vehicle had been rolled from end to end. I have added an extra button to the dialog for the purpose: 2_251946_090000001.png The purple lines show the result. At this zoom level it looks a bit of a mess, but all becomes clear when zoomed in. I'm creating a curviform double-junction there. It's usual to stagger the turnouts to ensure a running clearance (and also to make it easier for the rodding runs). But by how much? At first sight it would seem that the closest clearance conflict would be at A, but on zooming in it is found to be at B: 2_251946_090000000.png Not by much, and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3085.php

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