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Search results for: 2_260016_310000003.png

3 results found.
... ? By how much? I'm assuming that with a double-extruder printer, if not using the other nozzle for water sols, you could have 0.4mm or 0.6mm on one nozzle to print the timbers fairly quickly, and then use a 0.2mm nozzle on the other to print the chairs onto them? Is that a sensible idea, or have you just fallen off your chair laughing? Some progress with the coding, we now have the inner jaw finished with the insert in the rail web: 1. prototype rail dimensions: 2_260016_310000003.png 2. SMP rail to your dims: 2_260016_310000002.png Notice that the inner jaw insert is much less robust because of the thicker rail web, and the key is significantly deformed because of the excessive head depth. You can see that better on the end views: 2_260016_310000001.png 2_260016_300000000.png The SMP rail is significantly under scale width, the head is too deep, and the web is too thick. The deformed key which results and the weaker inner jaw is evident. It can't be beefed up much because of the need to clear wheel ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
... use them as a reference while constructing pointwok on Templot templates: 2_191943_000000000.png© Exactoscale I'm currently working to add chairing to Templot, at least for the basic turnouts. It's extremely complicated and varies for different prototypes and periods, so it can never be just a few clicks. The chairs also have to re-arrange themselves when timbers are shoved. Here is an idea of how it will look on the trackpad: 2_301200_590000000.png The main reason for doing it is to create files from Templot for home 3D printing, like this: 2_260016_310000003.png 2_220920_110000000.jpg 2_252113_340000000.jpg But there is still a long way to go. At present I'm fully occupied with other more pressing stuff, such as a new file format for the open-source version of Templot. cheers, Martin. posted: 20 Oct 2019 15:41 from: tmarston Hello Martin, Thank you for your reply. On the screen shot above from template you show chair outlines on the track bed. If you can show this why can you not issue the update with a provisor about shoving the track bed. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3525.php
... radio-control into locomotives. Or maybe not -- step forward the trade to do that, and 3D printing to create complex track formations, and such layouts are within anyone's reach -- no more requests on RMweb for help with filing switch blades and using track gauges and which track standard to use. Now what we need is a computer program which can produce the 3D printer files for your common-or-garden slip crossover or curved double junction -- anyone have any ideas where to find such a thing? 2_260016_310000003.png Freed from the need to fiddle about with sore fingers and bits of rail and broken chairs, 2_201859_050000000.jpg (two sleepers is a long way from a working layout) I think I could rediscover my enthusiasm for the 3D-printed track -- but this time the whole thing, with all the complex rail parts printed-in too. It just need some thought about separately printed switch blades and maybe a return to loose-heel switches. For filament printing it is going to need water-sol supports below the rails ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  116k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3578.php

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