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Search results for: 2_301200_590000000.png

3 results found.
... storage box( like the timber/sleeper length one which is great). It would need to be broken down into quantities of S1, L1 types etc. This would make ordering/stock checking a breeze. Thanks Rob. Yes, that's on my list. Also splitting the timbering into separate counts for sleepers and turnout timbers. I'm making some progress, as discussed on the 3D printing topic. Chairing works for equalized timbers or square-on, and the chairs remain on the rails when timbers are shoved*: 2_301200_590000000.png For 3D printing, the chairs go into the exported DXF files: 2_301202_320000000.png As you can see, there is a long way still to go. The chair jaws and keys to add, and then all the special switch and crossing chairs. 2_301203_170000000.png Of course this level of detail won't survive 3D printing in 4mm scale, but it might in 7mm, and should do in the larger scales. The screw heads are all at random angles. The bright colours in the screenshots are simply to make the details more visible. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
... PDF files. They are vector files and can be zoomed in to reveal the full detail. You can then use them as a reference while constructing pointwok on Templot templates: 2_191943_000000000.png© Exactoscale I'm currently working to add chairing to Templot, at least for the basic turnouts. It's extremely complicated and varies for different prototypes and periods, so it can never be just a few clicks. The chairs also have to re-arrange themselves when timbers are shoved. Here is an idea of how it will look on the trackpad: 2_301200_590000000.png The main reason for doing it is to create files from Templot for home 3D printing, like this: 2_260016_310000003.png 2_220920_110000000.jpg 2_252113_340000000.jpg But there is still a long way to go. At present I'm fully occupied with other more pressing stuff, such as a new file format for the open-source version of Templot. cheers, Martin. posted: 20 Oct 2019 15:41 from: tmarston Hello Martin, Thank you for your reply. On the screen shot above from template you show chair outlines on the track bed. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3525.php
... 2020 23:51 from: Martin Wynne PHP wrote: On the dxf export file, is it possible to mark the chair positions? It seems this is part of the 3d setup so is this temporarily switched off? Hi Phil, There isn't really such a thing as "the chair positions". It's a complex subject, and varies with the different prototypes and periods. I do have an ongoing, but currently stalled, project to show REA bullhead chairing on the 2D templates (and hopefully also GWR): 2_161458_330000001.png 2_301200_590000000.png 2_301256_010000000.png It's a long way from being ready, and got more complex after I obtained a 3D printer -- I'm hoping to get Templot to export the files needed for direct 3D printing of track. 2_061704_070000000.png Unfortunately I don't get much time to work on it, my computer time being mostly taken up in supporting the current Templot functions for users. For example I recently spent several days on a re-write of the make diamond-crossing at intersection function. So don't hold your breath for chairing in the DXF any ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3709.php

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