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Search results for: 'single

3 results found.
... across the remaining width of the formation. A half-lapped joint on the angle? 7. On the through road with slip drawing the 'B' chair is carried on what appears to be a crossing timber that extends across the full width of the formation. 'A' and 'C' chairs also appear to be carried on timbers of 9' length but broader than the standard sleeper. 8. The through road formation appears to include timbers/sleepers of at least three different widths. 9. I don't understand the expressions 'single guarded' and 'double guarded' and would be interested to learn what these mean. 10. Bit puzzled by Richard's reference to how the crossing chairs sit on the diverging road. From my observation of the Rannoch turnout, I had always taken the base of these chairs to have been aligned so as to be square with the sleeper to which they were attached, and for the castings of such chairs to be designed accordingly. My observations have also suggested to me that the 'A' chair was usually (always?) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  222k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_401.php
... . Thanks for the Flash version Martin. It saves me having to reboot into Bootcamp to see what is going on. Much appreciated, Matt M. posted: 11 Mar 2015 19:20 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Martin That's brilliant, thank you, the file viewer and parking facility is so easy to use to restore stuff like this. Your so called 'scruffy videos' are in fact very clear and easy to follow....you wouldn't like to do one for 'diamonds on transitions', 'three ways turnouts' and 'single slips' would you....? Thanks again and kind regards Andrew posted: 11 Mar 2015 20:21 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Duncan wrote: you wouldn't like to do one for 'diamonds on transitions', 'three ways turnouts' and 'single slips' would you....? Hi Andrew, Well I have already done a detailed single-slip video -- see: 2_111514_370000000.png Or click here if you are using Wine/Crossover on a Mac and the above menu item doesn't work: http ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2646.php
... anywhere else:... I understand the use of nested procedures in some cases. However, in this particular case, I feel that the action of the procedures (i.e. resizing the form) is something 'bigger' in some sense than the showing of the switch info. It seems to me happenstance that they are used in only one place. If a function does a calculation that is clearly only of use in one procedure, I would agree. Define it nested. But to me, in this case the 'single-place use' is just 'how things worked out' and not really something fundamental to the structure of the logic. (I don't feel hugely strongly though. You can usually tell- I have lots of 'quotes' in my response) Also, why the need for () if there are no parameters to be supplied? No need whatsoever. I have programmed in Ruby, where leaving off the () is the norm, and can lead to some very readable code. Many languages require the () of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  170k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3544.php

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