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Search results for: algorithm's

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... way down the page. topic 1224 And also first image below. The reason for this memory recall is, because I have a very poor quality low resolution (also very small size) track plan of a prototype site, that I would like to enhance and enlarge to a more manageable size and scale. This track plan has been taken from screen shots and pieced together, but is only at 72 dpi resolution, and as stated is quite small in size. See second image below. I was wondering if, the algorithm's, mentioned below, that you used to modify the sketchboard images might be of help. Lanczos3 Triangle Mitchell Bspline Bell If so, where can I get these algorithm's so that I can experiment with them? All the best, Brian Nicholls. 1853_271020_290000000.png 1853_271021_340000000.png posted: 27 May 2012 23:23 from: Martin Wynne Brian Nicholls wrote: where can I get these algorithms so that I can experiment with them? Hi Brian, Unfortunately you have missed the boat with the old-maps site. Until recently it was possible ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1967.php
... It doesn't actually make any difference whether it's Z or Gauge 1 -- the image on the sketchboad (and the workpad) is exactly the same. Only the numbers along the bottom would be different. Remove those from the screenshot and it is impossible to determine the scale from the image alone. Only when construction templates are printed full-size is there any difference. In that case, the images are significantly enlarged rather than shrunk, so there is no loss of detail. Since you explained about the re-sampling algorithm's used to process the images in sketchboard and workpad, it has now become clearer that the images, as you say remain the same irrespective of scale size and my concerns about smaller scales is no longer valid. I suggested those figures before I saw your work! But even then it was only intended as an indication of the order of magnitude -- i.e. pixels measured in hundreds rather than several thousands. Don't worry about the file size in KB -- provided you save in GIF or PNG format with no intermediate ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php

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