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Search results for: attach_32_widescreen.PNG turnout 2.jpg

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... topic: 2186 Platforms and Turnouts posted: 31 Mar 2013 10:25 from: Howard If I add a platform to the "turnout" side of a turnout, it follows the straight track and not the diverging track. Is this as intended? I'm using 2.06d on Windows XP. Howard Watkins. posted: 31 Mar 2013 10:50 from: Martin Wynne Howard wrote: If I add a platform to the "turnout" side of a turnout, it follows the straight track and not the diverging track. Is this as intended? Hi Howard, Yes, that's intended. Prototypically it is quite rare for a platform to be alongside the diverging road of a turnout. However, if you do need that: 1. copy the turnout to the control. 2. click tools> make split> make plain track turnout road> on external geometrical radius menu item. If that menu item is greyed out: a. if the peg is on CTRL-0 put it on CTRL-1 (or anywhere except CTRL-0 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2186.php
182. Slips
... Mar 2011 11:36 from: Martin Wynne sm wrote: I have no clue what TCP or MCP means Hi Stuart, See the "gentle geometry" page in the Templot Companion at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_geometry.htm#peg_positions from which: peg on FP -- Sets the fixing peg at the Fine-Point of a V-crossing (the rail gauge-face intersection point). Repeatedly selecting peg on FP (CTRL-4) toggles the peg alignment between the main road and the turnout road. The fine-point is a little way in front of the actual nose of the vee, which is blunted off to a width of 3/4" (scale) on bullhead track. 2_160721_340000000.png red_pointer.gif Do not confuse this Fine-Point at the gauge-face intersection with the term "frog point". This means the location of the blunt nose of the vee and is also sometimes abbreviated to FP, for example in North America (where the nose is usually blunted to 1/2" width ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  101k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1406.php
... I don't even know about yet. It's a journey; you just have to make your mind up whether you want to take it or not. As someone said: if it's easy it's not worth while. Alan Turner posted: posted: 16 May 2007 04:34 from: sevenmil Hi Alan, I tend to agree with Bob Ellis, It seems he has described my thoughts on an earlier E-mail. I have been using Templot for a couple of years now& all I do is print out bog standard turnouts& track, then tack it all together on the layout board. I would like to print out the plan I want, but can't get my head round the protocol. Judging by Martins comments it would seem he has created a giant that is slowly getting the better of him, which is why a manual would be of more use to people like myself. eg., I have no idea of what I have missed with recent developments on Templot. awaiting the replies& hate mail... I can't seem ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_6.php
... topic: 3453 Tandem turnout in metre gauge 1:87 scale posted: 10 Jul 2019 18:50 from: Bernard Haste Hello Martin, A friend of mine has tried to draw a three way point for me using Templot. I have official data for the real point and it diverges 50m radius one way and 70m radius the other. I have seen the real point and the data plates on the blade sleepers confirm the radii. My friend says it is not possible to draw the point using Templot. Puzzled. Bernard posted: 10 Jul 2019 19:04 from: Martin Wynne Hi Bernard, Please clarify whether it is a 3-throw turnout, or a tandem turnout. More explanation here: http://templot.com/companion/3_way_tandem_turnouts.php Given that the radii differ, I imagine it is a tandem turnout. Is the middle road straight? What is the switch stagger? (The distance from the tips of the first switch blades to the tips of the second switch blades.) Metre gauge at 1:87 scale is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  94k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3453.php
... topic: 759 Rolling sleepers posted: 9 Mar 2009 02:24 from: Nigel Brown This is pug 0.82d, and almost certainly a lack of understanding on my part. I've just knocked up a quick experimental and simple track plan involving just one turnout, a couple of feet or so of diverging rails, and a bit of approach track. Now the last sleeper next to the turnout on the approach track slightly overlaps the last sleeper of the turnout, so I thought this might be a good time to try out rolling sleepers to get the right sleepers with the right spacing at the rail joint with the turnout. No problem, it worked fine. However, the other end of the approach track now has a sleeper which is a bit beyond the end of the rail, and I thought that for neatness it would be nice to extend the rail to reach just beyond the sleeper. So I pressed F4, thinking this would do the trick. No. What it now does is continue to roll the sleepers, leaving the rail the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_759.php
... topic: 1986 Tandem turnouts on a transition curve posted: 17 Jun 2012 11:56 from: pointo1d Hi all, Being a NSR devotee (both 1:1& 2mm FS), I've attempted to use the magnificent product of Martins' labours (< /END_GROVEL>) to use to model Leek station. However, I very quickly came to realize that Martins' video (excellent tho' it is </ END_FURTHER_GROVEL>) only really caters for the free-form school of layout design; My problem appeared to be far harder since I'm trying to construct a truly tandem turnout i.e. all turnout roads branch from on the same side of the main road, based on a scanned prototype track plan that has, in total, 7 roads branching from the main line via interlaced tandem turnouts. After much cursing and a modicum of thought, I believe I have the best Fathers Day present- from myself- I came up with the following sequence to generate the overlayed turnouts (and hope it may be of interest/use to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1986.php
... topic: 2107 Tandem turnouts posted: 9 Nov 2012 03:53 from: julia So, in a fit of insomnia, I decided I would have a go at making a tandem turnout for my layout. It all seemed pretty simple, a #8 and a #9 turnout. Working in H0e (9mm gauge, 0.85mm flange way gaps, aka NEM N track on H0 sleeper spacings) I have managed to get the two turnouts overlaid over each other, but I am now stumped, so much of the video tutorial seems to not match up, and the various other attempts people have made to document how to make a tandem turnout, don't seem to work for me. I have attached the box file of where I am so far, Can anyone point me at what I am supposed to do next? J Attachment: attach_1534_2107_tandemtrial.box 291 posted: 12 Nov 2012 18:37 from: Tony W Hi Julia. The problem with your Tandem is that the switch pairs are too close together and the second set of blades cannot be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2107.php
... topic: 1824 Flipping track! posted: 10 Feb 2012 09:15 from: Mike Waldron Good Morning all: I have been working on 3-way interlaced turnouts- both with mixed and similar point types- B8/ B6 as well as B6 /B6 each way. my question is: once you have produced the exact track formation what you want, and found that you also need the other-handed version, is there a way to group the whole formation and just flip it in mirror image? Do I have to go through the whole building process all over again? Mike posted: 10 Feb 2012 09:49 from: Martin Wynne Mike Waldron wrote: my question is: once you have produced the exact track formation what you want, and found that you also need the other-handed version, is there a way to group the whole formation and just flip it in mirror image? Hi Mike, 1. Select them as a group. 2. group> duplicate group if you want to keep the originals. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  45k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1824.php
... getting started with Templot which is clearly a very powerful tool indeed, probably more than I need. I'm trying to create a track plan of Faringdon (GWR) as close to full size as I can. I've scanned in the background having shortened it a bit to fit and started laying track. I've run into a few areas where I need clarification (it must be me, not the tool) and I'd appreciate some input. a) I read that the recommended starting point is to lay plain track and then add turnouts to it and not build the plan from small pieces. However after adding some plain track to the turnout road, I can't now bend the end of it to start the next curve. So should I shorten the straight track to the point of beginning the curve and then add a curved piece or is there a way to curve (or bend) around a midpoint (or other location)? b) Is there a way to "snap" one piece to another so that they line up correctly with correct sleeper ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2744.php
... topic: 3742 Crossing Angle Crisis posted: 17 Aug 2020 13:54 from: ikcdab in the past I have always built b8 turnouts and been happy with them. On my new layout, I have been brave and pushed the boat out a bit and gone for c10 turnouts on the main line. And very self-rightous I feel too.However, I have just read the Bot 1933 report on the new crossing loop installed at Leigh Bridge on the minehead line. The inspector quotes the turnouts as being "1 in 16 with 30ft switches". I take this to be a F switch. And this is on a simple branchline with a 50mph speed limit. I guess its a function of a model railway with its tighter curves and compression. But now I'm having a crisis that I should have gone for shallower crossing angles than my C10. So my "piece of string" question. What would be "normal" on a main (ish) line? I've started to build, so it's now too late to change, I'm ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3742.php
... draw the irregular single slip for me and needs the box file. I'll start with the complete box file and then post the partial one that Martin is after. You can read the full explanation of the redesign here Rebirth of Slattocks Junctions on RMWeb. Attachment: attach_576_877_slattocks_junction _09_06_20_2115_18.box 413 posted: 23 Jun 2009 12:18 from: Andy G And now the slip in context. The slip needs to allow movements from the up main (lower track) to the down main. The tandem is in the goods yard and the turnout with no timbers is part of the double junction. Attachment: attach_577_877_Slattocks_Slip_Area .box 393 posted: 23 Jun 2009 12:19 from: Andy G And now just the slip templates. Thanks for this help Martin. Regards Andy Attachment: attach_578_877_Slattocks_Slip.box 357 posted: 23 Jun 2009 13:33 from: Martin Wynne Hi Andy, Thanks for uploading the files. I will get on with creating the irregular slip for you. However, I have had a quick look and I'm not sure I would do it that way. If ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_877.php
... I thought I read that templates can me modified and the exported as .DXF or .DWG files that can be used in Autocad, is this correct? Thanks Bruce posted: 24 Oct 2010 20:53 from: Martin Wynne Bruce wrote: Are there templates for American railroads? I model 2-rail 0 scale and am interested in #6 through #12 straight and curved switches. Hi Bruce, Welcome to Templot Club. First and foremost, in the UK and Templot a "switch" is only that part of a turnout which comprises the moving switch blades (points), not the whole turnout. Consequently it is meaningless in Templot to refer to a #6 switch -- this is a #6 turnout: startup_pad.png If you refer to a whole turnout as a switch in the American style you will get in a terrible muddle in Templot. Templot can create any size or style of turnout, including American prototypes. Here for example is a screenshot showing some typical American turnout templates: h0_usa_turnouts.png The Templot data file for these can be downloaded ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1277.php
... (or both are straight), and all crossing angles are therefore equal. Regular ladder tracks are comprised of regular diamond-crossings, and are commonly seen in station throats, often as single or double slips. 2. In a curviform ladder, the diagonal-road radius and main-road radius differ, and all the crossing angles therefore differ also. Most commonly the diagonal-road is more sharply curved than the main roads, creating short diamond-crossings. The diagonal-road follows the initial curve of the turnout-road (or can in some cases be straight across curved main roads). Curviform ladders are comprised of curviform diamond-crossings, and are often used to form running-line double-junctions, and to gain access across running lines to goods yards, engine sheds and industrial sidings. Slips are less common in curviform ladders because of the usually shorter crossing angles. The type of ladder track is determined by the type of V-crossing which is currently set for the control template. To change it, cancel ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  284k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1126.php
... I've made a track plan for my intended layout, drawn exactly on the map as far as I am able. I wonder if this is as satisfactory as I think it is!? It's all done using the "beginner" tools but it looks fine to me- or maybe there are some improvements that can easily be made before I start actually making the trackwork? The only thing I know needs to be done (apart from finishing plotting one track into the shed) is putting in missing timbers on the 3 way turnout. I don't know if I can attach more than one file. I'll post again with the other file that Templot sent to my computer at the same time. Attachment: attach_3077_3685_Kyle_track_layout _complete_30_may.box 112 posted: 31 May 2020 08:08 from: Julian Roberts Julian Roberts wrote: Hi I've made a track plan for my intended layout, drawn exactly on the map as far as I am able. I wonder if this is as satisfactory as I think it is!? It's all done using the "beginner" tools but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3685.php
195. TORG
... 7 Feb 2013 12:04 from: stuart1600 Wasn't sure quite where to post this- I'm not quite a beginner, but definitely baffled by this one... After looking again at Martin's short video about outside slips to remind myself about the process, I thought I would try this out on a plan I'm working on. But I hit a snag. When I try to move the peg to the TORG position before storing the template the TORG option in the drop down box is greyed out. Except, if the turnout is straight then TORG is available; but always greyed out for turnouts in curved track. Have I inadvertently altered some setting that causes this? I'm sure I've played around with the same configuration before and had no problem with replicating what was in Martin's video- unfortunately that work has disappeared into the black hole labelled "inadequately saved/backed-up files". I've attached the box file with straight and curved turnouts in the hope that someone may be able to see what the problem is. I'm using Templot2 on a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2155.php
... topic: 2552 Just starting- working out geometry of turnouts posted: 15 Oct 2014 19:04 from: DerekStuart Hello everyone. I have read much of this forum now and learned an awful lot, but with a huge amount more to learn about this complex tool. I have experimented and designed several "looks about right" goes at a junction, but I feel I am now ready to look at doing it 'properly', but I need help. If I may explain what I am doing: I have been away from modeling for [cough] years and have never modeled beyond finescale oo. However, having seen what can be achieved with Templot, I am going to go for P4. I have quite an ambitious layout in mind (35ft- and no, you can't talk me out of it!). I am going to build a number of smaller modules to gain experience and re-gain practice etc. What I am trying to do is to plot the trackwork now so that I can best decide how to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2552.php
... pieces joined together: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/flash/starter/em_starter.html p.s. note that the video is a bit out of date -- the swell function is now on CTRL+ F10 shortcut, see: http://templot.com/companion/index.html?swell_function_ctrl_f10.htm regards, Martin. posted: 14 Mar 2014 19:54 from: Paul Willis Hi Martin, We are back to that issue that we chatted about at Warley. The first thing that a new Templot user sees is a turnout... This line of thinking is hardly surprising. Cheers Paul posted: 14 Mar 2014 20:11 from: Martin Wynne Paul Willis wrote: We are back to that issue that we chatted about at Warley. The first thing that a new Templot user sees is a turnout... Hi Paul, Yes, I haven't forgotten. We haven't had a program update since then, but the next one will start up like this: 2_141505_050000000.png Of course, changing that is a 2-minute task in the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2422.php
... stretcher bars posted: 4 Feb 2016 09:01 from: Tim Lee Hi, I am slowly trying to get to grips with the basics. One thing I am struggling a bit with is how to interlace the sleepers after inserting a turn out (see file attachment). Is there a tutorial for this? Regards Tim Attachment: attach_2228_2839_trackpad_screensh ot_2016_02_04_0852_27.png 446 posted: 4 Feb 2016 12:50 from: Martin Wynne Tim Lee wrote: One thing I am struggling a bit with is how to interlace the sleepers after inserting a turnout. Hi Tim, There are several ways of proceeding. Generally you need to shove some of the timbers, and/or roll in a shorter length of rail. For best results that usually means rolling in a full rail and then rolling a bit of it back out. I notice that you are using 45ft rails with 12" joint sleepers. So I'm guessing you are modelling pre-grouping practice? In which case you may prefer to swap the timbering style to equalized incremental which generally makes timber shoving easier ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  150k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2839.php
... topic: 1596 Confused by radii posted: 24 Aug 2011 12:25 from: Paulr1949 Hello again I am currently creating a plan in O-gauge FS which requires a right-angled curve to get from Fiddleyard to main platform on L-shaped boards. In this curve is a LH A-5 semi-curved point- the turnout road from this leads to the main platform, the main road to a runround loop. The main curve radius is approx. 51 inches, but the information screen is now flashing minimum radius of 25.1 inches (637mm). Looking at the info in the storage box it tells me track centre-line radius= 1288.06 (constant radius) resultant switch radius (centre-line)= 931 approx. resultant turnout radius (centre-line)= 637 approx. -- -- -- -- -- -- switch radius (rail gauge-face)= 3374.0 turnout radius (rail gauge-face)= 1274.45 So I appear to have a switch radius of 3/4 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1596.php
... topic: 2478 TOLP Peg Position Query. posted: 1 Jul 2014 00:30 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, I have a query regarding one of the geometry peg positions in version 2.09a. when you lengthen the turnout exit road using CNTRL+ F12, say beyond the turnout overall length, then after the adjustment, putting the peg on the TOLP position, still puts the peg on the centre-line of the turnout road directly in line with the overall turnout length (as before). Is this correct? Or should this change with the turnout exit road length? All the best, Brian. posted: 1 Jul 2014 12:11 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, The TOLP peg position is on the Turnout road Opposite overall Length Position, i.e. opposite the end of the main road, not necessarily at the end of the turnout road. So it is working as intended. It is mainly intended for use with parallel type V-crossings, so that additional templates can be pegged onto the loop line: 2_010649_540000000.png ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2478.php
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