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Search results for: cjf_terminus2a.png

1 result found.
... very cramped. It would obviously be much more attractive and create a longer-look effect to put the station throat on a gentle curve transitioning into the approach curves. It would probably allow slightly longer platforms too. But doing that with your existing straight turnouts will be quite a task. Even more impressive would be to have the whole terminus on a gentle curve. But that would add the challenge of building a curved train shed. Perhaps a straight train shed with curved platforms beyond it would be a sensible compromise? cjf_terminus2.png cjf_terminus2a.png cjf_terminus2b.png (Slip roads not added.) So the first question is how many of these straight A-7 turnouts and straight 1:7 diamonds and slips do you have? If only a few could be fitted in this plan to allow it to be all to be on a curve, do you have any other use for the remainder? In the fiddle yard perhaps? I'm sure many Templot users will remember this CJF terminus plan from the 60s. It will be fascinating to see a full Templot design develop. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  208k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_228.php

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