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Search results for: crux

3 results found.
... Figure 2, these end up at the toe of the lower turnout, being considerably skewed, making it awkward to fit the slider chairs at the toe area, also the lengths of the two timbers would be 20.5ft& 21ft respectively to span the distance. However, it is the twist to the slider chairs that would be the main problem. I appreciate, that one could "straighten" the two timbers, but you would then have be aware of fouling the stretcher bar and rodding movement of the lower switch. The crux of the matter here is, can the two upper Vee timbers be moved sideways (forwards or backwards when shoving timbers) some short distance, and by what amount, before you run into trouble with the block chairs not fitting correctly? In essence Martin, I agree with what you say there should be some arrangement where all timbers are clear of each other, even if sitting closely side by side to some degree, and in reasonably the correct position for the chairs to fit, but the trick is to find that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  115k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1610.php
... i.e. they were designed to work or be cosmetic- your choice. Mastering items like this in 4mm would be an absolute nightmare. And there is another consideration, producing the masters would be significantly more complex and hence, more costly that it did in producing them in 7mm. Consider: For years our house has been a 'Tesco free zone' and I have been fascinated by Hugh F Ws campaign on Channel 4 over the last 3 evenings.( http://www.tescopoly.org is even more interesting). Now the crux of the argument is that it will be almost impossible to wean folk off cheap subsidised food- hence the enormous sales of '2 for a fiver' chickens and the associated animal cruelty. I have to say that 4mm modellers are of a similar outlook. 'Fed' on components produced by 'kitchen table' manufacturers, sold at a price which did/does not equate to a commercial rate, I do seriously doubt if they would be prepared to pay an economic cost for these items. Regards Brian Lewis Carrs- C+ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_169.php
... probably go to largest dot size. It produces by far the largest final file size because there is no compression, but requires little additional memory to encode the internal bitmap. I will add a note to the error message suggesting changing to a smaller dot size. How does your system cope with creating large JPG files in other software? Say 6000 x 4000 dots from PaintShopPro or from your scanner? regards, Martin. posted: 26 Nov 2011 23:30 from: Tony W Hi Martin. Here we come to the crux of the problem. This PC was only really intended for use on the internet, emails, downloads and such like. It is far too slow to watch video on, even utube is jerky. Most of the real work is done on the desktop that was recently upgraded to 2Gig of ram with no internet connection. This in itself has been a pain due to manufacturers requiring online registration for some products, which I consquently can't use and will no longer buy. (One of my pet hates.) Even when ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1681.php

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