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Search results for: k_check_mods_ms.png

1 result found.
... to an A switch), so this is not recommended for running lines, or if the slip is on a curve. Shortening the check rails means entering modified dimensions at| real> K-crossing options> K-crossing check rails...| menu item. The help buttons explain each dimension. Here are some suggested dimensions for a 1:7 single slip in 00-SF using 1:24 slip switches. The dimensions showing in blue are the ones which have been modified from the defaults: k_check_mods_ds.png k_check_mods_ms.png Note that for a single slip it is necessary to modify only one of the check rails. That means reducing the diagonal-side (DS) half-check rail on one half-diamond, and the main-side (MS) half-check rail on the other. For the example shown I reduced each end by 39", and to help maintain checking I reduced the flare length to only 27". Here is the result: slip_mods.png You can see that there is still a slight conflict, but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_98.php

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