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... each check rail and 3 for each wing rail. That's 18 separate dimensions for the wing and check rails in an ordinary turnout template. I have tried to reduce that and group some together, to make setting them all less daunting. But it's still a mess. I'm going to re-work the whole thing yet again in the next upgrade, and make most of it adjustable visually by mouse action, instead of setting dimensions. That's 18 new mouse actions -- all needing a user interface and shortcuts! In the meantime, here is a diagram explaining the current terminology. Everything is referenced from the centre of the "A" timber -- the one supporting the nose of the vee: check_wing_rails.png It is in fact all explained in the F1 Help notes in the program -- here they are again: Wing Rails and Check Rails( Guard Rails) The wing rails are the short lengths of running rail with bent extensions which lie alongside the nose of the crossing vee. The wing rail "reach" length is measured from the centre ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_972.php
... " inner radius. I entered data in a Honner Turnout Calculator and among other values I see that the frog angle is 3.58 degrees. Have others used the Honner Calculator and what values go where in Templot? I'm sure much of my frustration is that I am at the very beginning of a learning curve and that I am unfamiliar with British terminology. Reminds me a bit of: England and America are two countries separated by a common language. -- George Bernard Shaw Any help will be appreciated... in the meantime back to the Tutorials! Bill posted: 12 Apr 2009 21:57 from: Martin Wynne William Adkins wrote: I thought I would cut my teeth on Templot by designing a Sn3 curved turnout 30" outside radius/28" inner radius. I entered data in a Honner Turnout Calculator and among other values I see that the frog angle is 3.58 degrees. Have others used the Honner Calculator and what values go where in Templot? Hi Bill, You won't need to design your turnouts using the David Honner's Turnout Calculator ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_787.php
... just your Templot Dev folder. By the way, you have made your computer 10 times more difficult to use and more likely to make mistakes by not having the file extensions showing. The file showing in the dialog is actually a plain text file dummy.txt which is in there purely as place-holder to avoid creating an empty folder. It's not an image file. You can delete it if you wish. I will need to look at the problem with the screenshot function and report back. Sorry about that. In the meantime you can use the PRINT SCREEN key in the usual way, or use output> export a file... to create a PNG output image file instead of a screenshot. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Aug 2011 13:18 from: Phil O Many thanks Martin TDV duly shifted to C: all duplicates removed, Don't know how they got there, probably operator error. Email sent. Many thanks again Phil Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1609.php
... able to gain access using this address: You will need to login again. Please don't bookmark this, it is a temporary kludge and will be changing again shortly. A few of the links on Templot Club pages may not work, but most of them should do. If previously you were not having trouble, you may now find that you get "404 Not Found" errors until the new DNS has propagated round the world. That may take a few hours -- in the meantime the above alternative address should work. In the next few days Jim will be moving us to a different data centre in Ohio with a better connection to the UK. When that happens the IP will change again. As a test, please everyone try this link. It's an Irish web site about motorcycles. There is no relevance to Templot, it is simply a typical site hosted by Data 1 at the new data centre: http://goldwingfacts.com/forums If you have any trouble accessing that site, please ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_739.php
... Feb 2009 13:41 from: Martin Wynne JimH wrote: Just tried to upload a jpeg of 2.5 MB and got the following message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3320 bytes) in /home/models85/public_html/forum/util.php on line 662 Hi Jim, Sorry about that. There is a problem with the way UltraBB handles attachments in the database. I've been nagging Jim Hale to do something about it -- hopefully in the next forum upgrade. In the meantime, please post your message without the attachment, then send your file to me instead by email, and I will edit it into your message. regards, Martin. posted: 10 Feb 2009 13:49 from: JimH Thanks Martin, No problem- it's not your fault. I'll do that. posted: 11 Feb 2009 23:45 from: Martin Wynne JimH wrote: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3320 bytes) in /home/models85/public_html/forum ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_728.php
... 10ft or so. John posted: 19 Feb 2009 23:24 from: David Catton David Burton wrote: SNIPPED knowing what part of the system was to be modelled would help them get an answer. Hello, I am modelling the area around Bankhall Engine Shed, Kirkdale Carriage Sidings and Kirkdale Station. The photograph I attached to the original posting was in fact taken from the road bridge (Stanley Road) and is of the tracks leading past the Engine Shed and carriage Sidings from that bridge to Kirkdale Station. In the meantime, a contact who works at Kineton has measured the surviving Class 502 unit and I now know that the distance from the inside of the adjacent running rail to the centre of the third rail was 16.5", i.e. the BR standard for third rail electrics. What is (apparently) clear again from the photograph previously shown is that the system used standard 8' 6" sleepers but offset to allow adequate land to mount the 3rd rail. The missing piece of information that I now seek is what happened at the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_699.php
... would be a better way for members to upload screenshots and scans where others could easily find them? Developments from YahooGroups may fill this need: http://www.ygroupsblog.com/blog/ 100GB of photo storage for each group is effectively unlimited. Martin. posted: 7 Oct 2008 06:05 from: Stumpytrain Brian Lewis wrote: Perhaps when you retire you could help me build it? After you and Jim have built Clifton Down, as a Bristol resident I'd be more than happy to operate it for you! In the meantime as a Bristol Panel signalmen I can plod along operating the the real Clifton Down. Though unfortunately as you know it's a shadow of its former self... Alex Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Share and show> Clifton Down about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_573.php
... if the rolled-in length is longer than the template, ie the template is too short to contain any rail-joints, it is ignored; consequently the next template along has no information about how much to "roll-in" so it starts again, leaving you with an odd length in the middle. Regards Chris posted: 9 Jul 2008 03:08 from: Martin Wynne Hi Chris, Many thanks for reporting this bug. Sorry about that. I will get it fixed. For a workaround in the meantime you can manually roll the rails (CTRL+ F4 mouse action) on the current/control template until the N sleeper numbering forms a correct number sequence across the boundary. To do this you will need the timber numbering turned on: For the current/control template: pad> pad options for the control template> show timber numbers menu item. For background templates: pad> pad background options> pad background templates detail... menu item, and tick the timber numbering box. Another possible workaround is to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_481.php
... RMweb at: Martin, I noticed that earlier on this evening and I thought his station throat was getting a bit optimistic in S7 Phil, You have to plug 72"/1800mm radius in as your minimum in S7 and see how you get on, then go less than that under particular circumstances- like industrial trackage with short wheelbase stock. Jim. posted: 28 May 2008 01:13 from: phileakins Thanks everyone. Once I've sorted out how to do "quotes" I'll reply to everyone individually. In the meantime, I've spent the day re-visiting the shapest turnouts and curves so... watch this space! Your assistance is very much appreciated. Phil posted: 28 May 2008 21:00 from: phileakins Thanks again folks- I'm attaching the .box files for the St Margarets project (suitably revised in view of your comments) and the revised curved double slip on its own. The original purpose of the project was the production of a rather large 'inglenook' style shunting layout, no passenger trains involved at all. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  99k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_444.php
... that Templot would save the page origin at the end of each session so that when you come back to print the next part of a large layout you don't have to spend ages remembering what the page origin was last set to. Hi Richard, In the end I want to add everything to the program preferences but there are hundreds of settings and it represents hours and hours of work to add them all. I will add the page origin to the program preferences for the next update. Thanks for the suggestion. In the meantime, have a look at output> page origin> set page origin> number of pages. By referring to the last printed page number it shouldn't be too difficult to restart them where you left off. See also output> page origin> multiple output runs> menu options. It should take only 2 or 3 clicks there to cover a 20m layout, even with small A4 pages. I'd also like Templot to stop renumbering the templates every time as it gets confusing having two with the same number when you find a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_370.php
... off as they make reading the screen difficult on a complex design. Even though I save the file with them off, reopening the file puts them back on. No big deal, but is it possible to set the on or off in the file rather than auto default on at present. Sorry, that setting (and a great many others) isn't saved at present. Many users have asked for settings to be saved, but it is not the simple matter it might appear. One day, maybe. In the meantime it's very easy -- just dab the END key to show or hide the template name labels as required. When working on partial templates you do need to see them. Note that if the labels are in the way, there is a function to arrange them all in neat rows or columns in a blank are of the pad (and those positions will be saved). See: http://www.templot.com/martweb/pug_info_2.htm Scroll down to "background template name labels" and click the info icon. regards ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  164k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_330.php
... for the additional sleepers when changing these slip diamonds to movable K's. Do I need to move and or remove certain ones? Hi Dave, Sorry about that. Templot assumes you are being prototypical and using movable K-crossings for longer diamonds, so it lays out enough timbers for that length. Unfortunately that doesn't work out too well if you use movable K-crossings on shorter crossings at 1:8 or below, especially if you are using 00 gauge. I need to look at this again, but in the meantime please use the shove timbers function to omit the "T" timbers. Changing to the real> rails> head and foot (flatbottom rails) menu option should improve the spacing of the "K" timbers. I will try to get a modified pug out as soon as possible, but it won't be today now, sorry. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Feb 2008 15:20 from: davelong Hi Martin Thanks again. I've had a play with the timbers but not having much clue about prototype sleeper ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_324.php
... straight crossing straight, or say a curve of 1200mm radius crossing another curve of 1200mm radius. But not curve crossing straight, or crossing a curve of different radius -- a situation which often arises in a double-junction. That is an "irregular" diamond-crossing, in which the V-crossing angles differ. Such irregular diamonds will be available in a future pug version of Templot. If you are planning a large layout and need irregular diamonds, I suggest leaving the design as crossed plain tracks in the meantime. By the time you need the full template for track building, the required functions may be available in Templot. I discussed this at greater length with a preview screenshot at: topic 18 If you need a full irregular diamond template right now, it is possible to do it using multiple partial templates. Here is an example of such a double junction containing an irregular diamond-crossing on a transition curve: http://www.templot.com/samples/irreg_double_junct.box (Right-click and Save As...) To ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_288.php
... been almost exactly one year since my last post on the challenges of how to develop our layout, Mostyn. We lost a lot of time in 2008 as the implications of the scale of the required build sank in. Competing ideas came and went. Project creep reared its ugly head as various 'bolt ons' were mooted and then abandoned. We finally started cutting timber just before Christmas 2008. If someone can remind me how to post Templot designs onto this forum then I can share our current thoughts with you. In the meantime here's an image of the second parallel fiddle yard under construction. Cheers, Richard Attachment: attach_524_236_DSC_11771reduced.jp g 713 Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Share and show> Mostyn: Fiddle Yard design about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_236.php
... . Cheers Phil posted: 29 Jun 2007 07:46 from: Martin Wynne Phil O wrote: I find that when I delete or omit a check rail on a half-diamond it deletes both the 'V' check and the obtuse check as well. Hi Phil, Yes, that's not very logical is it? I will change it. Thanks for drawing it to my attention -- that's exactly what this "I wish" forum is for. I can look here first when working on the code. In the meantime please use partial templates for this. Also when removing the flares I lose all the flares including those on the 'V' but the diagram in David Smith's GWR switch and crossing practice book, blocked crossing work on page 91 shows at 1. the diamond 'V' check in the centre of the turnout 'V' approaches only flared at one end and the other end machined to a blunt nose. That check rail end is such a special with a very short machined flare on both sides that it would be difficult to cover ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_103.php
... in the queue of developments for a future Templot upgrade. In fact the code is already written, and has been for several years. The delay is caused by the need for a suitable user interface and Help texts. Here's a preview from my development version of Templot, showing a curved ladder comprising all irregular diamonds. This was created with just a few clicks on the tools> make ladder menu item: irreg_ladder.png If your track plan calls for irregular diamonds, I suggest that you leave them as overlaid plain tracks in the meantime, in the hope that this function will be available in Templot by the time that you actually need to build them. I'm hoping that the changeover to these new Templot Club forums will reduce my email load, and finally give me time to get on with some of these Templot developments before the grey cells die off completely! regards, Martin. posted: 21 May 2007 22:37 from: Paul Boyd Wow! That really looks worth having. Ignore your inbox and keep the grey matter active -- Paul Boyd ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_18.php
... an updated driver, because it simply doesn't show up in any more typical uses of a laser printer. So even if you find an updated driver, I wouldn't raise your hopes too much that it is going to fix the problem. But it would be worth getting anyway. The best we can do is wait and see if other users can report similar results and under what conditions on which printers and which versions of Windows, to enable us to narrow down the problem and maybe find a way round it. In the meantime, printing with "no infill" should always work, because that doesn't use the filled-polygon function. I originally provided that option in Templot for much older printers -- the old dot-matrix printers (with an ink ribbon) and flatbed pen-plotters. It's noticeable how often we have to fall back on older technology when the latest gee-wizz stuff fails. I believe you are using a Mac computer for Templot? Is that via Windows, or using Linux/CrossOver/Wine? Templot works ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  177k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1540.php
... seen this I wonder or am I missing something obvious? The attached Tandem has the joggle missing on one stock rail for each set of blades and I cannot see why. Regards Raymond Attachment: attach_1180_1634_Tandem_question.b ox 202 posted: 18 Sep 2011 15:01 from: Martin Wynne Hi Raymond, It's because the switch blades have been omitted from the templates containing the stock rails. If you restore the switch blade on the stock rail template, the joggle will be drawn. I will have a look at changing this. In the meantime I suggest shortening the crossing rail to exclude the switch planing part, and splitting out a separate short partial template which contains both the stock rail and the switch blade planing (crossing rail). I have done the first switch for you below -- over to you to do the other one. regards, Martin. Attachment: attach_1181_1634_joggle_for_raymon d.box 186 posted: 18 Sep 2011 15:12 from: Raymond Dear Martin, Many thanks for that, it was a mystery that had bugged for time. Nice to get it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1634.php
... more. These are not the default settings except on hi-resolution tablets such as the Microsoft Surface and some small notebook computers. So this does not apply to the majority of users. The effect of the bug means that items from the sketchboard are not correctly scaled or positioned when showing them on the trackpad, or including them in the print and PDF output, or when updating the sketchboard with a modified trackplan. I shall be fixing this in the next program update, or at least I hope so. In the meantime there is a workaround which you can use to cancel the dpi virtualization: 1. right-click on the Templot icon on the desktop. 2. click Properties. 3. click the Compatibility tab: 2_190344_470000000.png 4. tick the box for "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" and click OK. The downside of this is that many dialogs may become too small to see properly. Fortunately Templot has a solution to this -- almost all dialogs have scaling buttons. You can click the down-arrow button ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2538.php
... Ronseal to protect it, then trackbuilding starts. Hope some of this is helpful! posted: 21 Dec 2012 19:33 from: Nigel Brown I've never understood why Epson provides printers with a perfectly good roll paper mechanism and then fails to provide matt paper rolls which can be used on it. Annoying! My R800 has just been pensioned off. I'd like to go A3, but am dithering between R1500, R2000 and R3000. Whether it's worthwhile sticking out for a roll feed facility is a significant question. In the meantime I'm making do with an R200, and am pleasantly surprised with the (photographic) results I'm getting. I did investigate a few roll paper options with the R800, but found nothing which satisfied me. posted: 22 Dec 2012 15:11 from: Tony Errington Hi Richard and thanks for the early reply. My R3000 is literally just out of the box so I think I will wait a while before I try the lining paper. If A3 worked fine then I will have a go with the cheapest A3+ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2125.php
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