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... without any restriction caused by your screen size, or need to align multiple captures. It will be in the next program update. I have since discovered that the highest zoom level available as original tiles is level 18 for the 25" maps. The higher zoom levels available on the NLS web site are actually implemented by upscaling the image in the browser. This means of course that capturing higher levels than 18 doesn't get you any more detail, the same level of detail is simply being zoomed larger. Most browsers use a resampling image upscaler to provide a smoother result than a simple stretch of each pixel. Such resampling isn't available in Templot when zooming background shapes on the trackpad, because at the high zoom levels we normally need it would take forever and reduce the screen response to a slow crawl through treacle. But the result isn't very pretty or comfortable to work over: 1. map tiles as loaded: 2_241521_110000000.png It can also be confusing -- see for example how the platform edge has merged with the rail above. A few updates back ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3823.php
... in order to make the object look something of interest, and as realistic as possible, when placed on the layout plan. I mention scale because, I am not quite sure if you intend to make the objects scalable or only at fixed scales. I hope the above is what you are looking for. Hi Brian, That's great! Many thanks indeed. That is just the sort of thing I was thinking of. There need be no significant loss of colour or detail using the GIF format if you choose a suitable resampling method. Here I created a GIF from your BMP file using the "Optimised Octree" method, with no error dithering: 2_151237_150000000.gif The great advantage of the GIF format is that it makes it easy to create transparent backgrounds, which are not possible in a BMP file. GIF is also a very much smaller file for download. In theory PNG also offers transparency, but not all programs support transparent PNGs. The objects can be stretched/deformed to any scale and rotated as required on the sketchboard, so there is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php
... post a more recent photo of yourself, the likeness or otherwise will remain a mystery to us. That photo has a lovely fine grain. Scanning my negs at 3200dpi I've become aware of just how grainy they are. Much more so than I remember when printing them. Perhaps I had a soft enlarger lens, or is it possible for the graininess to increase with age? It's only gelatin holding the grains of silver apart, they've had plenty of time to clump together. For these I've tried the softer Bell algorithm for resampling down to web size, instead of Lanczos: This sad scene of desolation is Ludlow on the same day in 1969 as the Clee Hill pics: ludlow_1969_1280x640.jpg And getting back to the scenics, Dinham Bridge and weir in Ludlow: ludlow_dinham_1969_1280x800.jpg It is little changed today. Google's view from the bridge: http://goo.gl/maps/PnYYXLJZpGp cheers, Martin. posted: 12 Apr 2018 07:09 from: FraserSmith Hi Martin In relation to your mountain road photo, I looked along a few roads in the area ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  1,335k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3228.php
... option has now been removed, presumably to encourage you to pay £16 for their PDF files. There has been some discussion about this on the OS maps Yahoo group. You would probably do better to order a photocopy of the map from a reference library or the Warwickshire county archives. The full-size 25" OS maps are about the smallest that can reasonably be used as a guide in Templot. The reduced version which you have captured there is not going to be much help for detailed track planning. The various resampling algorithms such as Lanczos3, Triangle, Mitchell, Bspline, Bell, etc. are usually available in a graphics editor program. For example they can be selected under the Resize/Resample function in the excellent free IrfanView program. However, the differences between them are hardly noticeable for our purposes. The big difference is between using any of them, and a simple pixel shrink/stretch. But you don't need a separate program because the two options are available on the sketchboard, renamed for Templot as design quality (fast ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1967.php
... spent hours displaying many "Find by place" individual map sheets, measuring pixel-widths on the screen, trying to figure out the scaling factors starting from zoom 0. But I enjoy such challenges, and I think I've made some progress. Because of the projection used, sheets from different counties placed side-by-side do not match up at the edges. Where the same content appears on sheets from two different counties, one is clearly skewed relative to the other. For the georeferenced slippy maps, NLS have resampled and corrected these scans to match the modern maps. There are thousands of sheets, so it has clearly been a massive effort, and it is not surprising the georeferenced maps do not yet cover the entire country. So it would be useful to be able to have the individual sheets auto-sized in Templot because they cover a much wider area and periods. But as I don't have access to such resampling software we can only capture screenshots as displayed in the browser from the original uncorrected scans. After much messing about ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  134k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3051.php
... many sheets (a la Adobe Acrobat) before you press the button? Hi Ray, Paul, I've been thinking about this. I think it could be very useful when printing individual pages from a large track plan to be able to preview the selected page before committing it to ink and paper. So here is another scruff release 2.23.u I have added an extra button to the print pages dialog to preview the selected page: 2_171802_230000000.png The zoom quality isn't too brilliant because it is using the standard Windows StretchDraw instead of a proper resampling (which would need a lot more code), but it's good enough to see what will be on the page. It can be zoomed using the slider, or the mouse wheel. Alternatively for an accurate preview of every printed dot, you can lock the zoom at dot-for-dot by ticking the tickbox: 2_171802_240000001.png Which as you can see is very large image in screen terms, and will need a lot of scrolling to see all of it. Untick the box to revert to free zooming. The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  124k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3499.php
... that is now to be discontinued on Windows in favour of Chrome). So I have now added the relevant CSS to the forum code: <style> img{ image-orientation: from-image;} </ style> This will probably work only for images posted as attachments, or hot-linked from other sites, and where the image was directly uploaded from the mobile device. It probably won't work for images in the image gallery because as far as I can see the EXIF data is not preserved in resampling, or for images which have been edited in some graphics editors which don't update the EXIF orientation data when images are rotated in them (e.g. Microsoft Paint). I haven't tested this yet, but I will do shortly if my Android tablet is agreeable. Bear in mind that it applies only to Firefox. cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Forum image orientation about Templot Club ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3400.php
... records, which I'm inclined to accept as accurate, but these do not tally up with the aerial view from either Google or Bing. The OS map again shows something different. Hi Derek, If you are using the historic maps from the NLS, bear in mind that they have different map projections available. The original "County" series OS maps pre-1936 used a separate projection datum for each county, with the result that sheets from neighbouring counties do not line up at the sheet edges. The scans have been resampled and geo-referenced by the NLS so that they do align seamlessly (mostly) to create a single "slippy" map and can be cross-faded to modern maps and aerial images. The original unmodified scanned sheets are available in the Find by place function on the NLS web site, and are more likely to match your original drawings than the Georeferenced slippy map version. If you look at the geo-referenced maps for a long way west or north of Greenwich, you will notice that the OS grid lines ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3750.php
... on older machines, and could now be dispensed with. In some circumstances there is a 1-bit shear along the tile boundaries. I have drawn a line above to show the tile boundary here. The effect is so slight that it mostly goes unnoticed. You could get round it by moving the plan slightly so that the shear line occurs inside one of your horizontal lines. I will have another look at fixing this, but what I'm more concerned about is why this image is fuzzy? It's not the image gallery resampling, because it is the same on your original uploaded image. How did you create this image? It's important to be careful with metafiles on the sketchboard -- if you rotate them, even by the tiniest amount, the sketchboard will convert them to bitmaps, and there is no way back. Bitmaps go fuzzy when zoomed, metafiles don't. I have now added this to the code, in all outputs: 2_160303_120000000.png Will be in a program update shortly. But I must get Jim's diamond-crossing bug fixed first ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  508k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3667.php
... We need a bit more information, otherwise my reply will turn into a long ramble of ifs and buts. Which maps and date? Are you on Windows or Wine/CrossOver/Linux? Does the map need rotating to get a better fit on the screen? What model gauge and scale? The old OS County Series map sheets predate the invention of the OS Grid in 1936. They use a different map projection, and don't align properly with each other on the sheet edges. For the Georeferenced slippy maps the NLS resample the scans on the global georeferencing scheme. In the process some straight lines become gently curved, some gently curved lines become straight, and the whole map is rotated slightly. These effects become more noticeable as you move a long way from the OS datum in the middle of the UK. For the "Find by place" maps the NLS publish the original single sheet scans unmodified. The basic process is simple: 0. set your model gauge and scale. Don't forget this bit. 1. make the first screenshot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3434.php
... the standard of your CD player. Professional broadcast normally works to 48K, 16 bit internally, although 24 bit is becoming more popular. Music mastering and original music recording is now working at 96K and 198K**, 24 bit. The lower sample rate and bit rates were quite common on computer games a few years ago when the programmers could not access the data off the hard disk at a greater rate because of technical limitations. I remember that my company did the sound FX for a computer game and we had to resample all our work (at 44K/16bit) down to 22K/8bit). So it's a fair bet that sound to the lower specs will still play on modern machinery. For example, the WAV file which is the Microsoft standard sound file, dates from those earlier times and the standard has the flexibility to handle any sample rate and bit rate you can throw at it (within reason :-)). And I don't like musak with video tutorials. :-) Jim. Edit ** Sorry- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  65k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_265.php
... that instead of the single OS sheets on NLS (" Find By Place"), that you use the Georeferenced version, for which the URL you need is: http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=19&lat=55.8510&lon=-4.4390&layers=170&b =4 http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=19&lat=55.8510&lon=-4.4390&layers=170&b =4 2_171046_590000000.png The Georeferenced maps have been resampled on world coordinates instead of the OS grid, which makes it easier for Templot to do the scaling calculations. You also get the advantage of the cross-fade slider to/from various modern base maps. There are no sheet margins, so you can move around (using the keyboard arrow keys) to get the exact area required: 2_171047_000000001.png You can see that I have dragged the browser window as large as convenient on my screen. The first thing to do is to click Full-screen Draw to eliminate the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3240.php
... a desktop computer, you may need to click the reload icon or press CTRL+ F5 to see it. The old-style version is still available, and you may find it more comfortable on a larger screen. There is a Desktop Version link at the top of the new page, or go to: http://templot.com/companion/desktop/ For months years I have been engaged in a battle of wits with modern browsers to try to keep Templot screenshots showing crisp and lossless, rather than having them resampled by the browser using inappropriate jpeg compression on line graphics. I have now given up on this. If some of the images now appear fuzzy, I'm sorry. It makes my blood boil to see images needlessly fuzzy, but I'm weary of the battle -- there are more important things in life. Most importantly to get some actual content into the Companion. It won't have escaped your notice that although the format has changed, there is still very little content. I'm hoping to do something about this soon. regards ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2878.php
... the grid lines in a much enlarged view I can see short breaks where the shape lines would cross them. In order to make them "visible" do I simply have to thicken the lines of the shapes? Hi Stuart, You beat me to it. Yes. output> line thickness> set any line thickness... menu item. Also of course they need to be set to some colour other than white. They are probably going faint because you are viewing the image at less than 100% using a resampling algorithm. The default settings are intended to be only 1 dot wide at 100% size, which is fine for printing, and should show on the screen as thin lines in PNG format. Your files are looking ok here at 100% size. (If you use the JPG format, all bets are off. Don't do it.) See also: topic 2848 regards, Martin. posted: 5 Mar 2016 21:51 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Stuart, This is a section of what I'm seeing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2855.php
... for nerds. You can then see among the data the number of dropped frames incrementing as each one is dropped. On my system I'm seeing 10 or 11 frames dropped in total while playing your video. Every time a frame is dropped (skipped) there is a slight hesitation in a video. If several are dropped together it becomes more noticeable. I see that your original was 640 x 360 video size, so I'm going to edit your post to display at that size. This should improve performance by not requiring any resampling. Martin. posted: 10 Jun 2015 15:57 from: Martin Wynne Well strangely, at 640 x 360 performance was worse, so I have changed it back to 720 x 405. Martin. posted: 10 Jun 2015 16:04 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, Yes I am seeing about 15 dropped frames. The Frame rate spec for the camera is 30, so that can't be it. I ''m having a tinker in Youtube, will report back shortly. No improvement. Last edited on 10 Jun ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2706.php
... to get distracted from current modelling tasks! Best wishes, Howard posted: 26 Sep 2017 13:51 from: Martin Wynne Hi Howard, Here I have overlaid the 1951 version (transparent) over the 1890s version (white area): 2_260818_210000000.png Notice a couple of things. 1. Templot has got them both to the same scale for 4mm/ft. Which may not seem much of an achievement on the face of it, but in fact I'm very pleased that it has worked ok. The 1890s map has been resampled and georeferenced by the NLS for their "slippy" map on the web site, and the scaling maths is based on the latitude and zoom level using the known circumference of the Earth at the Equator. The 1951 "Find by place" map has not been georeferenced, it is displayed by the NLS exactly as scanned from the original sheet based on the OS National Grid, which uses a different map projection. I spent a long time looking at different maps on the NLS web site to establish scaling factors for use ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  102k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2400.php
... in design quality, and switch to display quality only to produce the final output. This setting is included in your program preferences, if you save them. See at 1. below, on the options tab: 2_190758_000000000.png Here is the typical effect of the two options, after adding Brian's signal box to the sketchboard from the library folder: 2_190759_190000001.png 2_190759_190000000.png Design quality uses a simple pixel-stretch function and is clearly adequate for most design work, and is very much faster for zooming and scrolling. Display quality uses a full resampling function which is very much slower. Choosing the right setting is especially important if you use the option to show the sketchboard items on the trackpad. This is because of the significant zooming-in that is typically required on the trackpad. When using the display quality option, zooming and panning on the trackpad will be very significantly slower and should be avoided if possible. If you zoom in too far in display quality you may find that Templot appears to hang. It most likely hasn't, and will eventually return, but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1928.php
... on the map. Each parcel in a parish is given a number -- usually all of a parcel of land would have a single landowner. The area of a parcel is or was used in local taxation, and now in connection with agricultural subsidies. Ordnance Survey still maintains information about field parcels, but no longer shows it on the maps. See: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/tools-support/field-parcel-numbers The difference in map clarity is the result of browser zooming and resampling -- it doesn't actually add any information to the original scan. In the next program update Templot will have its own tools to load the historic map tiles and improve map clarity, see: topic 3823 2_271046_040000000.png cheers, Martin. posted: 9 Dec 2020 18:00 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin- as people have said, you're a mine of information: thank you for putting me in the picture. I didn't think it could be some physical infrastructure thing, now I know. Great news about the map ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3831.php

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