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TEMPLOT 3D PLUG TRACK - To get up to speed with this experimental project click here.   To watch an introductory video click here.   See the User Guide at Bexhill West.

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  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

00-SF Princes Risborough

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message ref: 6147
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I was considering P4 but, I think this maybe a step too far as my layout seems to be growing in complexity and required time etc.
Hi Terry,
Is the effort of changing gauge worth it to you from a running or visual aspect ? If you are worried about the time involved why not continue as planned and put the time saved in wheel conversions into better scenery, buildings etc that will possibly offer more overall enjoyment of the layout ? If you are considering re-gauging of RTR wheels you won't benefit from the visual benefit of narrower wheels and if you are using the original wheels you may have issues with cylinder/crankpin obstruction. If you use finer wheels ( ie Gibson ) you gain around 1mm in this area ( 2 wheels each 0.5mm thinner ). What minimum curves is the plan currently designed to use ?

Sorry if this puts a fly in the ointment but worth a thought or two before deciding.

Hope that helps ( or not...)

message ref: 11163
Hi Terry,
Is the effort of changing gauge worth it to you from a running or visual aspect ? If you are worried about the time involved why not continue as planned and put the time saved in wheel conversions into better scenery, buildings etc that will possibly offer more overall enjoyment of the layout ? If you are considering re-gauging of RTR wheels you won't benefit from the visual benefit of narrower wheels and if you are using the original wheels you may have issues with cylinder/crankpin obstruction. If you use finer wheels ( ie Gibson ) you gain around 1mm in this area ( 2 wheels each 0.5mm thinner ). What minimum curves is the plan currently designed to use ?

Sorry if this puts a fly in the ointment but worth a thought or two before deciding.

Hope that helps ( or not...)

Hi Rob, thanks for your comments. Honestly, I'm still on the fence here and I assume this is process many born again modellers face at some time. I have begun amending a copy of my layout from 00-SF to EM and as usual, really enjoying the Templot creation process. I have laser cut scissor crossing in 00-SF and resin printed many chairs so I'm planning on laser cutting timbers for EM this week. I will review layouts and wheel-sets etc at the EMGS Bracknell show on Sunday and probably make a final decision over the next few weeks.
Any thoughts, comments articles from others who have made these choices previously would be greatly appreciated.
message ref: 11165
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

A point to note is that if widening RTR 00 wheels (NMRA RP-25/110 profile) to EM, the required back-to-back is 16.4mm, not the usual EM 16.5mm back-to-back. Otherwise you will likely get some flange knocking against the crossing nose.

Sorry I don't know of 16.4mm back-to-back gauges available anywhere. You could ask about this at the show. Or perhaps you could 3D print them?


message ref: 11166
G.W. Models used to do an adjustable B2B gauge that you set using a micrometer or verbier gauge.
George Watts ( GW Models ) do make an adjustable gauge. I lost my original one and replaced it with the same last year. They are nice and the adjustment can be locked at whatever you set it to.

Terry -> Ask if you want a picture of one see below.

message ref: 11168
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GW Models Back to back gauge. One screw to wind the back to back distance in and out and another to lock it in place. Works well.

.....and also his rolling machine.

message ref: 11169
Hi Rob, thanks for the info. I have just spoken to George at GW Models and unfortunately he is out of stock of the adjustable B2B gauge and has no plans on making anymore. I will try and locate a 'used' one from somewhere.
message ref: 11170
Hi Rob, thanks for the info. I have just spoken to George at GW Models and unfortunately he is out of stock of the adjustable B2B gauge and has no plans on making anymore. I will try and locate a 'used' one from somewhere.
@Terry Downes @Rob Manchester

Hi Terry,

If you have an EM check gauge tool, you could make a wheel setting fixture like this, which replaces the need for a back-to-back gauge:


And possibly you don't need any EM gauges -- such a fixture could be made using plug track. :)


message ref: 11171
Checking Vee Crossing
Hi Martin, After visiting the EMGS show yesterday I'm now starting down the EM (18.2mm) conversion. I did bump into Phil O at the show which was nice to chat and share our enthusiasm of all things Templot etc. Anyway, my query is regarding the checking of fee crossing rails etc. Is there a way in Templot to show the perpendicular checking positions as I have marked up below?
Templot EM checking.png
message ref: 11212
Is there a way in Templot to show the perpendicular checking positions as I have marked up
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

There wasn't, but there is now. :)


That's a great idea, thanks. Will be very useful when fine-tuning the check flares in tight spaces.

Switched on and off via the new tick-box above.

Will be in 244e very shortly. Edit: now available.

message ref: 11213
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

There wasn't, but there is now. :)

View attachment 9332

That's a great idea, thanks. Will be very useful when fine-tuning the check flares in tight spaces.

Switched on and off via the new tick-box above.

Will be in 244e very shortly. Edit: now available.

FYI, the checking extents function work brilliantly and has enabled me to re-do my first board of Princess Risborough in EM Gauge (18.2mm). As I don't have any EM loco or stock converted to EM as yet can someone advise whether the 750mm suggested minimum radius is a reasonable minimum radius for off scenic return curves?
message ref: 11264
00-SF Princes Risborough update.... New
Unfortunately, I have been offline for around 8 months for various reasons and only just returning to modelling again and although my ambitions have been muted a little, I do feel that I have settled on a plug track build method and quality which suits my abilities and tools I have.
After attending the Bracknell EMGS show earlier this year, I joined up and fully intended to begin building in EM gauge. But, the time and cost of converting my extensive RTR stock coupled with my desire to get a layout up and running by next Summer has meant that I have reverted back to 00-SF.
So, progress on the most complex piece of track work is shown below and I'm hoping to have this first display baseboard (1 of 5) complete (plug track, wired and ballast) by Christmas.

00-SF on 11 Sep 2024 at 08.54.34.png

00-SF on 11 Sep 2024 at 08.57.32.png
message ref: 13128
S1J chairs at rail joints? New
I saw a recent post regarding automatically adding S1J chairs either side of rail joints AND adjusting sleeper spacings to accommodate/adjust/fit non-standard rail lengths but, I can not find it. Can Anyone advise how to automatically add correct chairs either side of rail joints on plain track etc?
message ref: 13302
I saw a recent post regarding automatically adding S1J chairs either side of rail joints AND adjusting sleeper spacings to accommodate/adjust/fit non-standard rail lengths but, I can not find it. Can Anyone advise how to automatically add correct chairs either side of rail joints on plain track etc?
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

real > timbering > timbering data...

change this to 12 inches:


The chairs will change to S1J automatically.

real > timbering > modify group to match to change background templates to match the control template.


message ref: 13303