@James Walters
Hi James,
Many thanks, but I don't want you to do anything tedious and dull.

I'm not doing it manually -- I define the radial centre for say a rib, and Templot generates the nodes along it.
Preferably not a spreadsheet -- just a comma or space-separated list in ordinary .txt format would be great. X +/- from the centre-line of the chair, Y from the rail gauge-face. Z is constant for any given section, from the rail-top or the underside of the chair, whichever is easier. All in prototype inches for preference. It's symmetrical from the centre-line of the chair, so only one-half is actually needed:
X1 Y1
X2 Y2
X3 Y3
I can then convert that into Pascal code very easily.
I assumed that a CAD program could do this easily with a few clicks. When we were making tooling for turbine blades we got such lists of section co-ordinates from the customer along with the CAD drawing.
Folks keep saying this, but in truth I haven't much idea what it means, and no idea at all how I would integrate it into the existing DXF/STL output. I think I would prefer to stick with my present methods, but if those following up on OpenTemplot2024 want to do things differently that's fine.
Do you mean a bitmap image, such as a PNG file? Yes I can write edge-detection for that if it's easier. It needs to be at reasonably hi-res, and I would need to know the overall prototype size, or preferably dots per prototype inch if it's an odd shape.
Well this GWR and BR(W)
Ordinary chair for BS-95R rail has been in my garden for about 40 years. The outer jaw is almost identical to REA S1, so we can re-use that. But the inner jaw has 2 ribs instead of 1 to fit around the single chair bolt (this is a 2-bolt chair instead of REA 3-screw). Perhaps you could have a look at this inner jaw?
It's the chair on the left here in the drawing (R.F. is the running face, rail gauge-face, inner jaw to the right in the drawings, left in the photos):
View attachment 9770
The base dimensions are identical to the REA
S1 which is already done, so this would be an easy one to start with. I can measure any dimensions you need directly from it.
On the right is the more traditional GWR
Ordinary chair for GWR 00 rail. It's the one modellers probably mean when they ask for 2-bolt GWR chairs. It's an inch longer and half an inch narrower, but the inner jaw looks very similar to the BS-95R version -- we could probably use the same inner jaw for both. For the outer jaw we shall need something longer than the existing S1 outer. An interesting detail is that the inner corners on the base are 1/2" rad, and the outer corners are 1" rad. Someone is sure to pick that up if we don't get it right.