COT track chairs - beefing options
When I first designed the chairs for Templot, I feared exact-scale chairs would be too fragile. So I included an option to beef up the jaws a little, making them thicker than the prototype.
The resin chairs turned out to be much stronger than I expected and did not need any beefing up. So the beefing options have been set to zero ever since, and largely forgotten.
Until now -- with the arrival of FDM-printed chairs in COT track. Printed on the fast Neptune 4 printer they are surprisingly strong, much stronger than any FDM chairs I have made on the Marlin-based machines.
But not as strong as the resin chairs, and it is possible to break them if threading the rail too roughly. Some filaments seem to be stronger than others in this regard.
I'm wondering therefore whether to re-introduce the chair beefing option for COT track. This would be optional of course and can be set to any required amount, separately for the inner and outer jaws. The overall size of the chair doesn't change, nor the rail fit, so the chairs remain interchangeable.
This is a current S1 chair with no beefing:
This is with 3/8" beefing applied to both jaws:
This is with 5/8" beefing applied to both jaws:
Notice a few changes:
The plinth end bevels
A are now much narrower than the side bevels.
The top of the outer jaw at
B is noticeably wider.
C the jaws have merged into the screw bosses, and the screw heads may no longer print so cleanly.
But the jaws are more firmly anchored to the base, and should be quite a bit more difficult to break off.
This option will be available in the next update 556a. The
inner jaw beefing will be applicable to all chairs except L1. The
outer jaw beefing will apply to the S1 and S1J chairs only at this stage. We shall then need some extensive testing with different filaments to see if this is worth doing, and if so by how much. We may conclude that the inner jaw needs more beefing than the outer jaw. Or that the whole thing is a waste of time and a complication too far, and best ignored.
Any beefing would apply equally to resin-printed chairs if desired, and this may help in the very small scales. But we know that it's not needed in 4mm scale.