Templot Club forums powered for Martin Wynne by XenForo :
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

Filling a gap between templates

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Martin Wynne

West of the Severn UK
Enjoy using Templot?

Please do not send requests for help direct to me via email.

Post your questions on the forum where everyone can see them and make
helpful replies.
3. Bridging a gap

What is the correct process to cleanly bridge a gap such as this , so as not to produce any overlaps? (straight track)

@Cal @James Walters

Hi Cal,

There are lots of ways of dealing with this, depending on what each template is, and what you are trying to do. But the 3 basic ways are:

1. use the extend to meet function if the two templates are on the same alignment:

In your screenshot, delete one of the templates into the control template. Then click on the background template and on its menu which appears, click this:​


The result will be:​


(If you then want to preserve the correct timber spacing across the template boundary, you can use the roll rails to match functions. That's intended for more experienced users and is best left until your track plan is finalized, in the same way as other functions such as timber shoving. More information about rolling rails is here: https://85a.uk/templot/martweb/pug_info_2.htm . Scroll down to "new roll rails functions".)

If the templates are not on the same alignment, create a link template between them, either:

2. a simple link, or​
3. a transition link:
Full details about making link templates are at: https://85a.uk/templot/companion/link_existing.php


message ref: 11413