Templot Club forums powered for Martin Wynne by XenForo :
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

Last chance

Quick reply >


I am trying to download Templot. I hit the download connection and a new page containing a plethora of advertising that I did not want openned up. I found the Download Templot button and clicked on it.
A small downloading window openned up and went through what I assume was a download. After that, nothing. The page that had openned up was confusing and left no clear instryuction on what to do.
Question; what do I do.
This is my last attempt to have anything to do with Templot. Over to you Martin.
message ref: 16150
I am trying to download Templot. I hit the download connection and a new page containing a plethora of advertising that I did not want openned up. I found the Download Templot button and clicked on it.
A small downloading window openned up and went through what I assume was a download. After that, nothing. The page that had openned up was confusing and left no clear instryuction on what to do.
Question; what do I do.
This is my last attempt to have anything to do with Templot. Over to you Martin.

I think the usual reply is to turn off your security software, stupidly I brought and loaded MacFee (or what ever its called) tried to update Templot and it blocked it. Martin suggested turning it off as having Windows 11 it already had security software built in. Did that and it loaded in seconds

In my case MacFee just got in the way and was a complete waste of money. However what you do is up to you

message ref: 16151
I am trying to download Templot. I hit the download connection and a new page containing a plethora of advertising that I did not want openned up. I found the Download Templot button and clicked on it.
A small downloading window openned up and went through what I assume was a download. After that, nothing. The page that had openned up was confusing and left no clear instryuction on what to do.
Question; what do I do.
This is my last attempt to have anything to do with Templot. Over to you Martin.
I'd like to be able to assist you here, but I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to understanding what has been going on for you.
John has already highlighted one well-know source of frustration - security software, so I'll not expand upon that.
Might I suggest you post a couple of screen shots of your experience and let us know what computer and operating system you are using?
My hunch is that Templot isn't the problem here, and that without details I'd be surprised if Martin (or anyone for that matter) would be able to help you directly. I'm sure that with a little further information as above, some of the more expert members of this friendly forum will be willing to help with your frustrations.

My best wishes,
message ref: 16152
This is my last attempt to have anything to do with Templot. Over to you Martin.

Hello Mark,

Welcome to Templot Club. :)

Templot is my hobby project. It is not a public software package. I'm happy to share it with anyone who wants to do that, but I'm afraid I can't provide a computer support service. If you are unable to find the Windows installer executable, download and install it, I would gently suggest that your computer knowledge may not be enough to use Templot successfully.

The installer executable is hosted on SourceForge (rather than on my own Templot web site) so that if I get run over by a bus it will continue to be available indefinitely for everyone who is relying on it. The downside of that is that SourceForge is funded by advertising, so you have to be able to ignore that and any downloads contained in the advertisements.

The download link on the Templot Info wiki:


takes you to:



You need 1 to read the note and then 2 click and download the exe file. As you can see, 47 people have managed to do that recently.

After downloading it you need to Open/Run it in the usual way to install the Templot program.

It is free, so it is not signed with a costly security certificate. This means that Windows will likely make you click through the usual security warnings (in the same way as with most other free software).

best wishes,

message ref: 16154
Hi Mark,
I hope you have been able to open Templot now, after all the friendly advice that has been shared.
Martin has as normal given the best answer, If you have tried downloading Templot previously for Martin's own website, I would agree that now accessing from Source forge has added a few extra starting steps. However as Martin has explained there is a very good reason for this.
I personally believe its a very small to price to pay to ensure Templot simply does not stops working one day. which would be enviable if the Templot site was not maintained (paid for)
If you are still having problems, please don't give up, otherwise you will never get to see how truly powerful Templot is.

It is like all things, a of case of the more effort you put in, the better the rewards you will reap.
Taken to its logical conclusion, if go the other way, you get no effort in will also results in no return.

message ref: 16161
Hi Martin
Having now registered for the Templot club I set about following the MarkL71A chain and to clicking httpsi/c7514493.myzen.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php This opened a page entitled About Templot and sugested I join the Templot Club. I ignored this and decided to click 'Download Latest Version', this promised '3 easy steps' so I clicked on 'Start', a page opened asking me to setup an account and verify it with my credit card details. Is this a scam??
message ref: 16176
Hi Martin
Having now registered for the Templot club I set about following the MarkL71A chain and to clicking httpsi/c7514493.myzen.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php This opened a page entitled About Templot and sugested I join the Templot Club. I ignored this and decided to click 'Download Latest Version', this promised '3 easy steps' so I clicked on 'Start', a page opened asking me to setup an account and verify it with my credit card details. Is this a scam??

Hi Andy,

Welcome to Templot Club. :)


https://c7514493.myzen.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php does not open a page entitled About Templot. It opens this page:


If you found a page entitled About Templot please can you post a screenshot? Thanks.

If you click the Download Templot link on the above page, it opens this web site:


The best option is to click the exe file link ringed red. Your browser will then fetch the file quickly and efficiently.

At present you can also click the green button which will serve the same file via the SourceForge web site. The end result will be the same but it may take longer and you are likely to see advertising and other unrelated content before the download starts. But it doesn't say anything about "3 easy steps" or clicking on "Start" when I click it -- it says "Your download will start shortly" and after a count-down graphic, it does. Which browser are you using? I have tested it in both Firefox and Opera.

If/when I next upload the open-source zip file, the green button is likely to change to downloading that file instead, being what the web site then thinks is the "latest version". That's why it is best to click the exe file link instead.

Templot is free. At no time is it necessary to create an account and/or enter any credit card details anywhere. If you have done so it is not connected with me in any way.

I'm getting a bit fed up with this. Templot is my hobby. I'm happy to share it with anyone who wants to do so, but if they can't work out how to download a simple installer executable that is not my problem -- and they are probably not ready for Templot. I just don't have time to hold anyone's hand or sort out their computer problems. There are thousands of computer help web sites on the internet for that.

I will add a note to the wiki page to make doubly clear that Templot is free, and does not require an account or credit card details.


message ref: 16177
First my appologies and thanks for all your efforts. I managed to track down the executable file and now have Templot3 installed. I notice there is a button in the RH corner inviting me to swop to Templot5, is it an advantage to do this?
message ref: 16202

Templot 5 is the 3D version and work is ongoing to migrate Templot 3 into Templot 5

Well done for persevering in downloading the program, now you can enjoy reading the How to posts, but do go and watch James Walters of Bexleyheath West fame introduction to Templot

message ref: 16203
First my appologies and thanks for all your efforts. I managed to track down the executable file and now have Templot3 installed. I notice there is a button in the RH corner inviting me to swop to Templot5, is it an advantage to do this?

Hi Andy,

Hopefully that is a typo and you now have Templot2 installed?

(Templot3 is a defunct partially-working open-source version from 2018.)

Templot2 is the fully working version of Templot which I have been developing for over 40 years and has been available to others for over 25 years.

In recent months the Templot2 code has been migrated to an open-source version Templot5 using a different compiler, and to which anyone can contribute code to the ongoing developments. This allows me to be run over by a bus without affecting anyone's use of Templot in future.

The Templot5 developments are mainly in the field of building 3D-printed track. This means there is now much more in Templot5 than in Templot2, but not everything from Templot2 has yet been migrated. The main function not yet available in Templot5 is the sketchboard function.

To learn "traditional" Templot track-planning you are probably best to use Templot2 at present, but you can swap to and fro between them whenever you want by clicking the buttons in the top right corner. If something doesn't seem to be working in Templot5, simply swap back to Templot2 and try again.

When we are ready, Templot2 will be discontinued and we shall swap permanently to Templot5. But we are not there yet and it is likely to be some time before that happens.

The Templot5 code is open-source so it's possible others may release a different version called something else, such as TemplotBeansOnToast or whatever. Which may contain bits of Templot5 and/or bits of something else. But that hasn't happened yet.

Templot4 does not exist, but the name is being kept in reserve should we need to compile a version of Templot5 in Delphi. Templot1 never did exist. Before 2011 the first version of Templot was called TemplotZero.

Cripplegate Park, Worcester, a couple of years ago:


In the late 1970s, not far beyond those trees, I had my 85A Models workshop manufacturing pointwork kits and components. On summer lunch-times we would walk down to the park for a game of bowls. Nothing has changed, it looks now exactly as it did 45 years ago. I sat for a while remembering those days.

One day in the late summer of 1979 I walked back from here and began scribbling ideas for a computer program to generate some curved turnout templates which I needed. I had recently received a programmable calculator for my 31st birthday, and I thought it might be used to try out such ideas.

I wonder what became of all that?


message ref: 16204
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the reminiscing its good to know how and where it all began.
Just thought they got man on the moon with less commuting power than the original iPhone had. Meaning its not the computing power that is the catalyst to achieve things its the desirer to do it in the first place.
If your that way inclined the computers or 3d printers are just tools, in this case to a very smart and furtive mind. Templot is such an example.
message ref: 16205