I have discovered a problem with the dropper-wire retaining ridge and the Bambu slicers algorithm. I created my test stretch of straight track. The STL file looks fine in Builder3d.
But when I import it into Bambu studio I get a warning message
When slicing I can see that the ridge is floating when using the default settings:
If I change the wall generator option to 'Arachne' rather than 'Classic' I still get the warning message, but the ridge now seems to be attached.
The error seems to be in the sclicer not Templot as the STL file is fine. But I wonder whether you really need dropper wire retaining ridge on both sides of every timber. It costs time in printing. What about pacing them evey x timers on just the one side?
But when I import it into Bambu studio I get a warning message
When slicing I can see that the ridge is floating when using the default settings:
If I change the wall generator option to 'Arachne' rather than 'Classic' I still get the warning message, but the ridge now seems to be attached.
The error seems to be in the sclicer not Templot as the STL file is fine. But I wonder whether you really need dropper wire retaining ridge on both sides of every timber. It costs time in printing. What about pacing them evey x timers on just the one side?
message ref: 14125