- Location
- Brighton, East Sussex
Hi Martin,
cosmetic changes etc.
Pull Request created.
cosmetic changes etc.
Pull Request created.
message ref: 12602
TEMPLOT 3D PLUG TRACK - To get up to speed with this experimental project click here. To watch an introductory video click here. See the User Guide at Bexhill West.
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Hi Martin,Thanks Phil, John, but I'm not quite there yet. I turned 76 recently
@Steve_CornfordHi Martin,
Pull Request created for jigs_unit changes.
@Steve_CornfordWhen I compared with Templot2, I noticed there was a larger gap between the 4th radio button and the 5th radio buttons, on both panels.
Was that intentional, and if so would you prefer that I replicate that in Templot5 before uploading to github?
@Steve_CornfordHi Martin,
I receive an email:-
View attachment 10704
I then use GitHub Desktop to view the online repository, then select my fork.
This tells me I am 1 commit behind, so I invoke SYNC, this tells me I am behind & offers me the option to "update branch" (obviously it actually means 'update fork').
I press that button, then leave the online repository.
Then in my local GitHub Desktop I fetch origin, which then pops up a "pull request", which I invoke.
This then updates my local Github folder so that it matches my online github fork.
I have no idea what emails get sent to the other fork holders.
Active I think means that someone has created a fork in the online repository, then cloned that fork into their local github repository.
Inactive I think means that someone has created a fork, then done nothing with it.
Perhaps we could invite the other fork holders to a zoom session & share what little knowledge we have?
Or perhaps we just carry on as we are?
@Steve_CornfordYou allowed to Branch, which gives you more control.
@Steve_CornfordHi Martin,
WHen you do merge your branch update-22-aug-2024 into your Main, can you let me know, as I do not thick GitHub will inform me of that fact.
@Steve_CornfordI did not know that option was available. Don't forget I am a newbie to this GitHub stuff.
@Steve_CornfordIs it ok for me to apply a bugfux to keep_select or is it still in your WIP?
@Steve_CornfordHi Martin,
I have created a Pull Request for keep_select.pas
Having performed a rebuild (i had to copy in some synapse units) I tested the new cage feature.
View attachment 10739
When I printed this brick before the clips were unusable, so I assume the cage now protects them and they should then work ok.
I had to copy in some synapse units)
case code of
-1: keepform_listbox.ItemIndex:=list_position; // the up-down position takes precedence if any mismatch.
0: begin // set to top template;
1: keepform_listbox.ItemIndex:=list_position;
2: list_position:=keepform_listbox.ItemIndex;
@Steve_Cornford @James WaltersChair Clearance
I believe that within an individual template you perform a chair clearance check, 1/2" comes to mind.
Hi Martin,
If you are adding or have added a y new parameters to the dxf_unit, have you also added them to the save/load procedures?
If not perhaps make a memo note on here so that we can add them later.
Hi Martin,
Code:case code of -1: keepform_listbox.ItemIndex:=list_position; // the up-down position takes precedence if any mismatch. 0: begin // set to top template; list_position:=keeps_list.Count-1; keepform_listbox.ItemIndex:=keepform_listbox.Items.Count-1; end; 1: keepform_listbox.ItemIndex:=list_position; 2: list_position:=keepform_listbox.ItemIndex; end;//case
Using showmessage statements, I tracked it down to this bit of coding, which if invoked with code = -1 , sets keepform_listbox.ItemIndex to the value contained within the variable list_position.
If you have just deleted the last template in the box list_position will now be out of bounds.
But I think the Lazarus IDE version of free pascal performs a bound check on keepform_listbox.ItemIndex when you update it and displays the error, whereas the Delphi version might check for out of bounds?
Hi Steve,Hi Martin,
Ideally needs to be before the:-