Hi Steve,
I have now done the
shove_timbers form. Uploaded to GitHub.
I tried a different approach -- I inserted a TPanel between the form and the controls to break the inheritance path of the faulty form font. It worked quite well and avoided having to edit the font on every control. But there was still a lot to do.
Ctrl-A to select all the controls on the form
Ctrl-X cut them (not copy, which would lose all the OnClick settings)
Set the form Width and Height to match the Templot2 Client settings (see the OnCreate event)
Add a TPanel to cover the client area - Left 0, Top 0, Width=Form Width, Height=Form Height. (But do not use Align=alClient which would upset the program size slider)
Set the panel Caption blank
Set the panel ParentFont to False
Set the panel Font Height to -13
Set the panel Border Bevels to None
With the panel selected Ctrl-V to paste back all the controls onto it. Those set ParentFont=True will pick up the panel font instead of the form font.
For the group boxes, apart from the positioning of the child controls, there is also the broken captions to deal with -- the captions do not honour the font colour for the group box, and do not have a transparent background. I solved that by setting the groupbox caption blank, and adding a separate TLabel to show its purpose.