Templot Club forums powered for Martin Wynne by XenForo :
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

using 3D builder to do more simply fix our STL files,

Quick reply >

Phil G

New Zealand
Hi Martin,
I have recently been watching a few YouTube videos on 3D builder, to be honest I was surprised at just how much 3D builder can do with STL files, A lot more than just fix them, including things like slicing and joining STL files. All of which got me wondering, could we make use of this?

I know your chairs are actually built up of units, such as for example the L1 chair has a base, a rail seat, 4 x bolt bosses and 4 x square headed bolts, a fixed jaw unit, a loose jaw unit, and I believe a key unit as well. I am exactly sure how the plug is created, but I would assume that too is a sort of unit.

I was thinking if your ok with this and agreeable, could you post on the resources page all these units in say S4 for example for the L1 chair? I would then like to have a play with these units, as I believe it should be possible to mint from the units of an L1 chair, and thus create an L1cc chair in 3D builder.

If it does work, and again your agreeable to posting, of the units for the S1 and the P chair should allow people to mint there own versions of some of the chairs not yet programed in Templot. I don't think this is a a long terms solution, but it could be a very convenient way to allow people to make a few of the chair not yet avaible and be a method of creating your own SC chairs by using your units as building blocks. Clearly in the case of CC type chair the gauge is an important consideration as the gauge face of an S4 will not be the same as say an EM or even a OO but the theory should still hold true. (this could actually the biggest problem with 3B builder, in that I don't know how accurate it can cut and slice STL files.) I am more than happy to give it a go and report back however.
The primary purpose of this post is to try and use this idea, if it works. As a method to unburden you as the only person who can create some of the yet to be available chairs.
message ref: 16142
Hi Martin,
I have recently been watching a few YouTube videos on 3D builder, to be honest I was surprised at just how much 3D builder can do with STL files, A lot more than just fix them, including things like slicing and joining STL files. All of which got me wondering, could we make use of this?

I know your chairs are actually built up of units, such as for example the L1 chair has a base, a rail seat, 4 x bolt bosses and 4 x square headed bolts, a fixed jaw unit, a loose jaw unit, and I believe a key unit as well. I am exactly sure how the plug is created, but I would assume that too is a sort of unit.

I was thinking if your ok with this and agreeable, could you post on the resources page all these units in say S4 for example for the L1 chair? I would then like to have a play with these units, as I believe it should be possible to mint from the units of an L1 chair, and thus create an L1cc chair in 3D builder.

If it does work, and again your agreeable to posting, of the units for the S1 and the P chair should allow people to mint there own versions of some of the chairs not yet programed in Templot. I don't think this is a a long terms solution, but it could be a very convenient way to allow people to make a few of the chair not yet avaible and be a method of creating your own SC chairs by using your units as building blocks. Clearly in the case of CC type chair the gauge is an important consideration as the gauge face of an S4 will not be the same as say an EM or even a OO but the theory should still hold true. (this could actually the biggest problem with 3B builder, in that I don't know how accurate it can cut and slice STL files.) I am more than happy to give it a go and report back however.
The primary purpose of this post is to try and use this idea, if it works. As a method to unburden you as the only person who can create some of the yet to be available chairs.
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

I'm happy for you to do whatever you wish within the terms of the open-source licence, and post about it. :)

PROVIDED when you post about it you don't confuse folks into thinking your work is part of Templot plug track or that you need to use a CAD program to make Templot plug track. Keep everything in this topic, or other topics in this section, well away from the plug track topics. Ideally give it a NAME of its own, so that it can be referred to without any confusion. e.g. PHILTRACK. Likewise if you release your own version of the program files, do not call it Templot5.

Everything you need is available in the DXF files (and always has been). This is a Templot exported DXF opened in TurboCAD. It should be the same in most other CAD programs:


All the elements above the chair base are exported as DXF Blocks. You can select one in the Blocks list and copy it to a separate work space. You can then modify it as you wish and save it in STL format.

You can change the colours in the Layers list to see how the chair is built up. Wireframe view:


The chair base, plug and support pyramid are not blocks. They are exported flat in the DXF file. You will need to edit the DXF file directly to create a separate STL for them -- i.e. delete all the blocks and the save the result in STL format.

Note that nothing in the DXF files has been mesh-fixed. So after saving STLs you will likely need to do that first before you can edit them in 3D Builder.

Note also that when exported, the jaws and keys are modified to match the selected rail section (and differently for FDM printing from resin printing). In addition to the specified scale and flangeway gap settings.


message ref: 16143
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

I'm happy for you to do whatever you wish within the terms of the open-source licence, and post about it. :)

PROVIDED when you post about it you don't confuse folks into thinking your work is part of Templot plug track or that you need to use a CAD program to make Templot plug track. Keep everything in this topic, or other topics in this section, well away from the plug track topics. Ideally give it a NAME of its own, so that it can be referred to without any confusion. e.g. PHILTRACK.

Everything you need is available in the DXF files (and always has been). This is a Templot exported DXF opened in TurboCAD. It should be the same in most other CAD programs:

View attachment 13561

All the elements above the chair base are exported as DXF Blocks. You can select one in the Blocks list and copy it to a separate work space. You can then modify it as you wish and save it in STL format.

You can change the colours in the Layers list to see how the chair is built up. Wireframe view:

View attachment 13563
The chair base, plug and support pyramid are not blocks. They are exported flat in the DXF file. You will need to edit the DXF file directly to create a separate STL for them -- i.e. delete all the blocks and the save the result in STL format.

Note that nothing in the DXF files has been mesh-fixed. So after saving STLs you will likely need to do that first before you can edit them in 3D Builder.

Note also that when exported, the jaws and keys are modified to match the selected rail section (and differently for FDM printing from resin printing). In addition to the specified scale and flangeway gap settings.


Hi Martin
I fully understand what your saying and anything I try will be fully accredited, and as you say I am not trying to confuse anybody.
I would however pull you up on one of your comments.
Everything you need is available in the DXF files (and always has been). This is a Templot exported DXF opened in TurboCAD. It should be the same in most other CAD programs:

How I wish it was true, but alas it is not.
non of your 3D DFX will open correctly in any cad program other than turbo cad, further to that even when using turbo cad, because I download a two week trail of the 2024 version, you can't get it to export any of the DXF information as a STL file, I though I had cracked it by doing exactly as you say, explode and then delete the blocks. It still would not create an STL file. If you are able to do this The only thing I can think of its a function facility that is on your version, and has subsequently been changed by IMSI design. That is the very reason I was asking you about STL files and not DXF files.
Out of interest I am not the only person who has tried and failed to get your 3D DXF files to open on other cad systems. and still be anything other than visible on the screen. this by the way is the reason I understand about your units or blocks.)

The other thing is 3D builder is free and is not a cad package. so by posting STL files zero cad of any sort would be required, however it can only manipulate STL files.

I understand if you don't want to post any STL files, but you do need to understand people can't quite do what you think they can with your DFX files in Templot. The 2D is a totally different scenario, it works exactly as a DXF file should work.
message ref: 16144
non of your 3D DFX will open correctly in any cad program other than turbo cad, further to that even when using turbo cad, because I download a two week trail of the 2024 version, you can't get it to export any of the DXF information as a STL file, I though I had cracked it by doing exactly as you say, explode and then delete the blocks. It still would not create an STL file. If you are able to do this The only thing I can think of its a function facility that is on your version, and has subsequently been changed by IMSI design.
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

You have lost me. I just asked ChatGPT about this, and it says:

TurboCAD can open 3D DXF files and provides functionality to save inserted blocks as separate files.

Opening 3D DXF Files in TurboCAD:

To import a 3D DXF file into TurboCAD:

  1. Navigate to the File menu and select Open or use the shortcut Ctrl+O.
  2. In the dialog box, set the 'Files of type' to DXF.
  3. Browse to the location of your DXF file, select it, and click Open.
This process allows you to open DXF files, including those containing 3D data.

IMSI Design

Saving Inserted Blocks Separately:

To save an inserted block as a separate file in TurboCAD:

  1. Select the block you wish to save.
  2. Navigate to the File menu and choose Save As.
  3. In the 'Save as type' dropdown, select the desired format (e.g., DXF, DWG, or TCW).
  4. Ensure that the 'Selection' option is chosen, so only the selected block is saved.
  5. Specify the destination folder and file name, then click Save.
This method allows you to export individual blocks from your drawing as separate files.

IMSI Design

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and export blocks within TurboCAD, facilitating better organization and reuse of drawing components.


If that doesn't work, I'm sorry there is nothing more I can do. Everything is available in the Templot open-source program code.


message ref: 16145
Hi Martin,
I am not in anyway disputing you can open your 3D DXF in Turbocad, I also agree with chat GP you can save the DXF in other files formats, one of which is DWG, there is a disclaimer that not all of Turbocad functions will work when you do this.
what I was not able to do was export or save as an STL file, it gave me a message to the effect the object was not watertight. I can only presume you don't get this issue!

I was able to save in DWG format, IE open in Turbocad and convert to DWG and for there open in my Auto cad. Screen shots attached.

However I got exactly the same problem in Auto cad, when trying to convert into STL files, that they were not watertight, so would not create an STL file. ( in Auto cad there is no function to create a watertight solid from the DWG that are created either.)

In truth it is now only the fixed inner gauging jaw and outer loose jaws that I need, as I have been able to recreate solids by redrawing the following, the rail seat, (CHSEAT) the base, (CHBASE ) the square bolts,(CHBOLTHD) the boss (CHBOLTBO) and the key (CHKEYS) and in fact a stylised version of both the inner and jaws is also possible, (not with the very complex shapes that can be seen on the wireframe however). What I find totally impossible to recreate as a solid cad object, is the ribs on both jaws and for some reason my cad will not correctly fillet radius the outer edges of the jaws either.

My thinking has been for quite sometime now, from the building blocks that make up a chair it should be possible to mint other chairs.
The reason anybody would want to do this is to be able to create the few chairs that are not yet currently avaible in Templot.

Given I have tried and failed with cad I started to look at the possibilty of using STL files of each eminent to do the same thing, it does looks as though that would work in 3D builder, however without STL files of the induvial elements, that too will fail.

I fully understand your view, and if you don't want to post part chairs that is also fine.

I would love to do as you have suggested, make my own programmatically, alas I have looked at the code and quickly realised that is beyond my ability.
So this only leave two possibility's,
1, Wait until you have the time and the inclination to program further chairs. (fully understanding and appreciating its you hobby and in what order your wish to take your hobby is totally up to you.)
2, hope that somebody with the ability to create chairs programmatically will take up the challenge.

Just as an aside, I have found slab and bracket type chairs very much lend themselves to a (more conventional cad approach)
I have made quite good progress with the SC-10-A,SC-10-B and SC-10-C, slab and bracket type chairs and hope to be able to show some progress on this forum soon.

Just as a further comment if anybody reading this post does know of a way to convert parts of the Templot chairs into individual STL files. I would be interesting in hearing how you are achieving this.

layers in autocad.jpg


trying to export as STL.jpg

message ref: 16156
Hi Martin,
Would you mind exporting a single S1 chair from Templot as a 3D .dxf file, then importing that into your version of Turbocad, then get your version of Turbocad to Save as a .DFX file?
I would then be interested to see what your version of Turbocad puts in the HEADER section of the resultant file.
message ref: 16157
I fully understand your view, and if you don't want to post part chairs that is also fine.
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

I don't think you understand what you are asking. There is no such thing as a single jaw design. Each one is created as needed with dimensions matching the current scale, gauge, rail-section, shrinkage settings, and with adjustments for FDM or resin printing, gauge-widening, etc. There would be literally thousands of files to export all the possible designs.

Sorry, I can't follow your problems with TurboCAD. It always does what I want -- I will post some screenshots.

Also I don't understand the difference between a solid and a mesh which you keep mentioning. The dimensions of an Easter Egg are exactly the same whether it is empty, or full of custard cream. In other words, the STL file (which is just a list of dimensions) is exactly the same.

I will delay 556b even further and add a function to export the individual elements of each chair in its own DXF/STL file. Anything for a quiet life. Time for a boiled egg, which I will measure carefully. :)

message ref: 16158
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

I have made you a very scruffy bit of video showing how to get a single jaw (or any other element) in TurboCAD and then as an STL into 3D Builder (or anywhere else).

Start with a single chair export (omit the other chair in the chair heaving):


Make all your settings (scale, rail section, shrinkage, resin printing, beefing, whatever you want). Then export a DXF (not STL) and open it in TurboCAD. I changed the layer colours to make it easier to follow, but it's not necessary. Here is the video:


Just delete the elements you don't want and save what's left. It works fine here and seems simple enough. If it doesn't work in your TurboCAD I don't think there is anything I can do, sorry.


message ref: 16159
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

I don't think you understand what you are asking. There is no such thing as a single jaw design. Each one is created as needed with dimensions matching the current scale, gauge, rail-section, shrinkage settings, and with adjustments for FDM or resin printing, gauge-widening, etc. There would be literally thousands of files to export all the possible designs.

Sorry, I can't follow your problems with TurboCAD. It always does what I want -- I will post some screenshots.

Also I don't understand the difference between a solid and a mesh which you keep mentioning. The dimensions of an Easter Egg are exactly the same whether it is empty, or full of custard cream. In other words, the STL file (which is just a list of dimensions) is exactly the same.

I will delay 556b even further and add a function to export the individual elements of each chair in its own DXF/STL file. This will make the chair heaving function even more complicated than the tangle it is already in. Anything for a quiet life. Time for a boiled egg, which I will measure carefully. :)

Hi Martin, thanks for the reply,
I do fully understand what I am trying to do, Maybe I am not explaining very well however.
I know because everything is programmatical all the variables you have mentioned are there, and are factored in as offsets.
However there are a few constants, the first is the chair needs to reference the rail size, partly a function of the scale and gauge used and partly a function of the rail setting you enter into Templot, for the sake of simplification I am talking about a chair, lets say an L1 chair, with a scale of 76.2 and a track gauge of 18.83 IE an S4, assume a rail from the of Code 75 rail setting.

I agree there is also a myriad of variables to consider when stating the plug values as the outputted dimensions will be dependant on the type of plug option chosen and the fit you are looking for.
For what its worth, I am using press fit plugs with a socket adjustment 140 all other setting are Templot default.

If I reduce everything to one chair and preview I get the first image, so far so good, if I set Templot to output in both DXF and STL I get this in 3D builder, I get nothing in AutoCAD, FreeCad, just a blank screen. In fusion 360 I get a failed error massage but no file opens.
I 100% agree in turbo cad the 3D DXF will open no issue at all. I can also save as a Dwg and then open it AutoCAD.
what I can't do in either program is export it as a STL file therefore I can't make anything. :)

My thinking is if I know the interface of the fixed jaw and the rail, I have a gauging plane. if as an example I wanted to create an L1CC I need to work out what the value between the existing gauge face and the check rail gauge face is going to be. for S4 gauge using code 75 rail it would be 0.91 mm thickness of rail head, minus the thickness of the web 0.35 mm divided by 2 = 0.28 mm + the clearance between the two inside faces of the rail head 0.68 mm + 0.28 again to get me to the second gauging plane so a total of 1.24mm between the two gauging faces of the inside jaws.
It would in fact be much better to scale the whole thing up to full size by multiplying by 76.2 first.
I am 100% sure I can achieve this in a cad package, I am less sure it can be done to the required accuracy in 3B builder but there is only one way to find out.

The next thing to consider is the base of the L1CC prototypically its 15" but you would need to increase it slightly for the slightly over scale that 0.68 actual is, and you would also need to factor in the 0.35 over scale of the rail web which would push the outside jaw out by that value. so lets say the prototypical base would need to be 15.75"
For any other gauge you have to use the math associated with that gauge/scale. The next problem is the plug and the socket both of which would also need some maths working out on them. It is however possible. Clearly much harder than simply chair heaving when its functional.

All I want to do its actually make something to prove the theory. It is in no way plug track, it is only totally about using what is avaible today.
I have to be honest the 3D DXF only appearing to work on your version of turbo cad is causing a lot of problems with me moving forward with this plan.

I am in no way asking you to change anything in 556b, I was simply asking if it was possible to add the components of an S4 scale L1 well only the inside and outside jaws really in the resource page as STL files. As I have said I don't know if 3d Builder has enough accuracy built into it make the idea work. it can slice and merge STL files so in theory, if the accuracy is there it should be possible.

preview of L1 chair.jpg

L1 chairs as as a full STL.jpg

freecad gets nothing .jpg

failed to insert DXF.jpg
message ref: 16160

@Phil G

Hi Phil,

This is what makes me so fed up. You have failed above to set up the 3D-Tool preview viewer despite the fact that I have posted about it at least 5 times. If folks keep posting failed views beginners will get the idea that it is supposed to look like that. It's not fair to them.

So yet again -- to get the full display of Templot unfixed STLs in 3D-Tool you need to do this:


Make sure to set Back Faces = SAME.


message ref: 16162
Hi Phil,
Click on gauge, other gauges (full list)
Then scroll down to the bottom & choose exact scale.
This allows you to create your own exact scale gauge entry.
Click on the exact scale button, then the ratio option.
Then set the ratio to 1:1

Here is a 1:1 L1 chair on plain track length 500mm, with TS rail omitted to just get one chair:-

If you create a 3D .DXF file & inspect it using notepad however, you will see that in the HEADER section at the beginning, it just has a zero, rather than a .DXF version number definition, which I believe means it is DXF(generic).
Martin's version of Turbocad opens this ok, but I suspect your trial version of Turbocad needs to have a .DXF version number of at least DXF R14.
Here is a list of the DXF versions:-

There is no way that we should expect Martin to have kept up with the various version changes that Autocad has made over the years, so I suspect that it will be down to you to a) understand the Autocad definitions of DXF R14, and b) amend the open source version of Templot to export a DXF file to R14 or later standards.

I beleive there might be expensive converion utilities available, but none of the free online ones I have tried so far have managed to produce anything but an empty file.

As far as 2D DXF file, I have used Inkscape to Import this, then save it as a R14 DXF file, and when opened in notepad you can see Inkscape has addedd the HEADER information:-

I have just tried this one https://www.online-convert.com/result#j=0a652b64-b707-4a45-8faa-320fc786c7ce

You might like to see if you can open the attached fs_l1_chair.dxf with your version of Turbocad.....

I should contain a full size L1 chair



  • fs_l1_chair.dxf
    1,017 KB · Views: 7
message ref: 16163
Hi Martin,
Would you mind exporting a single S1 chair from Templot as a 3D .dxf file, then importing that into your version of Turbocad, then get your version of Turbocad to Save as a .DFX file?
I would then be interested to see what your version of Turbocad puts in the HEADER section of the resultant file.

Hi Steve,


Here are the files you wanted. DXF as exported by Templot. And as opened in TurboCAD and then saved again in R14 format. Note that the file size is more than doubled.

p.s. I haven't made any DXF format changes for years and I'm not planning to do so -- too much else to do. The DXF export is based on a 1983 edition of the Autodesk handbook -- i.e. 40 years old. It works fine for me. It doesn't need to work for anyone else because Templot also exports an STL file which is all anyone needs to make plug track. A Templot DXF file is in plain text so easily edited in Notepad++ if anyone wants to change the file header or anything else within it.




  • test_tcad_resave_r14.dxf
    1.9 MB · Views: 5
  • preview.dxf
    737.2 KB · Views: 5
message ref: 16164
Hi Martin,
in reply to your post, thanks for do the video, I have done everything you have suggested unfortunately my free trail of Turbocad finished on Monday. :(
I have created about 40 files of various chairs as DXF in Templot, and then imported them into turbo cad before the trail expired in no case could I get an STL export to work, So in each case I have simply created dwg files of the chairs, this is actually very useful in terms of seeing and understand everything your doing, but the killer is always the create the STL. I have no idea why its not working on the trial, it said it was a fully functional trial.

Given you must have created the STL file as part of your video would you mind simply posting on this on the topic? I am not sure but it looks as though thats an S1 chair, not quite right for creating a L1CC but its good enough for me to play around with in 3D builder. to use as a prove of concept.

Just thinking about it the other way this could possibly work better in 3D builder is to use the two inner jaws that are created in an S4 Std CC chair, I could then mod the base, mirror the rail seat and simply drop in the Std CC inner jaws which should automatically create the right spacing. 3D builder work then simple be a merging tool.
I am sure with a bit of tinkering part STL files are a workable stop gap.

@Phil G

Hi Phil,

This is what makes me so fed up. You have failed above to set up the 3D-Tool preview viewer despite the fact that I have posted about it at least 5 times. If folks keep posting failed views beginners will get the idea that it is supposed to look like that. It's not fair to them.

So yet again -- to get the full display of Templot unfixed STLs in 3D-Tool you need to do this:

View attachment 13588

Make sure to set Back Faces = SAME.


Hi Martin,
to be honest I only use 3D-tool as as perfunctory way of checking I have the correct Templot boxes ticked, as such I am not concerned about the state of the view.
Now you have mentioned it, I do remember setting as you suggested a couple of years ago, then about 18 or so months ago it did an update and must have reset the setting to default. I never bothered changing the settings. As I said it does not bother me that much.
Given you have taken the trouble to go over it again, here is the same image now updated to your suggested settings :)


  • updated settings.jpg
    updated settings.jpg
    43.2 KB · Views: 4
message ref: 16165
Hi Phil,
Click on gauge, other gauges (full list)
Then scroll down to the bottom & choose exact scale.
This allows you to create your own exact scale gauge entry.
Click on the exact scale button, then the ratio option.
Then set the ratio to 1:1

Here is a 1:1 L1 chair on plain track length 500mm, with TS rail omitted to just get one chair:-
View attachment 13586
If you create a 3D .DXF file & inspect it using notepad however, you will see that in the HEADER section at the beginning, it just has a zero, rather than a .DXF version number definition, which I believe means it is DXF(generic).
Martin's version of Turbocad opens this ok, but I suspect your trial version of Turbocad needs to have a .DXF version number of at least DXF R14.
Here is a list of the DXF versions:-
View attachment 13587
There is no way that we should expect Martin to have kept up with the various version changes that Autocad has made over the years, so I suspect that it will be down to you to a) understand the Autocad definitions of DXF R14, and b) amend the open source version of Templot to export a DXF file to R14 or later standards.

I beleive there might be expensive converion utilities available, but none of the free online ones I have tried so far have managed to produce anything but an empty file.

As far as 2D DXF file, I have used Inkscape to Import this, then save it as a R14 DXF file, and when opened in notepad you can see Inkscape has addedd the HEADER information:-
View attachment 13589

I have just tried this one https://www.online-convert.com/result#j=0a652b64-b707-4a45-8faa-320fc786c7ce

You might like to see if you can open the attached fs_l1_chair.dxf with your version of Turbocad.....

I should contain a full size L1 chair

Hi Steve,
Thank for this very interesting indeed. FYI, I do set the gauge to 1:1 for development of chairs etc
Your explanation of the DXF problem could very well be spot on. Interestingly turbo cad is the only cad software I have used that will open 3D DXF files created in Templot. (that was for the two weeks of the free trail. now expired)
I have tried the file you sent, and it certainly crated a different response from AutoCAD please see attched, interesting it also caused Auto cad to crash after I took the screen shot. Not a big issue as its quite simple to reset, but there could well be something in what your suggesting.


  • updated info.jpg
    updated info.jpg
    129.4 KB · Views: 7
message ref: 16166
@Phil G

Hi Phil,

You can get this now by changing the settings. It should be easy to delete the chair base in 3D Builder because it is everything below a fixed Z level:


To omit the unwanted jaw/key/seat, untick:


You can also omit the key and seat in the real menu options.

Omit the bolts/screws in the layers tab. Set the combo blank.

Omit the plug in the chairs/plugs tab. Untick.

Omit the support pyramid in the supports tab. Untick.

That's enough distractions for one day. It's a nice sunny day so I'm going out. When I get back I must get on with something more useful than all this.


message ref: 16168

In trial versions, some functions are usually disabled, too encourage you splash the cash on the full version. This could be part of the problem.
message ref: 16170
message ref: 16178

In trial versions, some functions are usually disabled, too encourage you splash the cash on the full version. This could be part of the problem.
Hi phil,
Yes I think on this case thats the most logical explanation
message ref: 16182