Enter one or more words to search for, and then click the GO button. You can search for a phrase of more than one word by enclosing it in quotation marks -- for example "check rail". With common words this makes it much easier to find what you are looking for. You can mix multiple phrases and single words if you wish -- for example "plain track" sleeper "rail joints" spacing. Plurals and derived words will also be found -- for example searching for paint will also find paints, painting, painted, etc. Wild-card characters can be used in the search words if you wish: * matches any string of characters or none in a word -- for example *rail* finds any word containing rail -- rails, handrail, railway, railroad, trailing, etc. To search for all topics containing posts by a member, enclose the member name in quotation marks -- for example "Guy Fawkes". If you prefix a search word or phrase with a minus sign, any such content will be omitted from the results -- for example -"flat-bottom" omits any page mentioning flat-bottom track. |