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1. Accurate intersection of rails | Page 2 | Templot Club [Templot Club - user forum]
... very close to half of 1:10 CLM= 1:5 CLM. I don't believe the equal-spliced 1:6 nose. It wouldn't last 5 minutes under traffic -- it is a smudged drawing (unless you have photographic evidence?) You can get the curves through both sides of it if you change it to curviform, and use the isolate V-crossing function. Use F10 to adjust the radius on the diverging side. Alternatively take it from a gaunt turnout and use the adjust gaunt turnout radius mouse action. This is a type 2 scissors -- I'm sure I've done a video or tutorial some time ago -- search "type 2 scissors". Sorry this is a brief reply. I can't get into full track planning mode at present, too busy with chairs. edit: correction it is a type 1, but searching "type 2 scissors" gets more results: search results type1 search cheers, Martin.____ message ref: 15295 Martin Wynne said: @Phil G Hi Phil, If you change to using CLM ...
2. Scissors crossovers [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... HiI am grappling with making a template for a scissors crossover. I understand there are two types of scissors crossover i.e Scissors 1 and 2. The scissors 1 is more difficult. I am not sure if this means that more difficult to get make template or it is more difficult to make the formation from the template. Could I get clarification? Are they both prototypical? Hi Graham, In a type 1 scissors crossover the V-crossings on the diamond are in the turnout radius section of each turnout: 2_280306_090000000.png In a type 2 scissors crossover the V-crossings on the diamond are in the crossing entry section of each turnout: 2_280306_090000001.png colour codes: 2_280441_190000000.png Note that the type 2 scissors is shorter with sharper turnout curves, so you may need to use a longer size for the turnouts. Both types are equally easy to get to this stage in Templot with a few clicks. See below for the basic recipe. The diagrams above are in curved track, but it is the same for a straight scissors. However, to get beyond this ...
3. Bristol Temple Meads Old Station [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... > make simple crossover 7. do> snap to peg 8. tools> make mirror on peg 9. store& background That works starting with a straight or curved turnout, and gets you all the essential rail alignments. After which you can create all the partial templates needed for the final design. If you start with a standard turnout the above procedure will most likely give you a type 1 scissors, with the V-crossings for the diamond in the turnout curves. However, it is much easier to construct a type 2 scissors, with the V-crossings for the diamond in extended crossing entry-straights on the turnouts. That produces a regular diamond with all its crossings of the same angle. To do that, start by extending the entry-straight on the first turnout. You can do that by mouse action in version 091c, which makes it much easier to see what you are doing and keep an eye on the radius. There is a bit of Jing video showing that mouse action in use at: http:/ ...
4. New to Templot - am I on the right lines? [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... of the turnouts. Only certain combinations will work and a degree of trial and error is needed to arrive at a workable solution. You would probably be better to practice on a straight scissors first to understand the effects of the separate factors involved. Regards Tony W. posted: 9 May 2016 18:51 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rich, Scissors crossovers are not straightforward, as Tony explained. There are two types. In a type 1 scissors, the V-crossings for the diamond are in the turnout curves. In a type 2 scissors, the V-crossings for the diamond are in extended crossing entry-straights on the turnouts. This has the result that all the crossings in the diamond have the same angle, making it easier to construct. The disadvantage on a curved scissors is that this reduces the turnout radius, requiring a longer turnout to compensate. In finding space for check rails, the most significant factor is the track spacing. Unfortunately you are not able to do much about that in the available space, with the need for ...
5. type_1_scissors [Templot Info] [Templot Wiki]
... skip to content Templot Info User Tools Log In Site Tools Search Tools Show pagesource Old revisions Backlinks Recent Changes Media Manager Sitemap Log In> Recent Changes Media Manager Sitemap You are here: start type_1_scissors type_1_scissors Templot User Guide see also: type 2 scissors crossover Type 1 scissors crossover- getting started (video) A video showing how to get started in creating a type 1 scissors crossover. The video is silent. A type 1 scissors crossover has the V-crossings for the middle diamond located within the turnout curves. This is the most common type of scissors crossover on the prototype. When the track spacing is wider, a type 2 scissors crossover can be used. The design would continue similarly for the K-crossings. The various crossings are then connected using rails in partial templates. type 1 scissors crossover, scissors crossover type_1_scissors.txt Last modified: 2024/11/28 11:06 by martinwynne Page Tools Show pagesource Old revisions Backlinks Back to top Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Noncommercial ...
6. Curved Scissors Crossover [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... the essential rail alignments. After which you can create all the partial templates needed for the final design. Edit for Templot2: It's now quite easy to create the centre diamond-crossing. tools> make branch track on both of the outer turnouts, and then make diamond-crossing at their intersection. If you start with a standard turnout the above procedure will most likely give you a type 1 scissors, with the V-crossings for the diamond in the turnout curves. However, it is generally easier to construct a type 2 scissors, with the V-crossings for the diamond in extended crossing entry-straights on the turnouts. To do that, start by extending the entry-straight on the first turnout. You can do that by mouse action in version 091c, which makes it much easier to see what you are doing and keep an eye on the radius. There is a bit of Jing video showing that mouse action in use at: /q8zBFC9z and some notes about it at: http ...
7. S7 curved scissors crossing [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... that suit you! Attachment: attach_1505_2056_Curved_scissor_P4 .box 299 posted: 19 Sep 2012 18:09 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: Then select fixed at..., OK, then enter an appropriate number- this is trial and error unless Martin can say otherwise! Hi Paul, By mouse action: SHIFT+ F11 (Templot2 shortcut) or action> mouse actions: control/real> adjust V-crossing entry straight menu item. There is a video showing it in use somewhere. It was in 091c. For a Type 2 scissors crossover you should do this on the first turnout before you start, so that the entry straight starts before the first V-crossing in the diamond. Then all 4 crossings in the diamond will have the same angle. This applies for a straight or curved scissors. On a short scissors it won't be possible because of radius constraints. regards, Martin. posted: 19 Sep 2012 18:26 from: Paul Boyd Thanks, Martin! I can see it's time for me to have a refresher bumble through the menus ...
8. Scissors crossovers [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... . tools> make ordinary crossover 7. do> snap to peg 8. tools> make mirror on peg 9. program> store& background That works starting with a straight or curved turnout, and gets you all the essential rail alignments. Depending on the track spacing, if you start with a standard turnout the above procedure will most likely give you a type 1 scissors, where the V-crossings for the diamond are in the turnout-road curves. However, it is generally a lot easier to construct a type 2 scissors, with the V-crossings for the diamond in extended crossing entry-straights on the turnouts. To do that, start the first turnout by extending the crossing entry-straight, SHIFT+ F11 mouse action, but keep an eye on the turnout radius. Then after the sequence above, you can create the centre diamond-crossing by doing tools> make branch track on both of the outer turnouts, and then peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at their intersection. After all of which ...
9. Scissors Crossover [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... could probably leave it like that, and just build in the vees, but I'd like it "proper", and there's a high chance I'd just blindly cut the rail, and start to assemble, to only then realise what I'd done. Thanks in advance. Attachment: attach_2783_3361_scissors_2018_12 161 posted: 3 Dec 2018 17:20 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, A type 1 scissors (with the diamond V-crossings in the turnout curves) needs quite a bit of faff. I will post some notes soon. A type 2 scissors is much easier: Change to B-9 regular instead of B-8 generic (I used CLM angles as your original): 2_031147_180000000.png Use SHIFT+ F11 mouse action to move the crossing entry straight back clear of the vees. This will also shorten the turnout back to a similar length to the B-8. Then tick this option before mirroring the other turnouts: 2_031205_480000000.png Note that this setting is template-specific, and is lost if you copy other background templates to the control. The full ...
10. Changing Prototype [Old Templot Club Archive: info may be out of date]
... gets you all the essential rail alignments. To create the centre diamond-crossing do tools> make branch track on both of the turnouts on one side, and then peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at their intersection. Then split out all the partial templates to create a neat result. There is quite a lot more to say about scissors crossovers. For example only certain angles work at any given track spacing to ensure all V-crossings can be properly checked. You can also change between type 1 and type 2 scissors by adjusting the crossing entry straight on the turnouts. There is a recently introduced feature to offset the track centre-line to the double-track centre position as a guide when doing this. I will try to get a bit of video done tomorrow showing these adjustments. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Feb 2013 05:38 from: Laidlaym That went ok until the last step "peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at their intersection." Because I have the track centres at 45mm the branch ...
11. type_2_scissors [Templot Info] [Templot Wiki]
... type 2 scissors crossover ...
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