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... the majority of bullhead models: http://www.scalefour.org/downloads/gwrtracknotes/R4290A.pdf Plus several pages of specifically GWR chairs here (drawings 1734- on): http://www.scalefour.org/resources/gwrtracknotes regards, Martin. posted: 9 Aug 2015 08:00 from: Andrew Barrowman Hi Martin, Thank you very much! From a 3D printer perspective, the bigger the better. Based on your information it looks as if I'm not too far off. BTW, in case you had not already guessed, ... re-use any of the timber/chair blocks without changing the position and/or alignment of the chairs on the timbers? Hi Andy, The answer is yes. regards, Martin. Hi Martin, I hope this isn't beginning to sound a bit like Twenty Questions Am I correct in thinking that the timbers in a turnout are spaced along the center-line of the main road and that the spacings do not change as the turnout is curved? Looking at what Templot does that seems to be the case, but ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 205  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... might be suitable?). Or maybe the other way round, adding a bit of stone ballast here and there? I'll try an experiment or two with some oddments of track before I commit to a particular approach. Kind regards Andrew posted: 6 Aug 2018 08:10 from: Andrew Duncan I'm back from a great week at Missenden. Below is a photo of my progress there. In the photo you can see that I've almost finished ballasting and the rather disjointed look is because I'm trying to have the main lines ... weight carried on its drivers and it's likely to have better contact with the rails too, so go for it. As I'm lazy I'm always looking for shortcuts. My current "project" is to butcher modify an old tender drive Duchess to allow it to haul twenty coaches. It won't have a lot of suspension. Basically it will be an 0-4 -0 thinly disguised as a Pacific. I'll post a link if I can get it to work. Cheers! Andy posted: 9 Oct 2019 05:06 ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 198  -  1,855k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2547.php
... rebuilding appears in the June 1910 Railway Magazine. I'm sure I've seen a photo of the pointwork, but cannot recollect/locate at the moment. Regards, Rodney Hills Last edited on 11 Feb 2014 10:57 by rodney_hills posted: 11 Feb 2014 14:08 from: Ariels Girdle JFS wrote: The LCDR was an enigma, yes they understood budgets, but equally, they had no right to put a railway here at all, and no expense was spared on the station frontage. And they built Crystal Palace High ... see a photo of this layout as it would be interesting to know just how some bits were built- but one has not yet surfaced. I would be very interested to hear people's views on the geometry and opinions on how it might have been built. Only twenty two templates so far- just a few partial templates needed to finish it off... Just in case anyone else fancies the challenge, I include the box and the shape files. Best wishes, Howard Attachment: attach_1746_2400_Ludgate_Hill_old _layout_attempt_1.box 415 posted: 8 Feb ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 52  -  102k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2400.php
... early years we also lived in Station Road and could just see the trains thundering through (well that's how it appeared to a five year old. Proper trains I mean, not these new fangled things that run on electric or diesel. posted: 13 Jul 2016 08:22 from: Stephen Freeman I have come across this very useful resource which not only shows the track plan but just about everything else of interest in the UK of the period being the online OS 6 inch map courtesy of the National Library of Scotland here ... tight and firm. The objection, which most naturally suggests itself, against this plan, is, the probable decay of the plug within the chair. We find, however, plugs remaining quite good, upon old railways, which have been in use upwards of twenty years. Little doubt can, therefore, exist as to their durability within the blocks; and the heads being cut off, level with the top of the hole in the chair, and covered with tar, if made with good oak, they will be ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 44  -  81k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2870.php
... If bought for 100 turnouts your cost would be not even 10 cents per turnout. Thanks for triggering this memory, i am going to need this very soon, i will post this for sure to help. With best regards, Igor posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:28 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Barrowman wrote: My target is to keep it down to less than $3.00 (call it 2.00 GBP) for each point set of points. Hi Andy, £2 seems extravagant, this is far cheaper (and more ... been similar but can't find a pic to back up my thoughts. Green header card I seem to recall.... Rob It might be a good example of "they don't make 'em like that anymore". If they did they would probably cost about twenty quid. Yes, I think they also appeared as Tenshodo. Could they have been the manufacturer? Anyway, if anyone happens to see one for sale they are definitely worth grabbing. I did have a couple of those huge H&M clonkers but I ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 36  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3746.php
... day's work and needs a good cup of tea (or perhaps something stronger). Many thanks again Wally for sharing your photo's, it's nice to see the finished product of an almost completed formation. All the best, Brian Nicholls. posted: 4 Sep 2011 08:12 from: Phil O Brian Nicholls wrote: So that's what Phil looks like, it's nice to put a face to emails and message postings, mind you it does look as if he's had a hard day's work and needs a good cup of tea ... than try to slide a complete timber in as a single replacement. This job was done in just five days with only a small gang of blokes and a J C B, preserved lines can't afford the machinery the big boys have. 1505_031445_400000000.jpg The long timbers are twenty footers! undefined 1505_031450_560000000.jpg The view from Cranmore signal box showing the result of the weeks "playing". Wally Ps. the gent in the first photo modelling the latest in P W sartorial excelence is the famed Phil O. posted: 3 Sep 2011 21 ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16  -  115k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1610.php
... set gauges, how about please a couple no narrow gauge pre-set ones for the dummies like myself who struggle to add my own pre-set gauges. 00-9 and 0-16.5 would be really helpfull. Thanks John posted: 25 Oct 2014 08:23 from: Jim Guthrie Martin Wynne wrote: Jim Guthrie wrote: If you are adding pre-sets, I would quite like FS160 added. Hi Jim, Sure. Are these dimensions ok? Martin, These look fine. Many thanks- it ... 2014 17:49 from: Jim Guthrie Martin, If you are adding pre-sets, I would quite like FS160 added. The details are in the FS160 web site here http://www.fs160.eu/fiNeweb/standards/HANDB.php It's been around for about twenty years and is used by mainly European N scale modellers to get finer wheel standards by using 2mmFS standards pushed in to 9mm gauge. I use it to model North American N scale to better track and wheel standards and it works very well basically because it is ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2558.php
... 12 Jul 2013 00:37 from: TonyHagon Neat, Richard and an interesting formation, a crossover into a three way tandem turnout... I never managed to visit the Lavant branch but it looks good... Regards Tony posted: 12 Jul 2013 08:50 from: Richard_Jones Hi Tony, It's actually a double slip- in reality it was dead straight from there right up to West Dean Tunnel, but I've curved the whole lot to get it in the "available"* space. The track was ... reduced to nine roads and the roof converted to a northlight. I would have thought that the actual tracks would have been replaced since being first laid in the 1880s (a bit like Trigger's broom in 'Only Fools..'- he had the same broom for twenty years and in that time only had five new handles and four new brushes!). I'm hoping that the timbers were replaced as I'm standardising on 8'6". I'm open to being corrected by those 'what know'. Re wartime damage, the sheds themselves ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2253.php
... topic: 3228 Fresh air and photos posted: 24 Feb 2018 21:08 from: Martin Wynne As I've mentioned once or twice, my interest when not Templotting is landscape photography. It gets me some fresh air and exercise away from the computer. The results won't win any prizes, but I like them and looking back through my photos over the years is a pleasant way to spend an hour or two on a grey winter's day. I've been in the habit of posting them occasionally on RMweb, but I don't see any reason not to post them here. Here's the best of today's crop. It was a nice sunny day, but my fingers were too cold to work the camera controls properly so I didn't stay out long. astley_mud_1280x800.jpg camera at SO 78670 67837 I swear that pylon wasn't there when I pressed the shutter. Feel free to add your own photos if you wish. Not all of life is in BRT. cheers, Martin. posted: 24 Feb 2018 21:22 from: Paul Boyd I like moody photos! ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 130  -  1,335k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3228.php
... topic: 401 Interlaced Sleeper Turnouts posted: 5 Apr 2008 22:08 from: Stewart McSporran I've written up some notes on how I create interlaced sleeper turnouts with Templot and posted them on my website. So, if you're interested you'll find them at http://grotsoft.net/Railways/Templot/InterlacedSleeperTurnouts.aspx cheers Stewart posted: 7 Apr 2008 18:32 from: Martin Wynne Stewart McSporran wrote: I've written up some notes on how I create interlaced sleeper turnouts with Templot and posted them on my website. Hi Stewart, Excellent. Many thanks for taking the trouble to do that. But please note that Templot has a function to put the timber ends in line, you don't need to do it manually: ends_in_line.png Normally centralized timbering is used when timbers are skewed (equalized timbering), and timber ends are in line when timbers are square (square-on timbering). But Templot doesn't make this change for you (perhaps it should?), and you can use either option with whichever timbering style you prefer or in accordance ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  222k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_401.php
... 3488 Saved Preferences posted: 19 Aug 2019 00:50 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Sorry to be a nuisance as usual but can I save items such as output drawing options and element options in my prefs.sk1 file? I though it was possible to do that but starting Templot using my saved prefs file doesn't pick up changes I made in the previous session. Opening the .sk1 file show a section like this :- -- -- -- -- print output: -- -- -- -- 08-00s=| Arial 08-01i=6 08-02i=0 08-03b=0 08-04b=0 08-05b=0 08-06b=0 08-10f=288 08-11i=9492696 08-12i=11567184 08-15i=0 08-17b=1 08-18b=0... etc etc Does that not refer to changes I have made on the output menu? I am looking to have two sets of prefs depending on if the printed output ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  58k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3488.php
... topic: 3685 Kyle of Lochalsh- comments welcome posted: 31 May 2020 08:06 from: Julian Roberts Hi I've made a track plan for my intended layout, drawn exactly on the map as far as I am able. I wonder if this is as satisfactory as I think it is!? It's all done using the "beginner" tools but it looks fine to me- or maybe there are some improvements that can easily be made before I start actually making the trackwork? The only thing I know needs to be done (apart from finishing plotting one track into the shed) is putting in missing timbers on the 3 way turnout. I don't know if I can attach more than one file. I'll post again with the other file that Templot sent to my computer at the same time. Attachment: attach_3077_3685_Kyle_track_layout _complete_30_may.box 112 posted: 31 May 2020 08:08 from: Julian Roberts Julian Roberts wrote: Hi I've made a track plan for my intended layout, drawn exactly on the map as far as I am able. I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3685.php
... from: Ariels Girdle Depends on the wheels you plan to use for the stock. Much modern NG stock (eg Bachmann) has relatively fine flanges that will run through pointwork to P4 standards (I have tried!). If you already have stock then maybe best to do your own testing as few people actually do this sort of thing and all probably have a different variety of stock. posted: 10 Sep 2019 12:54 from: RedgateModels Good point, at lease one NG loco will be using a Farish "08" chassis, so pretty old wheel specs. posted: 10 Sep 2019 14:32 from: Martin Wynne Narrow-gauge modellers often use the wheels and track standards from a smaller scale. For example 009 models at 4mm/ft typically use N gauge wheels. It defies logic to build a model where the wheels are to a different scale from the rest of the model, but it is a popular way to build a working narrow-gauge layout. Until that is, you want to build mixed-gauge ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  204k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3498.php
... on 3 Oct 2009 06:46 by Jamie92208 posted: 3 Oct 2009 12:42 from: Nigel Brown Jamie Unless I've missed something, I can only see a bgs file attached, not a box. cheers Nigel Last edited on 3 Oct 2009 12:43 by Nigel Brown posted: 3 Oct 2009 20:35 from: Jamie92208 Thanks for that Nigel. My mistake as I am new to this. The box file should be attached to this message. Jamie Attachment: attach_661_948_green_ayre_09_10_02 _1729_03.box 473 posted: 4 Oct 2009 08:10 from: Jim Guthrie Jamie92208 wrote: the attached box is my design for a new O gauge exhibition layout to replace my current one based on Long Preston near Settle. It will be built with overhead for the early Midland Electrics thought the overhead will not be working as it would be too much trouble to wire p the fiddle yard. This is my first attempt at a templot design and any comments would be appreciated. I'm not sure how to uplad the background shapes that show the base board outlines as well ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  94k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_948.php
... add some code to aggregate all the chairs used on templates in the storage box( like the timber/sleeper length one which is great). It would need to be broken down into quantities of S1, L1 types etc. This would make ordering/stock checking a breeze. I am looking at the 'old fashioned' route of using injection moulded chairs and actually glueing them on.... Rob posted: 16 Jul 2018 23:59 from: d827kelly A great addition to templot! posted: 17 Jul 2018 08:12 from: richard_t I've been doing similar, in 2D, using my cad program- I think I'd go slightly crazy doing a full plan, even though the chairs are blocks so they just need putting in the correct place. Attached is a simple A6 turnout, without the crossing chairs- it's a PDF, as the PNG I generated looked awful. Attachment: attach_2700_3307_a6-chairs-test-Model.pdf 289 posted: 17 Jul 2018 18:31 from: Andrew Barrowman richard_t wrote: I've been doing similar, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
... me well enough, that once I get the track correct, I will spend days tweaking the visual appearance until I'm 100% happy with what I see. As always, I'm really grateful for your help, but I wouldn't expect anyone to do that for me as the last 10% of tweaking could take days on it's own. It's just one of those things that has to be absolutely right. Visual appearance Is so subjective and we all have our own idea of what looks right. Last edited on 15 May 2020 08:05 by Gordon S posted: 15 May 2020 09:08 from: Martin Wynne Gordon S wrote: I'm interested how you created a solid line and then compressed the plan. You know me well enough, that once I get the track correct, I will spend days tweaking the visual appearance until I'm 100% happy with what I see. As always, I'm really grateful for your help, but I wouldn't expect anyone to do that for me as the last 10% of tweaking could take days on it's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  508k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3667.php
... . posted: 15 Feb 2014 21:26 from: Trevor Walling Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: Hi Trevor, It's not enough. I already have 50 sub folders under templot_dev>box-files>. I may have in excess of 1000 files over a period of almost 4 years Hello Godfrey, I guess you don't like or bother with computer games either Yes 00-SF is the path I am following. Best wishes. Trevor. Last edited on 15 Feb 2014 21:28 by Trevor Walling posted: 16 Feb 2014 08:26 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Martin,Contain yourself, religious outbursts, what next you're not dealing with Jim S-W. I can assure you I am a supporter of yours, I love the work you do and your logic. However, back to the points in hand.The last thing I want to do is create loads of work for you and although I would appreciate what I have suggested being implemented, I won't come to any harm if it's not.I had thought it may be a simple extension of what ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  241k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2404.php
... in kitchen towel and place on radiator to dry thoroughly. Then paint sides of rail rust coloured! If you have to build in-situ, after construction clean track with well soaked cotton wool balls wetter with meths. Or as suggested elsewhere use Carrs 179 solder in a syringe which does not need cleaning afterwards, resin based flux. One syringe (though expensive) goes a long long way and allows you to put the precise amount of solder exactly where you want it.... Steve posted: 24 Feb 2011 08:10 from: Jim Guthrie I've been using a paste flux for the past few years for soldering and, to date, residue has never left any oxidisation. I did a particular test on a brass coach underframe about ten years ago, leaving a lot of flux residue on the metal, and that has shown no sign of any oxidisation in all that time. I built a good few yards of PCB sleepered N scale track using it and nothing untoward has shown up in the past two years. I have to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1385.php
... the file structure you intend to use? Hi Graeme, Here is a bit more of it: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE == == == == == == == == == === template data- saved from TemplotMEC version 2.24.a saved_at 03:11:43 on 29/10/2019 26 templates from Downingham EM 0000-i =26 ``` 0999-i =0 1000-s =N 0 1005-i =145686781 1010-s =01/08/2019 1015-s =02:33:51 1020-s= BH EM half-diamond K- 8+ V- 8 RH 1025-s =Downingham EM 1030-s =[ slip 023300] slip half-diamond 1035-b =0 1040-i =0 1045-i =0 1050-i =0 1055-e =72 1060-e =0 1065-b =0 etc. There are over 450 such settings for each template (depending on the number of shoved ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3529.php
... obtuse crossing chairs, slip and additional switch chairs all make up a range which saves chopping chairs In 7 mm scale sadly from C&L and Exactoscale there are only the standard, slide and bridge chairs available, another range is slowly being created in 3D printing via Shapeways, I have been of a mind to buy some but always have held back, mainly due to cost. I will bite the bullet at some point as they do look stunning and 7 mm scale will really show them off posted: 27 May 2015 08:24 from: Hayfield Rob Manchester wrote: Hi John, You mentioned about the thinner plastic sleepers curling after having solvent applied on one side. Is this noticeable within a short period of time or does the effect lay dormant and hit you later? I was thinking of the situation where you were building track at the workbench and then laying it onto the layout boards in sections. Rob Rob Sorry for the delay in replying I think this has been a problem known by the founder of both ranges for some time, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  149k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2698.php
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