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Search results for: alignments

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... tiebar underneath the track base. This method is quite popular with a good few people. 25_120244_240000000.jpg 25_120245_420000000.jpg 25_120245_030000000.jpg Three views of a test turnout I built in FS160 (finescale N) using 2mm society Code 40 wire rails and PCB timbering. Brass wire is soldered to the switch blades (which are sprung) and extend through the track base to the turnout operating unit. In this case I've soldered short pieces of brass strip to the underside of the blades and these strips extend under the stock rails to keep the switch blades vertically aligned to the stock rails. The wires are soldered into holes drilled in the inner ends of these strips. This track was for street trackage so everything bar the rails would be hidden. For normal track you might want to make a less obvious joint to the underside of the switch blades. The TOU is made from Plastikard strip, a bit of 4mm PCB turnout timbering and some brass tube to be not too tight a fit on the brass wire. The lot is glued to a short bit of B&Q alloy ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1073.php
... . Interesting project. I have made a couple of minor alterations to your plan. I have shifted the second turnout of the pair away from the first switch very slightly to allow more room for the switch blades to open and also give better matching of the timbering for the third crossing. If you make template 41 visible again you should be able to see the difference. I have also changed the timbering from equalised to right angles to the main road for both turnouts, this makes them parallel with each other and easier to align later. The change has altered the position of the diamond slightly too. I don't think there would be too many problems building it although the radius of the second turnout road seems rather sharp to me. I think you may also have fun linking the middle road of the tandem to turnout 44 (I assume this is where it is going) which may need to be shifted to the right somewhat to ease the alignment and you are correct to want to make sure the tandem is workable before proceeding further to avoid having ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1656.php
... topic: 1214 How do I restore my project? posted: 24 Aug 2010 17:51 from: Ian Spalding Don't know if this is an Templot error or severe finger trouble. I've been building up a project by overlaying templates on a scanned track plan. Nearly finished and went to add another point by the Peg/Align ==> Snake over peg function and instead got every template I've ever created copied onto the plan. Aghh! Is there an easy way of going back one or two steps to get rid of these or do I have to go to the storage box and systematically wipe those I don't want from the background, bearing in mind there are some 300 templates and I probably only need about 40 of these. Regards, Ian Spalding posted: 24 Aug 2010 18:11 from: Brian Nicholls Ian Spalding wrote: Don't know if this is an Templot error or severe finger trouble. I've been building up a project by overlaying templates on a scanned track plan. Nearly finished and went to add another point by the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1214.php
... . Wow! I have updated Allan's text with a few extra remarks in places. I hope you don't mind Allan? There was no mention of F7 snapping, which is mainly for beginners, so I added a note about that:____ Update: In the latest versions of Templot you can simply snap the templates together using the mouse with F7. Just move the brown template until one end is close to the end of a blue template, and when you click or release the mouse it will jump into alignment. So store and background for this first part of the siding. Now I want to attach another bit of track to the end of the siding. To create this new bit of track, right click anywhere, then mint from control template. Then using the mouse with F7, snap the new template onto the end of the last one. And skip the next part... The next part of this sequence is some practice in using the peg and notch functions to do the same thing. These are normally ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  86k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1211.php
... or PROPERTIES or FEATURES in the printer setup window to find the banner or roll paper settings. It may also be necessary to move a switch or lever on the printer itself when loading the banner paper.) Note that for Z-fold paper it is important that the paper size is set correctly. This paper is more commonly available in US Letter size (11in x 8.5in) than A4. Because of the effects of the printer calibration, and manufacturing tolerances on the paper size, it is unlikely that the printed page alignment marks will exactly coincide with the folds in Z-fold paper. This does not affect the accuracy of the printed templates. If you are using Z-fold computer listing paper as banner paper, you can prevent printing through the sprocket holes by adjusting the trim margins. Click the PRINT> TRIM MARGINS>? TRIM MARGINS HELP menu item for more information. For continuous banner printing an accurate printer calibration is especially important to maintain accuracy over long print runs. Remember to do a separate calibration for the banner paper which ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1628.php
... by clicking template> invert handing menu item. Now to make a concentric third track click tools> make double-track MS menu item. MS means "Main-Side" -- the new track is on the main-road side of the template: 2_300737_490000001.png Store it on the background and add a new template on the turnout exit. Bend it (F6) until it is almost tangential to the background template, with a small gap remaining between them: 2_300737_490000002.png Click on the background template and click the peg/align tools> make transition curve from the control template> try left-hand first menu item: 2_300738_330000000.png The result should be something like this -- a new transition curve template aligned with the underlying ones at each end: 2_300738_340000001.png Delete the underlying templates, and extend/shorten (F4) this one at both ends to replace them: 2_300738_340000002.png Then main >store& background. You can then tidy up the connections at the top ends of the curves. regards, Martin. posted: 30 Aug 2011 14:19 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1611.php
... the K crossing end), which has been cropped by using F4 overall length. Now angle adjustments have to be made between the two halves using F5 size, so that the rear end gives the correct flange gap between the wing rail and the vee, this has the effect of not allowing the front end to meet at the centre of the crossing curves, so I had to crop off the front end as far back up to the check rail front tips. Now to make the second half front (K end) align to the centre crossing lines of the two curves, I used F5 size again to make the alignment, and then used F4 overall length to remove the back vee part until it just closes with with the cropped rear half, thus making a resulting full quarter diamond. Now for each of the halves, only the Main Road rails are used, the Diagonal Road rails are omitted. Below I have captured a screenshot, showing the two halves being displayed (not cropped) of just the vee area, and you can ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1468.php
... topic: 1194 Trimming turnouts posted: 10 Aug 2010 10:27 from: grog_polymer I know that I will probably come to this later in the tutorials but there are a couple of places where I have found that the alignment on the entry to a turnout with a track that was made as double track does not quite align at the end of the turnout be it the approach, the branch or the length to use terms relating to how they are fashioned on a single turnout. If I move the peg along a little and make a separate exit road etc. will this let me trim the turnout down? Regards, Greg posted: 11 Aug 2010 11:09 from: Martin Wynne grog_polymer wrote: If I move the peg along a little and make a separate exit road etc. will this let me trim the turnout down? Hi Greg, You can shorten a turnout template back towards the toe (CTRL-0 end) by as much as you wish, using the F4 overall length mouse action. Alternatively you can blank out ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1194.php
... and reverse. Transition curve start mouse action, toggle to transition zone length mouse action and reverse (SHIFT+ CTRL-F3, or[ key, toggle to SHIFT+ CTRL-F4, or] key). Slewing start mouse action, toggle to slewing zone length mouse action and reverse (SHIFT+ CTRL-F5, or' key, toggle to SHIFT+ CTRL-F6, or# key). F7 toggle to F8 mouse action and reverse. (Shift and rotate mouse actions. Often used together when aligning templates over a background scan.) Further suggestions welcome. Bear in mind that this symbol is visible only while a mouse action is in force. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:41 from: Simon Dunkley Martin Wynne wrote: F7 toggle to F8 mouse action and reverse. (Shift and rotate mouse actions. Often used together when aligning templates over a background scan.) Further suggestions welcome. Bear in mind that this symbol is visible only while a mouse action is in force. Hi Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1600.php
... . posted: 27 Feb 2008 03:55 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, 2. Is there anything I need to do with regard to calibration of the printer at work please? The DXF export doesn't include the grid. So in your CAD printing software you need to adjust the scaling until the template length (measured along the rails) matches the specified value showing in the info panel: brian_first_template.png However, what's the objection to having your template in 2 parts? Templot prints the pages with red trimming margins for accurate alignment of the pages. The template needs to be stuck down on a board to use it, so printing it in 2 parts is no real problem. It is much easier to do if you print on thicker paper though -- I recommend 160gsm paper for templates. This is thick enough to allow the trimmed pages to be physically butted together like tiles. I suggest making several copies of your template -- it's handy to have one to refer to while building on the other. Also, if you print a template ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_347.php
... orientation- help menu item. In addition the "drawing pad" has been renamed the "workpad", to make clear that Templot is not a CAD-style drawing program. There is a new HTML-based viewer for the internal Help notes. At present the content is largely unchanged, but it will now be possible to include diagrams and screenshots in the notes in future. The printed output from the Help viewer is now much improved also. There is a new option to match the template length when using the align functions. tools> align options> menu options. This is now a more convenient alternative to the insert turnout in plain track and obtain functions when you want to insert a customized template into an existing location. New option for the F6 curving mouse action to maintain the swing angle constant by adjusting the template length accordingly (constant-radius templates only, not transition curve templates). There are some Help notes about this at action> F6 curving options> menu options. New mouse action: adjust crossing entry straight for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  164k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_330.php
... route stock rail. In preparing this, I tried all of the crossing types. When I got to parallel crossings, F4 makes both the exit and branch longer. I can add a branch track but it gives me a warning. If I try to make a separate exit track it will not let me. I had to move the peg to where I wanted the separate exit track to join, move the notch under that peg and save the template. Then quickset some plain track. Select the turnout and use peg align tools -> align the template over the background template -> facing-facing. That worked but is there an easier way? It does seem an odd distinction to prevent you creating a separete exit track on a turnout with a parralel crossing. The parralel crossing, for obvious reasons, was the only one where the branch and exit tracks are of different concentric radii. Regards and Many thanks, Greg posted: 11 Aug 2010 08:44 from: Martin Wynne Hi Greg, If you do tools> make branch ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1196.php
... function in Templot doesn't show a problem, it's after conversion to PDF via PDF995 that the fun starts- even before I try to use the roller printer (just opening the PDF file shows that trackwork is missing). I previously used size A2 and Landscape- this got most of the track plan but missed a few sleepers between each of the four sheets (meaning the turnout didn't print correctly as it was on a join). The roll of paper is definitely 36" wide, by the way. p.s Do sheet alignment marks get printed automatically, or do I need to select them please? Many thanks Brian posted: 30 Oct 2008 16:54 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, Which version of Templot are you using? If not 091c, please upgrade: topic 330 Try this: on the Control Room/ Program Panel window, go to the program> expert> graphics limits> menu item and make sure the option setting is 24-bit or 32-bit. I knew I would have to buy a Vista computer eventually ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_604.php
... gauge widening anyway. Not that I've built miles of P4 track, but I find the gauges don't actually grip that tightly, or maybe the design has been modified, but I don't really find it an issue. From memory, none of the gauges I have hold the rail over the full height. At critical points, such as crossings, you'll be using check rail gauges anyway- the rails are upright through crossings and the Exactoscale check rail chairs achieve this nicely. I only use roller gauges to roughly hold rails in alignment. They're nasty, horrible things The ones to use are triangular gauges for plain track, and various block and check rail gauges for crossings. All available from either the Scalefour or EM Gauge Societies. posted: 13 Nov 2007 13:54 from: mattots Paul Boyd wrote: At critical points, such as crossings, you'll be using check rail gauges anyway- the rails are upright through crossings and the Exactoscale check rail chairs achieve this nicely. So would you suggest not using C&L chairs on the crossing part ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  138k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_235.php
... :24 from: Martin Wynne BTuckey wrote: By the way, what is the difference between 'invert handing' and 'swap hand'? Hi Brian, For a straight template there is no difference between these two functions. You can use either. For a curved template: template> swap hand, or CTRL+ H, means exactly the same as in toy train track -- changing the hand makes a mirror image of the template. If the curved template is part of a track plan, this will obviously destroy the alignment. template> invert handing, or CTRL+ X, maintains the alignment in the track plan, but swaps the divergence to the opposite side. For a plain track template there is no visible change, but the MS and TS sides swap over. The best way to understand the difference is to try it. Start with a curved turnout. Dab CTRL+ H a few times. Then dab CTRL+ X a few times. It soon becomes clear: handing.png regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_258.php
... clear to me what the best order of assembly is to ensure that I can always gauge new rails from existing ones. What's your recommended order for building one of these? Nick posted: 6 Mar 2011 11:24 from: Paul Boyd Hi Nick If you have a look at my website at http://www.paul-boyd.me.uk then go to the "Rural Railfreight" page, you'll see a photo sequence of a slip in build. In this instance, I started with one slip rail and one Vee to ensure alignment with a turnout leading in to the slip, then the second Vee, and then work out from that. This method means that I worked across the formation. If I was building a slip in isolation, I would start with the Vees and work outwards, with the slip rails going in last. Under no circumstances would I work by placing both slip rails first... A double slip is a complex piece of trackwork and it's quite easy to end up with doglegs, so I find that sighting along the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1405.php
... 9' loose heel, but would an A6 REA work just as well? I would then overlay copies of these and then adjust the visbility of rails, check rails etc. Once these wer OK I could then repeat a similar process with the diamond. Or would it be easier to start with the turnout in the foreground, then add the diamond, overlay the partial templates and then move on the last turnout? I had a go at the last method, but found that the curved sections of the turnouts would not align exactly Is my approach incorrect here? I have followed the videos for the double slip and tandam, but I would really like to master partial templates myself. I just need some pointers as to the correct approach to use, particualarly in aligning the curved sections of the turnouts. Cheers Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Share and show> Half-scissors in P4 about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_819.php
... in this club spend time trying to answer my request, I feel that I should examine this option in much more detail. Thanks again Allen Oakes posted: 21 Jul 2012 23:30 from: Martin Wynne acoake wrote: I have just discovered the option to "Make Diamond Crossing", which I had completely overlooked. Hi Allen, There are two such functions, which work differently. Try both of them: 1. tools> make diamond-crossing menu item. 2. for a background template, peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at intersection menu item. As your junction is on a transition curve, it will need some extra adjustments. I'm planning to make you a bit of video showing that. See also tools> make ladder crossover menu item. regards, Martin. posted: 22 Jul 2012 09:36 from: acoake Martin, I've read elsewhere on this forum that seem never to sleep. Many thanks for the responses and the additional information. I look forward to the video, whenever you can manage ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  55k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2025.php
... orientation- help menu item. In addition the "drawing pad" has been renamed the "workpad", to make clear that Templot is not a CAD-style drawing program. There is a new HTML-based viewer for the internal Help notes. At present the content is largely unchanged, but it will now be possible to include diagrams and screenshots in the notes in future. The printed output from the Help viewer is now much improved also. There is a new option to match the template length when using the align functions. tools> align options> menu options. This is now a more convenient alternative to the insert turnout in plain track and obtain functions when you want to insert a customized template into an existing location. New option for the F6 curving mouse action to maintain the swing angle constant by adjusting the template length accordingly (constant-radius templates only, not transition curve templates). There are some Help notes about this at action> F6 curving options> menu options. New mouse action: adjust crossing entry straight for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_113.php
... got my Z scale testplan box file. As you will see this is a very limited plan and just about fits into 2foot sq, though I may increase this a little, depending how tight things are in real life. But it really is just a test bed for trying out my track building abilities. I wanted to have the single sided curvered tandem on the plan at the station switch location. I have tried following the online tutorial and adapting it to try and make my tandem but I never manage to get past aligning the two templates and snaking through peg. Its adding the 3rd k crossing bit I am stumbling on. I will try and post my efforts. Any comments/views/advice greatfully accepted. Regards Tom Attachment: attach_53_green_riverMK1_3.box 264 posted: 5 Sep 2007 10:20 from: Martin Wynne its_all_downhill wrote: I wanted to have the single sided curvered tandem on the plan at the station switch location. I have tried following the online tutorial and adapting it to try and make my tandem but I never manage to get past ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_123.php
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