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Search results for: alignments

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... plenty of photographs. The chapter on planning and design covers the basic planning techniques that you can use from paper and pencil through to Templot. However, it also has plenty to say about curves and buffer locking and includes illustrations that show the effects of unduly small radius curves. As you might expect the actual construction section is based on current 2mm scale components, but many of the procedures are common to other scales. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of the check gauge in pointwork and the need to ensure accurate alignment of the crossing together with guidance on how to achieve this. The chapters on common techniques and tools start with a section on soldering technique followed by the procedures for building crossing and switches including a number of simple tools that you can make to help. The technique for filing rail for switches and crossing that has been described on Templot Club is included but with a simple and important improvement that avoids the risk of filing away the guide block. The final chapter on laying and finishing includes a section of turnout operation. This ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2112.php
... topic: 2110 Sandwich Baseboard construction posted: 11 Nov 2012 09:20 from: PeterD Hi all, I am planning my layout which shall comprise 7 individual baseboards, all dimensioned at 5' 6" x 2' 6". I shall be using alignment dowels and clips to connect each baseboard. The problem that I need to resolve is that each baseboard will comprise two levels. The viewable part being on top with the fiddle yard sections below. The top sub baseboard will be of the open frame type whilst the bottom sub baseboad shall be a full width and depth sheet. Ideally, I need to be able to split the upper and lower levels to allow wiring and point motors fitted to each of the baseboard levels. My prefered baseboard material would be 9mm ply. Has anyone attempted this type of construction and/or can anyone please help me get started? I have played about with a number of ideas but have come to the conclusion that it would be better to check with fellow modellers first. Many thanks Peter posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2110.php
... at the heel? I 've got an approach that I'm trying but if anybody has any experience or thought I'd be happy to hear them. posted: 8 Nov 2012 18:55 from: Paul Boyd Hi Ian My latest attempt at this is shown on the appropriate page on my website at this link here. Near the bottom, photo 44. Basically, I've used a tinned copper wire omega loop soldered to the underside of the rail with high melting point solder. This gives electrical conductivity, the pivoting movement and reasonable alignment. The actual amount of movement is tiny so hopefully it won't fatigue, which is what seems to happen with PB strip soldered to the rail sides. Or maybe I did something wrong! I've also tried cast brass fishplates and plastic fishplates but these are not really satisfactory. What you could try is the omega loop combined with a loose cast brass fishplate to give more positive location. I've not tried that......yet 105_081350_480000000.jpg 105_081353_220000000.jpg posted: 8 Nov 2012 20:05 from: Nigel Brown I simply shoved ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2106.php
... on both sides... J posted: 21 Oct 2012 23:45 from: Martin Wynne julia wrote: I really am struggling to do anything more than just create a single turnout with templot. Following all these instructions I don't end up with the hoped for turnout. At this stage I just want to make a simple H0e 3 way turnout, with 700mm radius on both sides... Hi Julia, That sounds like you want a symmetrical 3-throw turnout? In which case you can get the basic alignments just by overlaying left and right hand turnouts: 1. start with a straight turnout of the required size (radius). 2. press the CTRL+ 0 (zero) keys. 3. press the INSERT key. 4. click the template> swap hand menu item. 5. press the INSERT key. 6. press the HOME key. However, have you actually tried building such a thing? It's very tricky to get the coincident switches working properly -- such turnouts are confined to yards and sidings ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2086.php
... track with 00-SF gauges using the 00-BF templates as they are? Hi Ray, Well you could do this for ordinary turnouts, although the geometry will be a bit distorted. Not really recommended, and it's easy with Templot to print the right template so why not do that? You can't do this for diamond-crossings and slips. For these it is essential that the template is drawn to exactly the same track gauge as the gauge tools which you will be using. Otherwise it will be impossible to align the rails correctly. For this reason it is important to check the printer calibration before printing templates for diamonds and slips. The length of a template is dependent on the track gauge. 00-SF track gauge (16.2mm) is smaller than 00-BF (16.5mm), and consequently the 00-SF templates are slightly shorter. I'm a bit puzzled that you say one template is significantly shorter after changing from 00-BF to 00-SF. Can you attach the .box file showing this? Thanks. regards ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2142.php
... curviform ladder menu item. Click it again a few more times. The above two methods can cope with having a transition curve in the main road, although you will probably need to follow up with some adjustments to the transition zone to get the desired result. Method 3. Start with two lengths of curved plain track crossing over each other, or one curved and one straight length. One should be a background template and the other the control template. Click on the background template. On its menu, click peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at intersection menu item. Follow the instructions and wait a moment while Templot does the calculations. You will then need to split the underlying original background template and shorten each half back accordingly. The method doesn't work for transition curves, it is for straights and fixed-radius curves only. Also it is very easy when testing to have the tracks crossing at too short an angle. Templot can't produce crossings shorter than 1: 1.5 RAM( i.e. not more than 33.7 degrees). ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2080.php
... posted: 14 Jul 2012 20:34 from: Martin Wynne Martin Wynne wrote: For example it is not possible to customize the trim margins in PDF output because the actual margins are determined by the printer settings in the PDF reader. Hi Mark, That set me thinking, so I have made a slight change to the PDF export: 2_141358_330000000.png With that new box ticked (the default), the entered dimensions refer to the page size between the red trim margins. This makes it much easier to have the trim margins aligned with the grid lines, and round-figure sizes for the trimmed pages. The margin widths are: left: 7mm right: 2mm top: 6mm bottom: 4.5mm This means that the actual document size (as shown in the PDF reader program) for the settings in the screenshot above would be larger at 270.5mm x 189mm. Those default margin widths can be adjusted for the printer output, but they are fixed for PDF. The actual visible margin for the PDF will be determined by the paper size and print settings ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2019.php
... making up a scissors formation, with I might add, several partial templates within it, I find that when I try to arrange the group name labels, the partial templates for each of the four central diamond check rails (those for the elbows), do not get included in the label grouping and remain in the usual background template colours. This also means, as I found out, that I cannot move that group as a whole entity, because the diamond check rails do not move with the group, and any alignments I have made for those four templates is lost. I have attached the box file for the group in question, which in the file, the group is the lower group of the two, i.e. nearest the grid origin, see what you think. All the best, Brian Nicholls. Attachment: attach_1513_2071_group_check_rails _problem.box 241 posted: 5 Oct 2012 19:54 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, Thanks for that. You have found a bug which has remained undetected for 10 years, since version 078. There are ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2071.php
... been creating various shapes which have been either had various alterations on or after making them either changing the fill colour or omitting altogether followed or preceded by resizing. In the case displayed yesterday I created the grey shape on the left,today I created the orange rectangle and resized it and moved it against the grey rectangle as I was using it a spacer, I the created another rectangle to fit between the orange one and a further one out of shot on right this was altered to no fill and rotated using the mouse to align it with that shape this was then tweaked size wise to fit the required space. I then created I then created the blue polygon. I then went to alter it and got the message shown so I then clicked on the orange rectangle to see if it had the same result. Sorry it's a bit long winded but that is more or less a blow by blow account. Cheers Phil Last edited on 17 Jul 2012 22:18 by Phil O posted: 23 Jul 2012 11:53 from: Phil O Hi ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2023.php
... but it may be a while before it's ready. I started with the 25" scan of Corfe Castle which Neil Berrington uploaded in this topic: topic 1046 and loaded it as a normal track plan picture shape: 2_171214_340000000.png If anyone wants to try it, the original image file in the Gallery is 300dpi and 1:2500 scale: gallery/46/original/46_131232_230000000.png Thanks Neil. The intention was to fit it into the corner of a room, and this is the result, now ready to have the remaining tracks aligned over it: 2_171214_340000001.png 2_171214_350000002.png This is a 2-stage process, using the wrapping function twice. First to straighten out the original running line, and then to wrap it onto the corner curve. The process is not difficult, but also not immediately obvious, so I shall have to prepare a sequence of detailed screenshots. I hope to have it done soon. p.s. I moved this to the "Templot talk" forum -- the "Tips and tutorials" forum is for posting answers, not questions. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2057.php
... do that, but the easiest is to use the selection fence. Click the top tool-button with a solid black square on it (9th from the left). It goes green when clicked. Then click and drag a rectangle around the templates. You can move or rotate them as a group using the mouse actions. I'm not going to tell you which ones. Click the help> print F key chart menu item and look for "shift group" and "rotate group". And to see how to align the group with existing tracks, see: http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_geometry.htm#shift_group_notch There are lots of functions which can be applied to groups of templates -- have a look in the group menu on the trackpad. regards, Martin. posted: 10 Sep 2012 19:45 from: John Preston Hi Richard, I can resist everything but temptation, so your schematic challenged me. I have made up a fair bit from your first six baseboards, using for the most part B6 points. I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2051.php
... Martin Wynne rammstein2609 wrote: Obviously some of the check rails will be built as one piece instead of individual lengths of rail. Hi Martin, Looking good. If you upgrade to Templot2 you can easily adjust the check rails to do that on the templates -- real> adjust check rails... menu item. (You can set them in 091c, but it's a bit tedious.) In Templot2 you can also use a gaunt turnout as the base template for the middle crossing, which makes it much easier to align and adjust. More about this at: topic 1487 regards, Martin. posted: 8 Jan 2013 18:58 from: rammstein2609 Hi Martin, Thanks for the reply. I did download Templot 2 when it became available but haven't played around with it yet. I'll give it another go tonight and play about with the check rails. Cheers Martin posted: 9 Jan 2013 22:09 from: rammstein2609 Hi, I managed to cheat a bit and exported the drawing as a DXF and fixed the template in Autocad. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2134.php
... Fathers Day. A few points: You don't necessarily need to move templates to avoid selecting the wrong one. If you hold down the SHIFT key, or put the CAPS LOCK on, the template name labels will highlight as you move over them and you can select the template you want by clicking on the label. This works even when several templates overlap, because Templot puts the name labels in random positions for this reason. There is no need to keep copying stored background templates back to the control, if the transition alignment remains the same. After storing a copy of the control template, you simply adjust the existing control template to get the next turnout required (press the HOME key to see it again after storing it). Then store it and adjust it again, and so on. If the first templates get in the way, store them as unused (main> store as unused menu item) until you are ready to copy them all to the background (from the storage box). Sorry, I didn't quite follow the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1986.php
... the slips nor have I shoved timbers, The sketchpad file states the type of slips to be made. Peter Rob Manchester wrote: Hello Peter, The plan looks very good. I would a appreciate a look at the box file if you wouldn't mind posting it, or at least the part that covers the scissors crossover leading to the main line fiddle yards. Rob Attachment: attach_1356_1836_the_dale_version _3_2012_02_18_2353_21.box 173 posted: 19 Feb 2012 11:18 from: PeterD Please find attatched the box file of the junction area. I found an alignment error on the Down Main which I have corrected by adjusting the 'v' crossing angle. I am not sure of how the check rails should be arranges through the scissors but have updated them and await comments/advice on this. Thanks Peter Attachment: attach_1357_1836_Junction_area.box 183 posted: 19 Feb 2012 18:34 from: Rob Manchester Peter, Many thanks for posting the box files. I like the way the track flows though the scissors. Somebody with more knowledge than me will have to comment on the check rails. Rob ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1836.php
... using these options at: topic 1928 I tried adding your image (original size from the Image Gallery) to the sketchboard. I set the image width for 4mm scale to 12500mm, which was a quick guess. It's somewhere near, as this overlaid B6 crossover shows for the track centres. These are the views back on the trackpad for each quality option: design quality: 2_271730_110000001.png display quality: 2_271730_110000000.png As you can see, neither is going to be much use for detailed track planning, although you can get the general alignments. No algorithm can put back detail which has been removed. The latter is marginally better, but very much slower to zoom and pan when working over it. These images are sketchboard bitmap items, not background picture shapes. The background picture shapes function uses a simple pixel stretch only. regards, Martin. posted: 28 May 2012 02:42 from: Pierre quote: "Unfortunately you have missed the boat with the old-maps site" Yes, I too miss the old old-maps website. However ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1967.php
... F2 button and read the notes. The default step size for 4mm scale is 6mm, giving a maximum template length of 3000 x 6mm= 18000mm. Increase the step size just enough to allow the required template length. For example if you make the step size 11mm, the template length can go up to 3000 x 11mm= 33000mm. The change applies to the current control template only, and you need to do this again for any existing templates if necessary. Presumably you will be splitting this template into shorter ones, aligning templates over it, inserting turnouts in it, etc.? I strongly recommend that as soon as the templates are short enough you return the step size on them to the default 6mm. Otherwise you may find that you have inadvertently created an entire track plan with the longer step size, and some templates will be adversely affected when printed. regards, Martin. posted: 1 Mar 2012 13:38 from: Jerry Thank you very much Martin, Just for the record the Map distance of my plan is ~2300 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1852.php
... the wheels have the correct back to back distance. Then you can use this to try out your trackwork. It is satisfying to find that the wagon goes trough your pointwork satisfactorily. As for the slip, the one I constructed, I started with the common crossings and then worked outwards, checking with a ruler that I was getting the straight through rails straight and not introducing any unintended kinks. I am not sure if there is a right way to construct slips, but I think you are more likely to get the alignment right by starting with the common crossings. Best wishes John posted: 2 Jun 2012 21:45 from: JFS Brian Tanner wrote: Help and suggestions please. Brian Brian, Not sure if this will help, but this is how I would do what I think you need. First create the turnout which will lead to the slip. Next, tools>make ladder crossover>make regular ladder crossover. Delete the second half diamond Make the first half diamond the control Move the peg to the DXP (geometry> ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1921.php
... piece of copperclad to keep the checkrail exactly to gauge. Then I just cut the chairs in half and use them cosmetically where the copperclad is installed. Question for Dave: Do you use a delayed action Superglue for fixing all your chairs to the ply sleepers? I found that the liquid which C&L supply for fixing plastic chairs to plastic sleepers had no strength on ply sleepers and another glue I used has also failed on one of my point blades. Ideally the glue should allow a good many seconds for me to align everything with the roller gauges and it should not show up horribly shiny on my nicely stained plywood, where the chair has been pulled into position by the gauge. What do you find best? Thanks, Arthur posted: 14 Jul 2013 16:15 from: wcampbell23 Hi Arthur I have used both Plastic Weld and Butanone (the latter is that supplied by C&L) with great success on ply timbering. No issues with adhesion or leaving a mark on the stained surface. I used diluted Humbrol enamels to stain ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2258.php
... displayed beyond the limit. In design quality the limit doesn't apply, and with a modern computer you should be able to zoom and pan over the trackpad, with sketchboard items showing, at near normal speed. Here are some views of the same when showing on the trackpad: 2_190758_010000003.png 2_190758_010000004.png When zoomed further in, the differences between them become more obvious: 2_190758_000000002.png 2_190758_000000001.png At this level of zoom the design quality option is actually the more useful for design work, as each original pixel is clearly shown and can be used for alignment, taking measurements, etc. The above settings apply to the appearance of bitmap* items on both the sketchboard and the trackpad. There is a further option called transfer mode, see 3. above, which applies only to the trackpad, but to all the sketchboard items shown on there. This option controls the way in which the sketchboard contents are drawn on the trackpad. The low-res option renders the contents to a low-res bitmap and then uses a simple pixel-stretch function to draw it on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1928.php
... complete without errors, and reload again later ok. Windows marks Templot as "not responding" with the hourglass/ spinning roundel showing while saving, but if you wait long enough it does come back without error. But that's just my system, I wouldn't want to guarantee that Templot can handle such large files on all systems. There has to be a limit somewhere -- the difficulty is in specifying what it is, because all systems are different. Here is a tiny bit of it on the trackpad with a turnout aligned over it. I hope this small section falls within fair dealing for copyright purposes: 2_040506_390000000.png I was pleasantly surprised to find zooming and panning on the trackpad quite fast and smooth. It wouldn't transfer to the sketchboard in the default metafile format -- I got a streaming "out of memory" error, not really surprising. But by changing to the manual option to add the trackplan item in bitmap format, and using the boundary rectangle* option (the green outline above), it did work. This is the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2246.php
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