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Search results for: Andrew

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... : Ian Spalding Martin Wynne wrote: To stop receiving them, you need to log in on the Yahoo group. Go to: Yahoo group membership settings and under "Message Delivery" select the "Web only" option. Click "Save Changes" at the bottom. Martin, Thanks. I had completely forgotten that that was where they came from. I've done the change. Now I've just got to sift through 4000 unread emails :-( Regards, Ian Spalding posted: 19 Jan 2010 19:42 from: Andrew Howlett Martin, I am trying to stop the Templot Yahoo group feed to my old email address, having already started the email feed to my new email address from within Templot Club. I tried logging into the Yahoo group membership settings using my old email address as the login, and it said the account did not exist! To be honest, I do not remember ever having joined the Yahoo group. I thought you had set it up when I joined the original Templot group. Andrew Howlett posted: 19 Jan 2010 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_944.php
... topic: 3761 High Level Coal Railway, Liverpool posted: 10 Sep 2020 20:28 from: Nigel Brown Not much in the way of gently sweeping curves here! High Level Coal Railway, Liverpool Nigel posted: 10 Sep 2020 21:20 from: Paul Boyd That abominable track is just crying out to be modelled, once I've worked out just what's going on! posted: 10 Sep 2020 22:26 from: Andrew Barrowman Was that a single-slip before they eliminated one side of it? I can't work what it's supposed to do posted: 10 Sep 2020 23:27 from: Rob Manchester No I don't get the idea behind the track layout either. There is more info on the building of the Coal Railway here for anybody interested. Rob posted: 10 Sep 2020 23:54 from: Nigel Brown Andrew Barrowman wrote: Was that a single-slip before they eliminated one side of it? I can't work what it's supposed to do I've got a feeling that it still is a single slip, of a horrible ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3761.php
... the kind of rolling stock I am intending- partly because of space constraints, but also because I am most interested in shunting operations, and by strange coincidence the Class 08 is my favourite loco, though I am coming to like some of the small steam shunters too. That's a very nice plan with some good ideas. I will load it and try to see how it has been made. Cheers, graeme Last edited on 14 Nov 2019 04:16 by Graeme posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:46 from: Andrew Duncan Graeme wrote: A week ago I set myself the task of at least making a start at acquiring a working knowledge of Templot. In the interim I have probably spent in total about 3 days solid on it. Selecting topics randomly, I read much of the Templot Companion, then worked my way through the index from start to finish to make sure I had not missed anything, read the posts linked to from the Companion, worked through the user-contributed tutorials, watched the videos, re-read most ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3551.php
... topic: 2646 The disappearing Template posted: 10 Mar 2015 08:44 from: Andrew Duncan Martin Just a quickie I suspect. I was doing some work on Yeovil plan redoing the track centre spacing having discovered that 70' coaches would foul each other on certain curves. So I found myself generally moving round the non station parts of layout increasing the adjacent spacing to 50.67mm. I chose to delete the outside curves and use -Tools\Make double track- to restore the outside curves a little further away. This worked fine. But as I progressed towards the fiddle yard (staging yard?) I noticed that a curved turnout had disappeared and that no amount of 'undo changes/ back button' would restore it. This used to happen to me a lot in the early days of using Templot but I found that by hitting the button with two orange down arrows on it (save to control) that that overcame that problem but at the same time very often seems to duplicate the template, which is a bit tedious (probably necessary ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2646.php
... there was a country with both 5' 3" gauge and 3'0". railways. New management called in a consultant to "rationalise" this. He read up on how the 5'3" had been decided upon originally. He concluded that taking the average of the contenders would again produce a 'fair' result. So be it. A fairy, or is it leprechaun?, story. Regards, Rodney Hills Last edited on 18 Sep 2017 19:16 by rodney_hills posted: 22 Sep 2017 18:14 from: Andrew Barrowman madscientist wrote: Martin Wynne wrote: madscientist wrote: Martins existential explanation notwithstanding !! Not sure what you mean by that. If you are building track to 4ft-1.5in gauge, sleepers longer than 8ft would be a waste of timber, which costs money. When a railway company builds railway track, the object of the exercise is to support the weight of the traffic passing over it, not to disguise it as something else. I'm not aware of any 4ft-1.5in track having sleepers longer than 8ft. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  77k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3079.php
... topic: 1092 Counting sleepers posted: 1 Apr 2010 00:54 from: Andrew Campbell Since counting sleepers has a lot in common with counting sheep or indeed rivets, I'd like to know if there's a canny way of getting Templot to count the total number of sleepers of a layout designed in Templot? By the same taken, can Templot measure how much rail I'm going to need? I appreciate I'll lose a fair amount of rail in off-cuts making turnouts. Kind regards and happy Easter Andrew Campbell posted: 1 Apr 2010 04:10 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Campbell wrote: Since counting sleepers has a lot in common with counting sheep or indeed rivets, I'd like to know if there's a canny way of getting Templot to count the total number of sleepers of a layout designed in Templot? By the same taken, can Templot measure how much rail I'm going to need? Hi Andrew, Sorry, these functions aren't available at present. See: message 5187 regards, Martin. posted: 2 Apr 2010 12:59 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1092.php
... a sort of religious belief, but who can't manage to get the fine P4 standards to work. As with H0, EM4 breaks the golden rule that exact-scale gauge needs exact-scale wheel-widths -- otherwise the wheels won't fit behind scale-width valve gear, inside scale-width splashers, axleboxes, etc. I think EM4 is a daft idea, but it's there as a pre-set for those who want it. cheers, Martin. posted: 29 Jan 2019 04:10 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Rob and Martin I wasn't aware of this standard (EM SF)and it sounds interesting as the crossings are more than half towards P4 which for me is P4s biggest visual benefit, that and super smooth running when well executed. Does anyone do a set of gauges for the EM SF standard and what do you feel the downsides are? Kind regards Andrew posted: 29 Jan 2019 04:27 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Duncan wrote: Hello Rob and Martin I wasn't aware of this standard (EM SF ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3380.php
... topic: 2641 Transition Curves: posted: 2 Mar 2015 21:30 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Martin Back on 13th January you replied to my question about transition curves; When you say that you can't get make transition to work for you, what goes wrong? What do you see? If Templot can't make a transition in the desired place it's unlikely that you will be able physically to fit the tracks there. In answer to that question I've now, at last, done a screen shot of the problem that I experienced when using "Peg\ Align\ Make transition curve...". In fact I've done 2 screen shots one of the initial result as proposed by Templot and a second with my change to the curve to make it "match/ align". 2787_021620_120000000.png And this is what I modified it to... 2787_021617_010000000.png I used F6 to change the curve to this which I think looks ok, but without scanning along the curve with my eye down at track level I don't have any means of knowing if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2641.php
... take the wrong road on fixed K-crossings of very flat angle. Using movable K-crossings for flat angles prevents this. regards, Martin. posted: 20 Dec 2007 10:27 from: John Lewis Paul Boyd wrote: That's the easy bit- the difficult bit, I think, will be making a double slip work at a 1:10 angle... It should have movable K-crossings? John posted: 22 Dec 2007 22:04 from: Templot User -- --- from Andrew Jukes -- --- Martin Wynne wrote: On the prototype the flattest angle allowed for fixed K-crossings is 1:8. Hi Martin Was this always true? Obviously, the geometrical properties haven't changed but were people perhaps a little less risk-averse in earlier times? The 1:8 rule is certainly what is quoted by the PWay Inst. going back to the early 1940s but what rules were applied by the pre-group companies? I only ask because the geometry of the track layout I'm ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_288.php
... bits. Thanks Fraser posted: 25 Oct 2017 17:46 from: Charles Orr Fraser, I've not yet decided what to do with the first machine, but I have said to Howard that I'm happy to help printing the MERG 3D kits. If I do decide to sell it then I will be in contact with you via PM. Best regards Charles posted: 25 Oct 2017 23:01 from: FraserSmith Thank you Charles I'll await the possible PM. Cheers Fraser posted: 25 Oct 2017 23:40 from: Andrew Barrowman FraserSmith wrote: I'll await the possible PM. Could be a long wait! (I recently discovered PMs are not supported here) posted: 26 Oct 2017 00:30 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Barrowman wrote: (I recently discovered PMs are not supported here) Hi Andy, Every member can choose to make their email address visible to other members via the settings in their Profile: http://85a.co.uk/forum/my_account.php?edit_profile=1 Only members of Templot Club can see the email address. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3113.php
... such a WM message to test it, and I have no means of doing that. If I simply change the monitor resolution while Templot is running, I get the expected message from Windows saying that to apply the changes I must restart Windows. In 40 years working on Templot it has never occurred to me to try to do such a thing. Not for the first time, I get the feeling I'm on a different planet from everyone else. cheers, Martin. posted: 17 Feb 2018 00:12 from: Andrew Barrowman Hi Martin, The simple solution is to supply a can of DDT with every copy of Templot. Regards, Andy DDT= Don't Do That posted: 17 Feb 2018 00:42 from: Rob Manchester Andrew Barrowman wrote: Hi Martin, The simple solution is to supply a can of DDT with every copy of Templot. Regards, Andy DDT= Don't Do That Andy, DDT= Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Kills all known bugs and some things it shouldn't.... Rob posted: 17 Feb 2018 04:21 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  124k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3214.php
... can enter a reply instantly -- faster than Yahoo! And unlike email you can include images and file attachments and add context formatting for emphasis. Also as a registered member you can choose to receive your forum messages as direct emails rather than via Yahoo, and again much faster. A daily digest option is also available if you prefer. More information at: http://85a.co.uk/forum/new_member.htm regards, Martin. posted: 29 Dec 2007 23:53 from: Templot User -- --- from Andrew Shillito -- --- As someone who has been in 3mm for forty years or so, ScaleThree pops its head over the parapet every now and then, usually by someone who has no intention of doing it, but likes to stir the pot, I have never seen a ScaleThree layout. I know of none that have been started and I think that I never will. The existing 14.2 whilst not perfect seems to work for most finescale 3mm modellers. Andrew Shillito posted: 30 Dec 2007 00:23 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_295.php
... topic: 2445 Drawing base board outlines on my plan/ box file? posted: 19 Apr 2014 09:06 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Martin I wonder if you could either tell how to draw outlines of baseboards etc on my plan, or where I should look to understand how to do it. I've included the latest version of my proposed EM model of Yeovil Pen Mill which I'm still working on but has come on quite a way in the last few months. Kind regards Andrew Duncan Attachment: attach_1826_2445_Yeovil_-April_18th_Extra_line_in_MPD_areas V2.box 230 posted: 19 Apr 2014 13:22 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Duncan wrote: I wonder if you could either tell how to draw outlines of baseboards etc on my plan, or where I should look to understand how to do it. Hi Andrew, There are at least 5 different ways to do this. 1. If you want the baseboard outlines to be part of the .box file, you can create them as dummy track templates. Simply set geometry> track centre-lines only for plain track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2445.php
... topic: 3648 Dockside shunt plan posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:26 from: Andrew Jones Hello one and all, I am very new to Templot and have never been one to want to be 100% accurate to a time or location. I like watching trains go by, and I like interesting track work Currently, my intent will be to create a small test plot to have a go at in real life once it's been put together. This topic will track my development of the plan in Templot, and hopefully I'll get to make it in real life once it's complete so I'll move this to a new topic in the relevant area when I get there. The concept for the layout is a dockside shunt based on a hornby track plan. Yes I know, groan groan not another one, but you have to start somewhere. The actual track work will be....complex, as I have an idea to alter it to make it more interesting. I have no prototypical example for this (shock) but I do have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3648.php
... topic: 3422 Ordinary Crossover posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:44 from: Andrew Barrowman "Make Ordinary Crossover" seems to be using TS spacing rather than MS spacing. When I swap the values for MS and TS the crossover aligns with double track. posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:46 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Barrowman wrote: "Make Ordinary Crossover" seems to be using TS spacing rather than MS spacing. Hi Andy, That's correct. The terms "Turnout Side" (TS) and "Main Side" (MS) refer to the template. By definition a crossover is on the turnout side of a turnout template: startup_pad.png The spacing settings are template-specific. The proper course of action is to set the desired spacing on the relevant side before using the tools> make functions. That's why the spacings dialog comes up when you use them. In practice it is most often the TS spacing which needs setting. The MS spacing applies only when making double-track for loops and sidings alongside running lines. Strictly ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3422.php
... topic: 2059 Announcement: C&L- Exactoscale posted: 17 Sep 2012 22:32 from: Martin Wynne Information provided by Andrew Jukes for Templot users: PRESS RELEASE – 18 September 2012 An announcement concerning C&L Finescale Modelling Ltd. and Exactoscale Ltd. C&L Finescale Modelling are to take responsibility for and become the sole supplier of the Exactoscale product range. Major changes are to take place in the provision of track and other model railway components with the Bristol-based C&L Finescale becoming the sole supplier of the excellent range of products currently provided by Exactoscale. The Exactoscale products will be incorporated into the C&L range and customers will be able to purchase items for next day dispatch at the C&L website http://www.finescale.org.uk. The full Exactoscale range of turnout kits, track components, loco, coach and wagon wheels, wagon chassis and gearboxes will remain available. In due course there may be some simplification of the combined range, the aim being to carry the range forward with new developments. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2059.php
... prosper in Health and Wealth. PS to Phil O Shouldn't it be Templotters! As in conspirators Haha Godders posted: 24 Dec 2019 17:23 from: Martin Wynne Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. 2_241222_540000000.jpg Many thanks for all the kind words and Templot interest in the last 12 months. cheers, Martin. posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:17 from: Hayfield Happy Christmas to all and thanks to everyone who have been so helpful to others this year posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:36 from: Andrew Duncan Hayfield wrote: Happy Christmas to all and thanks to everyone who have been so helpful to others this year Hello John, a very nice sentiment that captures well the feel of this forum. A very happy new year everyone. Kind regards Andrew posted: 31 Dec 2019 21:27 from: Andrew Barrowman Seasons greetings! 2983_311506_050000000.jpg As you can see it's quite seasonal here at the moment although the snow is likely to melt as it's turning to rain. Hope everyone has the happiest of new years. posted: 31 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3586.php
... topic: 3438 US 3 foot gauge posted: 26 May 2019 00:22 from: Andrew Barrowman 2983_251904_430000000.jpg 2983_251905_170000000.jpg 2983_251905_500000000.jpg 2983_251906_250000000.jpg 2983_251907_300000000.jpg posted: 26 May 2019 00:45 from: Nigel Brown Wonderful! posted: 26 May 2019 01:27 from: Rob Manchester Very nice Andrew, Thanks for posting these, is there a reason you posted them now? Rob posted: 26 May 2019 01:54 from: Andrew Barrowman Rob Manchester wrote: Very nice Andrew, Thanks for posting these, is there a reason you posted them now? Rob Hi Rob, I recently returned from chasing the restored UP Big Boy among other things and I included the D&S on my eight state circular trip. It was so much fun I'm inclined to do it again Andy posted: 28 May 2020 12:31 from: Ian Allen Andrew Barrowman wrote: Rob Manchester wrote: Very nice Andrew, Thanks for posting these, is there a reason you posted them now? Rob Hi Rob, I recently returned from chasing the restored UP Big Boy among ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3438.php
... in 213a.) 4. do tools> make double-track to create a dummy track template along this line. For constant radius curves this is the clearance line. 5. if the curve includes transitions, do make transition on these dummy templates to create the final clearance line. Which sounds complicated, but is really quite simple. I will make a bit of video shortly showing it, but it may take me an hour or two. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Jan 2016 21:33 from: Andrew Barrowman Hi Gordon, It's a track center line. You can make it the control template and move it around etc. The template is set to display the center line only. Andy posted: 25 Jan 2016 21:39 from: Andrew Barrowman See "Geometry,- Center Lines Only" posted: posted: 25 Jan 2016 21:41 from: Gordon S Thanks Martin, I'd looked everywhere... It suddenly struck me as a very useful line when setting out the base of my retaining walls. In ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2833.php
... Interesting RAIB accident report posted: 16 Feb 2016 18:39 from: Martin Wynne This recent RAIB accident report contains some interesting track details about 2-level baseplates: http://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/490855/R012016_160111_Washwood_Heath.pdf See paragraphs 56-57, and 101-122. If even RAIB is now referring to a turnout as a "point", I fear we must declare the battle lost. Martin. posted: 18 Feb 2016 03:27 from: Andrew Barrowman Is good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't know where to put the chairs, although I suppose it's not so good to know if you travel on NR. And plastic pivot bearings- they'll be printing plastic wheels next posted: 18 Feb 2016 05:39 from: Matt M. Hi Andrew, Not plastic pivots but the sacrificial liner between the pivot and bearing surface. It is simply to keep the steel sections apart. This saves trying to oil or re-grease so often in a hard ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2844.php
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