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... the hide control to make it visible again. Then Ctrl+ O again, this time click every box to invert all the rail settings. Now go Real> Timbering> No timbering and you should have only one rail visible. The visible length can now be adjusted by using either F4 to adjust the overall length or Ctrl+ F3 to adjust the blanking length. It will make sense when you try it. Tony. Attachment: attach_1264_1720_aonach_mark_2_11 _12_09_2330_53.box 413 Last edited on 9 Dec 2011 23:37 by Tony W posted: 10 Dec 2011 09:59 from: Jim Guthrie John Palmer wrote The projected layout features one tandem turnout, the employment of which is fairly critical as I haven't found a satisfactory alternative way to fit in the required facilities. Whilst I am reasonably content with the geometry of this tandem unit, I am much less happy about the interlacing of the timbers. I have scoured every photograph available to me of NBR trackwork, but have yet to find one that clearly shows a tandem, let alone reveals any clues as to North ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1720.php
... is now SHIFT+ F7. 4. cycle notch -- the shortcut is now CTRL+ C. 5. metric calculator -- there is no longer a keyboard shortcut. N.B. If you see error messages while downloading or installing the update, perhaps like this, please turn off your anti-virus program while you install Templot: w10_av.png regards, Martin. posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:13 from: DaveJ61 Hi Martin, Thanks for the update. As always, installed flawlessly without any problems. (Windows 10 x64, Defender). David posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:54 from: stuart1600 Thanks for the latest update; no problems downloading this time. (Windows 7, AVG anti-virus) AVG has obviously decided after the last time that Templot is OK Stuart posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:27 from: Martin Wynne Thanks for the feedback. What I'm really waiting for is for someone to confirm that the video links are working nicely. For example, if you go to this page (you can click ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  94k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3140.php
... , spend my time on the Templot Companion. Because the present situation is becoming absurd. Look at this page: http://templot.com/companion/4_where_do_i_start.php and in tiny print at the bottom: "page last revised 27-May-2016" That's more than 18 months, for something which should have been continued within a week. So many thanks for the suggestion. All I can say at present is that I have added it to the list. regards, Martin. posted: 12 Jan 2018 16:10 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Thank you Martin Of course it's not urgent and is merely a nice to have. I'm happy now and my last wish was to put pressure on you. cheers Godders posted: 11 Feb 2018 13:13 from: Martin Wynne Hi Godders, I have been looking at this again, because it has been bugging me. I have concluded that I can kludge this into the BGS file format if (big IF) rotation is restricted to 1.5 degree increments. That would include of course all the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3179.php
... topic: 1701 ADMIN: Templot changes posted: 27 Nov 2011 18:41 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, The price of a Templot licence has remained unchanged for over 10 years. That means it is now much cheaper in real terms than it was, despite the many new features introduced over that time. I've allowed this situation to develop because I'm very aware of the deficiencies in Templot as a proper software product -- especially with regard to the confusing mess the user documentation is in. New users have been starting with the 10-year-old version 074b, despite the availability of much improved later versions, simply because 074b is the only version with a reasonably full set of user docs. But I've reached the end of my tether in trying to explain this over and over again in emails to users, despite the fact that it is fully explained in my order confirmation letter. If we carry on as we are I shall be ill. There is simply no way in the short term that I can find the time to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1701.php
... ) Please contact me if remotely interested in assisting in this genuine request. PS I do have a fully purchased packaged and am happy to communicate details etc if required. Best regards, Paul. Hello Paul, I'd be happy to consider doing your Templotting for you, contact me off-line and we can discuss it. (raymond@raymondwalley.com) Regards Raymond posted: 19 Mar 2009 00:12 from: Paul Hamilton Thanks Raymond for the prompt response. Email sent. Cheers, Paul. posted: 21 Mar 2009 10:23 from: Paul Hamilton As an update I could not be happier with Raymond's responces and questioning regarding the layout and am hopeful that resolution between Templot output and C&L bespoke timber laser cutting service can be reached. Stay tuned! posted: 22 Mar 2009 07:27 from: Martin Wynne Paul Hamilton wrote: I am hopeful that resolution between Templot output and C&L bespoke timber laser cutting service can be reached. Hi Paul, I have now sent Brian hi-res raster and DXF vector versions ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  132k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_767.php
... topic: 3060 Windows 10 Creators Edition posted: 10 Aug 2017 04:42 from: Martin Wynne In the latest Windows 10 Creators Edition, Microsoft have made a couple of changes which are causing much grief to users of hi-resolution displays. 1. In a so-called improvement to the dpi-aware scaling, anything which appears in the Segoe UI font (i.e. almost everything in Windows own dialogs, Windows Explorer etc., and in application title bars and menus) is now looking small, blocky and gritty and hard on the eyes. For some reason this applies only to the Segoe UI font -- other fonts display nicely as before. 2. But the catch is that they have also removed the option to change the font and font sizes for such items which used to be available from the Advanced Display Settings in previous versions of Windows 10. For Templot, this means that although the program itself is not affected, the menus and window titles (over which Templot has no control*) are looking unpleasant and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3060.php
... shortcut (in addition to the existing CTRL-V). regards, Martin. posted: 17 Nov 2010 08:39 from: Alan Turner Are you sure about this? Wouldn't it be better for the "Z" button to emulate the HOME key in hiding the control template? I've always regarded this as the delete key for the Control Template i.e. delete from view. I can see big problems ahead for you from "where's my control template gone?" with your proposal. Alan posted: 17 Nov 2010 10:51 from: Martin Wynne Alan Turner wrote: Are you sure about this? Hi Alan, No, I'm not sure. This is the problem in trying to make Templot "more like Windows" which is the constant refrain from some quarters. As soon as you get down to the details it all gets very messy. I've been umming and aahing about these changes for years and I'm still not sure it's the right direction to go. But the only way to find out is to try it and see. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1286.php
... topic: 1405 building order for double slip? posted: 6 Mar 2011 10:31 from: Nick R I've built a few turnouts before but the most complex to date was a Barry slip. I've now started on a double slip (or double compound in GWR speak) and have the outer slip rails and vees in place. My question is, where do I go from here? With a simple turnout the order of construction is fairly obvious and I would continue in a way that allows me to gauge each new added rail from those already in place. Maybe I can't see the obvious, but it's not clear to me what the best order of assembly is to ensure that I can always gauge new rails from existing ones. What's your recommended order for building one of these? Nick posted: 6 Mar 2011 11:24 from: Paul Boyd Hi Nick If you have a look at my website at http://www.paul-boyd.me.uk then go to the "Rural Railfreight" page, you'll see a photo sequence of a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1405.php
... topic: 2408 K-crossing check rails on double slip posted: 18 Feb 2014 01:10 from: Len Cattley Does anybody know how to put the wing rails on a double slip, I have put the other rails on but don't know how to do the rest? I have put a file attachment so you can see what I have done. Len Attachment: attach_1760_2408_S7_V10_double_sis sors_crossing.box 374 posted: 18 Feb 2014 02:49 from: Martin Wynne Hi Len, I think you mean the K-crossing check rails? Because the crossing is flatter than 1:8 you shouldn't have a fixed K-crossing. The prototype rules do not allow it -- it would be very unreliable with vehicles frequently mis-tracking, and the same applies for a model. Instead Templot has drawn a 1:10 switch-diamond with movable K-crossings. Such crossings do not have check rails. If you insist on having a fixed K-crossing, you can get Templot to draw it, including the check rails, by setting the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2408.php
... topic: 1296 digital trends -- and Templot? posted: 27 Nov 2010 10:16 from: Martin Wynne 15 years ago many homes had an IBM-pattern Business Computer, desperately pretending to be a domestic appliance but in truth serving little recreational purpose and requiring a tame teenage geek to do anything remotely technical, such as connecting to the internet or printing a photograph. But it was an ideal gadget on which to plan a model railway, and I developed Templot for it. Go into PC World today and where are the desktop computers? All but gone. Instead there is a dazzling display of sleek must-have mobile devices, itouch raspberry padpod netphones with enough computing power in the palm of your hand to run a nuclear power station. It's almost impossible to come out without one. Perfect if you want to tweeter to your friends from the back of the bus, or get the closing prices on the London Metal Exchange while sitting on the train home. But run Templot? Several people have told me that Templot is now ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1296.php
... not in or a sub-folder of the Windows \Program Files\ folders, and There are no spaces anywhere in the folder name or the entire path to it. Use underscores instead. For example you could choose: E:\MY_RAILWAY_STUFF\EVERYTHING_TEMPLOT\ The installer will remember it for future updates. You don't need to do anything about uninstalling your currently installed version or running an uninstaller. You can just leave the folder where it is, or delete it to avoid future confusion. cheers, Martin. posted: 10 Jan 2019 15:53 from: Mike Wilks Hi Martin, I seem to have a very similar problem. Installed Templot today into the recommended directory. When I try and run a video I get a similar error message to the OP "C :\ TEMPPLOT_DEV\VIDEO_FILES\your_first_printed_template_1.fbr is not an FBR file" Immediately before this message I get "Sorry unable to obtain the video file. Please check your internet connection"- which is obviously fine.... Running Win 10 and Google Chrome- are either ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3317.php
... topic: 2863 Templot2 under Windows 10 posted: 19 Mar 2016 19:50 from: PaulTownsend I use Templot2 on a laptop but this issue may apply to any PC set to use sleep mode under Win10. If Templot is open when the machine sleeps, on re-awakening the Trackpad looks normal but most activity attempts, including quit, generate an error message: Acess violation at address 00451FD4 in templot2.exe. Read of address 00000004. It is necessary to end the program with task manager. I don't have any other programs that do this. Is it a bug? posted: 23 Mar 2016 11:30 from: Martin Wynne Hi Paul, I haven't been able to reproduce this on my Windows10 system. Anyone else seeing this? My only suggestion would be to check with Windows Update that your system is up to date. (Windows 10 claims to do this automatically. It may do so in theory if you wait long enough, but I often find doing a manual check that there are important updates available.) regards, Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2863.php
... Oct 2009 06:46 by Jamie92208 posted: 3 Oct 2009 12:42 from: Nigel Brown Jamie Unless I've missed something, I can only see a bgs file attached, not a box. cheers Nigel Last edited on 3 Oct 2009 12:43 by Nigel Brown posted: 3 Oct 2009 20:35 from: Jamie92208 Thanks for that Nigel. My mistake as I am new to this. The box file should be attached to this message. Jamie Attachment: attach_661_948_green_ayre_09_10_02 _1729_03.box 473 posted: 4 Oct 2009 08:10 from: Jim Guthrie Jamie92208 wrote: the attached box is my design for a new O gauge exhibition layout to replace my current one based on Long Preston near Settle. It will be built with overhead for the early Midland Electrics thought the overhead will not be working as it would be too much trouble to wire p the fiddle yard. This is my first attempt at a templot design and any comments would be appreciated. I'm not sure how to uplad the background shapes that show the base board outlines as well as the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  94k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_948.php
... topic: 1424 Wider Sleepers on track panel ends posted: 18 Mar 2011 21:58 from: Rob Manchester Hello, I thought that there was an option in Templot to make the end sleepers within each track panel of wider wood than the rest( 12" v 10"). I see it can be done by using the Shove Timbers part of the program but is it available anywhere else ?? I want to use 30' panels as per one of the standard options in 'Rail Lengths and Sleeper Spacings' but want wider timbers at the end of each panel as well as closer spacing between them. Need to do this otherwise can't use up the 10% mix of 12" sleepers that Brian Lewis supplies in his 10" timber tracks sleeper packs.... Thanks Rob posted: 19 Mar 2011 00:36 from: philchudley Hi Rob This is what I did, although there may be a quicker way: Create a new templot plan, setting the scale (in my case P4) real| plain track options| ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1424.php
... them from the templates before inserting the turnout -- real> timbering> bonus timbers> remove menu items. If you copy your templates to the control and then observe the above menu items not greyed out, it would confirm the above explanation. If not, perhaps you could post your .box file here? I can't reproduce the labels problem -- can you provide a recipe to make it happen? You can refresh the pad by pressing F12 if necessary, without zooming. regards, Martin. posted: 30 Jul 2011 10:43 from: Alan McMillan Hi Martin I couldn't send the BOX file as it's 7.5Mb. Any suggestions? Alan Last edited on 30 Jul 2011 10:48 by Martin Wynne posted: 30 Jul 2011 10:50 from: Martin Wynne Alan McMillan wrote: I couldn't send the BOX file as it's 7.5Mb. Any suggestions? Hi Alan, Please select a few of the affected templates as a group, and then do group> save group... menu item. regards, Martin. posted: 30 Jul ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1579.php
... this box. 2436_010226_560000000.png I've tried all of the options and I've successfully saved two more files, viz :- 2436_010228_280000000.png However, none of the saved files will take me to the left hand turnout. 2436_010229_260000000.png This is clearly template 2 of 2 and has a blue dot, whereas :- 2436_010233_010000000.png Template 1 of 1 has a red dot- but is still the same right hand turnout. I'm looking to select either turnout for example, for printing extra copies. I'm still missing something. Cheers Max posted: 1 Jan 2014 10:35 from: Alan Turner You certainly do seem to be missing something and appear to go about things in the most convoluted manner possible. When you design your template or group of templates you save them as you have been told before. When you want to work on them again you re-load them, again as you have been told before. I have been using Templot for 10 years now and I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times I have needed to visit the storage box. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2368.php
117. Brimsdown
... topic: 3325 Brimsdown posted: 10 Sep 2018 11:34 from: Tony W As some users of this forum may be aware, I have been running a thread on my current layout project Brimsdown, on the Scalefour society forum. For those of you that aren't, here is the link. http://www.scalefour.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f =9 &t =5707 I have just posted the Box file there, but cannot post the background shapes to go with it, so I will post them here. Be aware that some of the files are quite large. If you decide to copy any part of the trackwork for your own use, which you are quite welcome to do, please note that it is all to the S4X standard rather than P4. Regards Tony. Attachment: attach_2729_3325_brimsdown_2018_06 _15_1654_23.box 261 posted: 10 Sep 2018 11:35 from: Tony W The Bgs file. Attachment: attach_2730_3325_brimsdown_18_06_1 5_1655_10.bgs 203 posted: 10 Sep 2018 11:36 from: Tony W And the sk81 file. Attachment: attach_2731_3325_brimsdown_18_06_1 5_1655_10.sk81 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3325.php
... BOX file in case it helps. Regards Alan Attachment: attach_1476_2034_gotthard_ramp_201 2_07_27_1521_04.box 283 posted: 27 Jul 2012 15:25 from: Martin Wynne Hi Alan, Can you clarify what you are trying to do? I thought you were asking about the plain track settings? regards, Martin. posted: 27 Jul 2012 15:33 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Alan, I notice in your file that you have the rails set to FB, but the switch is an REA bullhead size. posted: 27 Jul 2012 16:10 from: Alan McMillan Hi Martin I'm trying to make sure that my modified sleeper spacings are correct for all new templates I create in my new plan before I start it. I'm hoping to avoid having to go back and modify things later on as I'm a great one for forgetting details like that until I've done a ton of work. The REA turnout was used simply because I wanted to check that the modified spacings would appear and since it was the first one to come up I didn't bother to change it. In ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2034.php
... As you can see the track will have keys and available in main line version with keys going in the same direction, or single line with chairs alternating which side the keys are on. Each panel is 30' long 2 back to back make up a 60' panel 982_250726_320000000.jpg A view of the rear showing the breaks in the webbing, the 3D print does not hold its shape as well as plastic extrusions 982_250726_460000000.jpg You can clearly see the first sleeper is a 12" one with a smaller spacing between it and the next 10" one. Two panels back to back give a 60' panel Last edited on 25 Sep 2018 12:49 by Hayfield posted: 26 Sep 2018 08:52 from: Judi R I hope this will have the correctly spaced sleepers for British BH track, closer together at the ends. I was very disappointed to find that the DCCconcepts Legacy BH track had even and compromised sleeper spacings. Judi R posted: 26 Sep 2018 09:05 from: Hayfield Judi R I am no expert but I assume there are ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3331.php
... .box files posted: 30 Jul 2009 22:01 from: SimonH Hi Every one, I notice that a lot of the attachments to postings are with a .box file extention. While I can open the postings, I cannot open these .box files, and I can't seem to find any where that gives me the ability to do so. The answer is probable very simple but can some kind sole tell me what it is please. Cheers Simon Handby( In a very cold Tassy) posted: 30 Jul 2009 22:10 from: Nigel Brown Simon They're Templot box files. So you need to download them and stick them with your other box files, then enter Templot and load the one you want to look at. cheers Nigel posted: 31 Jul 2009 08:01 from: Martin Wynne SimonH wrote: I notice that a lot of the attachments to postings are with a .box file extension. While I can open the postings, I cannot open these .box files, and I can't seem to find any where that gives me the ability ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_918.php
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