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... there might be subtle changes in that gauge or a better quality material used posted: 6 Jul 2014 09:37 from: Martin Wynne Hayfield wrote: It would also be desirable to have in 00 gauge both a check rail gauge (available from C&L in their 00sf range) Hi John, The check rail gauge is the most important one in the set. The good news is that the 15.2mm 00-SF check rail gauge from C&L is equally applicable for standard 00 (DOGA Intermediate, 00-BF) and for NMRA H0. That's because they all use the same wheels back-to-back unmodified -- 14.4mm for RTR wheels. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Trackbuilding topics> roller gauge tools about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2482.php
... ? So on further thought I have added two further shortcuts to the next update: ENTER key (carriage return) can be used to show/hide the control template. CTRL+ ENTER keys can be used to show/hide the name labels. If you have a numeric keypad there are two ENTER keys on the keyboard, so with HOME there is now a choice of three shortcut keys to show/hide the control template. I was a bit surprised to realize that the ENTER key is unused while the trackpad has focus, but I can't find any existing need for it -- unless you know otherwise? There are no text entry fields on the trackpad or any of its child windows. If a Mac computer doesn't have an ENTER key I'm going home. This change will be in the next program update. In the meantime don't forget that you can show/hide the control template by clicking the blue info bar on the information panel: 2_220806_220000000.png This is all in addition to the basic trackpad> hide the control template menu item, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2470.php
... inner turnout: 2_260808_320000001.png At A above I have attached the spacing-ring to the dummy vehicle. You can see that it is infringing the opposite rail, indicating that the track spacing is too close. Rolling the dummy vehicle with the spacing-ring attached is a convenient way to check the spacings. But to work against the adjacent rail like this, the ring inner diameter needs to be set according to your track gauge. For 6ft way 44.67mm centres, the settings are: P4 68.67 mm EM 69.3 mm 00-BF 16.5 71.0 mm 00-SF 16.2 71.3 mm If you find the calculation troubling, you can set up some tacks at the required spacing, zoom in and adjust the ring size visually by mouse action. 2_260808_320000000.png At B you can see that the 6" clearance envelope on the vehicle is conflicting, but the actual body sides are clear with about 6" (2mm) between them. That is a bit tight, allowing for different vehicle dimensions (the above is using the default settings), body sway, wheelset ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2493.php
... as 00 RTR wheels RP25/110 which are 2.8mm wide. And a 22mm flangeway gap scales to 0.98mm, or say 1.0mm in round figures. Which just happens to match 00-SF and DOGA-Fine. Rob it's your choice between those two, but I would recommend 00-SF (16.2mm gauge) because then your Hornby and Bachmann wheels won't need any changes to the back-to-back dimension. 00-SF gauge tools are available from C&L. The alternative would be ordinary 16.5mm 00-BF (gauges not available from C&L ), but then the flangeway gaps would be overscale at 1.25mm. However, I'm not sure how well C&L gauges will fit Peco Code 100 rail. But they will fit (or should do) code 82 Flat-Bottom rail from C&L. Do you know the rail size (height) for the RH&DR? regards, Martin. posted: 11 Dec 2014 20:45 from: TPP Thanks again- this is starting to sound good to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  140k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2594.php
... . I don't suppose you have tried Google.... :-) :-) posted: 28 Feb 2015 13:17 from: D Foster Google? What's Google? Also tried Bing... Loads and loads of bolt type thingies with screw threads on them... :-( (Did fine a book you might be interested in but can't PM the link to you yet). The beasty I'm looking for is extremely obscure- I have only caught a glimpse of an LMSR or LMR single A4 copy page of it- and (of course) can't recall where... Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Prototype pics> Lack of Trap Points? about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2588.php
... are just now, from time to time Camp 2 people will shout loudest and I can only suggest Martin, that for the sake of your blood pressure you care a bit less about them because- short of re-writing the interface- there is nothing you can do to appease them. They simply do not comprehend, let alone value the capability it gives them. RMWeb is the kind of place where empty vessels ring loudest. I once saw that same "not fit for purpose" phrase used about the Martin Finney A4 kit- by someone who had just used the previous four pages of his thread demonstrating why he was not fit to hold a soldering iron. (But equally, in the next four pages a number of us put him right...) Do these people really damage Templot? I suspect that the people who are in a position to get value out of it are also in a position to come to their own fair judgement without listening to the loud-mouths- and the majority of such potential recruits to the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  170k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2650.php
... copies etc posted: 24 May 2015 00:18 from: dave turner Is it possible to mirror/copy timbering data if required? It would reduce the required work when shoving timbers on a straight or curved scissors. posted: 24 May 2015 00:40 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, Yes, to retain any shoved timbers when using the tools functions, select these options: 2_231939_200000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 24 May 2015 02:02 from: John Palmer I make extensive use of library templates. The focus of my attention is North British track for a design involving a minimum of 5 chains curvature on the pointwork. Since these have to be fitted to a series of reverse curves, some fairly long leads are required, hence I have rather standardised on 1:10 crossings and 12' straight heel switches, save for the points with contraflexure, for which I combine the standard 12' switch with a 1:7 crossing. This degree of standardisation makes it possible to concentrate on getting just two templates exactly right with custom ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2695.php
... ://00-sf.org.uk 00sf_10ft_6_v_peco1.png If you want to rebuild a Peco layout rather than make an exact copy, it would be better to use say an ordinary B-6 or A-7 turnout in place of the Peco Large Radius turnouts. You can probably save some space by reducing the track centres spacing to the scale 44.67mm dimension (except on sharp curves). If you are using the shorter Peco turnouts, I wonder whether 00-SF is the best choice, and you may do better in 00-BF. regards, Martin. posted: 8 Jul 2015 19:56 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Martin, I think you are wanting to do more than I need. I can easily change out the peco turnouts, which are the large radius ones, for the best equivalent 00-SF. What I was trying to do was modify the existing templot drawing which utilises the Peco unit you have used. My problem is as you noted earlier the geometry goes awry and in particular The X timbers leading up to the vee ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2721.php
... and just follow the tutorial. When you understand how it works, only then can you start to change it to suit your particular need.> You would be right in thinking that I am being rather ambitious for someone who is struggling to master Templot, but this is what I bought Templot to do. Others have already said what I would have said had I got in earlier- start with something simpler! An analogy- if you had never built any brass kits before, would you go and buy a Martin Finney A4 as your first kit? You have to get some kits under your belt first. Likewise with Templot- you need to get some experience before going for the master plan. At least with Templot you don't have to keep buying things after the initial purchase, unlike working your way up through levels of kits. I understand that your reason for buying Templot was this plan, but I really would suggest just drawing out random plans, or perhaps copying from books until you get a really good feel for Templot, is the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_6.php
... is 30mm+/-0.1mm. Pictures of all Gauges are here: http://00-sf.org.uk/#gauge_tools Please bear in mind that the Gauges I supplied (now C&L) were originally designed for use with C&L Code 75 Bullhead Rail; other rail sections (and rail from other suppliers) may require different slot widths; see here (Post #134): http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/94567-00-sf-and-00-bf-can-you-mix/page-6 HTH Brian posted: 4 Sep 2015 06:05 from: Hayfield Can I make a comment that if using plastic chairs do not make the rail slots too deep, as the rail is held at a 1-20 cant and the head of the rail needs to rotate in the slot. if too deep the rail is held upright whilst in the gage, but relaxes back after thus gauge narrowing posted: 4 Sep 2015 09:19 from: polybear Thanks John ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  58k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2741.php
... second part- the switch info window- I will get to work on next. Hi Graeme, STOP! There is no need to to anything on that. It is all working fine. Perhaps I didn't explain properly that after removing Windows.SetParent and replacing it with // Windows.SetParent(data_child_form.Handle,pad_form.Handle); // 292... if data_child_form.Parent<>nil then data_child_form.Parent.RemoveContr ol(data_child_form); pad_form.InsertControl(data_child_form); in all the applicable places, everything works fine as-is, and as in Delphi. Focus remains always with the parent. There are I think 4 places needed as above+ 1 place (in math_unit) for switch_select_form.InsertControl(data_child_form); instead. But you don't need to upload those changes yourself because I have done it in your files. I will get on with making the same change for all the other child forms. Just need time for some T2 stuff before doing much else (release notes for 225b). cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3570.php
... pdf or printing directly from the .box file? Hi Steve, There isn't a "best" format, it depends what you are trying to do (and are happy to pay for). If you print directly from Templot: 1. you must have Templot running on the system, and a connected printer (preferably inkjet rather than laser, for accuracy). 2. Templot can calibrate the printer, for maximum accuracy in the printed dimensions. 3. you are limited to the printer paper size, usually A3 or A4 sheets, which must then be trimmed and aligned with each other to make a complete track plan. 4. you can print as many additional copies of each template as you need. This can be helpful in cutting timbers to length, making bends in rails, setting the angle of vees, checking rail alignments, etc. The majority of Templot users work that way. Templot is intended to be a tool for use in your workshop. If you export a PDF file: 1. you can print it on any ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3349.php
... several other lodges, see the list. Here's the North Lodge: http://goo.gl/maps/UzmM8tVpCwY6FqAE8 Yes, I'm still very pleased with the X100F. I wish my eyesight was a bit better so that I could make full use of the manual focusing functions. The one feature that would make it a dream camera for me would be a proper optical split-image rangefinder in the optical viewfinder. The digital split-image function in the electronic viewfinder is a poor substitute. But in truth the auto-focus is so good and fast that manual is very rarely needed. There is talk in the forums of a new X100 model this year, but the F is rapidly becoming an old friend and I can't see me changing it for years. Hi Andy, Perhaps Mike doesn't care for modern cars? I was surprised he didn't like the Kremlin pic (no. 7). Rob will know what they are. All I know is that they keep getting in the way and rarely arrange themselves neatly. This one should have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3399.php
... it ok and i can print other sources ok. The printer is setup for the roll that was provided with it and it shows the print jobs in the print queue when they're sent, but not from templot. I'm assuming that templot will not send anything until it recognises the printer.I've set the print output to banner/roll and tried to calibrate with no joy. posted: 14 Sep 2019 15:35 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tom, Don't use the banner/roll paper setting. That's intended for old A3/A4 printers, not wide-format CAD printers. Use the normal single sheets setting. I need to change the menu wording to old banner/z -fold to avoid confusion. Try having the printer switched on and working before starting Templot. Is it shown in the list of printers when you go to the output> printer setup... menu item (bottom of menu)? If it is, what paper size options are shown? Which ones have you tried? Is Templot printing ok to other printers? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  104k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3501.php
... Type A" scale 00 wheels. Assuming the Hornby wheels have the corresponding 0.7mm effective flange thickness, for 00 those wheels should be set to the likewise traditional 14.5mm 00 back-to-back (instead of 14.4mm for NMRA RP25/110 with 0.8mm flanges). As such they will run just fine on 00-SF (4 -SF) track (16.2mm gauge, 1.0mm crossing flangeway). A great many 00 track-builders have now gone over to the 00-SF standard. To run on 00-BF or DOGA-Intermediate pointwork, it will be necessary to use sharp-nose vees to avoid or limit any wheel-drop in the crossings. How they will run on commercial pointwork such as Peco I can't say. (For use on EM the also traditional 16.5mm EM back-to-back, instead of 16.4mm for NMRA RP25/110 RTR wheels on EM.) cheers, Martin. posted: 3 Oct 2019 20:24 from: Rob Manchester Hi Andy, I too have some Hornby Gresley Suburban coaches ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3514.php
... choose to print all pages, about 11" of the plan is printed and the plotter cuts the page and prints nothing else. I've also exported the track plan as a DXF file and imported in to AutoCad. Using the same printer, the preview in AutoCad shows a printout on a single sheet of paper but, when that is sent to the printer, exactly the same thing happens and the plotter stops and cuts the page after about 11" or so of printing. It is almost as if a page size of A4 (there or thereabouts) is embeded in the print job... Any thoughts would be appreciated... John posted: 18 Oct 2019 13:40 from: Phil O Hi John I vaguely remember this coming up before and the answer was to reduce the length to around 9 foot, regardless of what the printer can handle. Cheers Phil posted: 18 Oct 2019 14:53 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, It's possible that you haven't made the setting on the printer to use roll paper instead of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3523.php
... Thanks for your kind words and encouragement- and advice! I will build Asok yard, but only as a test bed for some thoughts I have on turnout motors and electronics (and most likely using some Peco track I already have). From a Templot perspective, I have started work on what I intend to build as my first layout proper, and that should give me considerably more space. I am looking at 600x3000mm- luxury! I have watched a load of videos on layout construction, and mostly they seem to focus first on where the turnouts will go and then the plain track is just there to connect them together. As I work with Templot, I am getting the feeling that the plain track plays a much more important role when it comes to getting that 'flowing' feel, as you said. Best Regards, Graeme PS I enjoyed greatly the story of your work trolley. posted: 14 Nov 2019 15:30 from: Graeme Hayfield wrote: On a practical note, its far easier to build turnouts with a straight crossing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3551.php
... top left corner (!) behind the brewery area it is intended as an industrial shunting layout, so short turnouts, curviform crossings, etc. the main driving feature is the curving mainline from the entrance to the small station (bottom right) the station is for the delivery of workers in the local industries, though there is also a small goods shed to serve the nearby town- access from the right the industry top right is some type of chemical processing plant which will probably extend into the large area top centre the focus of the layout is the shunting yard (upper right) the station runaround track doubles as the goods arrival I think I should replace the 2 crossovers in the centre with a double slip, allowing the shunter to pull newly arrived goods trains from the runaround track directly back across the mainline into the head shunt I have attempted 'shoving' of timbers on the turnouts at the ends of the run around (only) This appears to be more art than science. It's so tempting to put huge long timbers across multiple tracks. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3580.php
... deal with point rodding, signal wires and other lineside equipment? Obviously you get it included in pictures of track in general but usually without much comment in the caption( lack of knowledge?) There is some info around but not much unless I am missing something obvious. Hi Rob, Try to find copies of these: 2_100516_220000001.jpg 2_100516_220000002.jpg 2_092117_490000000.jpg (in 2 parts, part 1 has a blue cover), 2_092118_350000000.jpg The books have hundreds of pages of detailed text with many hundreds of sketches and drawings. They were republished in A4 format by Peter Kay in the 1990s. Difficult to open flat for scanning: 2_092142_200000000.jpg 2_100516_220000000.jpg ISBN 1899890246 ISBN 1899890203 ISBN 1899890211 ISBN 1899890041 ISBN 1899890114 Googling the ISBN numbers can find copies, e.g. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Railway-Signalling-Communications-Installation-Maintenance/dp/1899890246 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mechanical-Railway-Signalling-Pt-1 /dp/1899890203 http://www.transportstore.com/Lewis-Lp-Fraser-Jh-Railway-Signal-Engineering-mechanical-Book- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3328.php
... and adjusting the layout, changing the pressed/not pressed and/or latched-down appearance, etc. They can be grouped to act as "radio" buttons, so that pressing one releases all the others. They can also be made to repeat if held down (as the blue arrows do above). The only drawback is that these are Delphi/Lazarus graphic controls, not Windows controls, so they don't for example have a Handle, or highlight as the mouse moves over them, and they can't receive focus (which is sometimes an advantage). In practice they work just fine. p.s. see p. 9-47 to 9-50 and 10-8 in the Developer's Guide. cheers, Martin. posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:46 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Derek, If you were thinking of swapping to Delphi for a full business project, you can purchase some very fancy buttons and other controls from suppliers such as DevExpress and others: http://www.devexpress.com/products/vcl/ But ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  179k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3607.php
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