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... . This created a half-diamond with fixed K-crossing. However, I wanted to have a moveable K-crossing. So, real> K-crossing options> moveable K-crossings. At this point I noticed that the main-road and diagonal-road stock rail joints had moved toward the vee and consequently the K numbered timbers had increased in quantity. However the T numbered timbers had decreased in quantity to just two which were overlapping. I am not sure whether to reduce the T to one and adjust it's position slightly or try to space the two timbers a little. I tried the same in P4 and there is a similar change in rail joint position although there are 4 rather than two T timbers My main question is, why is there a change in the position of the rail joints? posted: 10 Jun 2017 18:02 from: Martin Wynne Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: My main question is, why is there a change in the position of the rail joints? Hi Godfrey, You have opened a can of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3036.php
... Hi Nigel, That has always been my approach too. I have never been able to understand that there is any common ground or need to set the paragraph spacing on a printed circuit board. It seems obvious that a user interface should be designed to suit the task in hand, not forced into a common mould. But there are frequent calls for just that, so I think we should at least maybe listen. However, I'm still waiting for an answer to my question: "What is the official GUI way to adjust the position of the start of a clothoid transition zone, while observing the effect at the far end of the track several yards away?" Answers come there none, even from regular CAD users. In Templot you zoom in on the far end, and then press the[ key. Simple. Martin. posted: 30 Jan 2018 15:25 from: madscientist The other option martin, would simply to allow the ESC key to" unmake" the control so made in the single click mode, ESC as a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  350k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3197.php
... Allen Oakes posted: 21 Jul 2012 23:30 from: Martin Wynne acoake wrote: I have just discovered the option to "Make Diamond Crossing", which I had completely overlooked. Hi Allen, There are two such functions, which work differently. Try both of them: 1. tools> make diamond-crossing menu item. 2. for a background template, peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at intersection menu item. As your junction is on a transition curve, it will need some extra adjustments. I'm planning to make you a bit of video showing that. See also tools> make ladder crossover menu item. regards, Martin. posted: 22 Jul 2012 09:36 from: acoake Martin, I've read elsewhere on this forum that seem never to sleep. Many thanks for the responses and the additional information. I look forward to the video, whenever you can manage to produce it. Warm regards Allen Oakes posted: 10 Jul 2016 18:07 from: Gavin Rose Just a quicky. Amaxingly I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  55k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2025.php
... topic: 955 Viaduct track -- BH on Waybeams posted: 16 Oct 2009 13:04 from: Martin Wynne If you are modelling track on a girder viaduct, here is an interesting detail pic posted on the Finescale Workshop forum. Bullhead track on waybeams, with adjustable turnbuckle gauge tie-rods: http://scalerail.phpbbhosts.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p =1940#p1940 Rockmill Viaduct, Cornwall, between St Blazey and Luxulyan. regards, Martin. posted: 16 Oct 2009 19:03 from: Alan Turner Only if you are a member unfortunately. Alan posted: 16 Oct 2009 20:23 from: Martin Wynne Alan Turner wrote: Only if you are a member unfortunately. Hi Alan, Why not join? It takes only a few clicks. No personal information is required: http://scalerail.phpbbhosts.co.uk/ucp.php?mode=register regards, Martin. posted: 16 Oct 2009 21:17 from: Phil O Hi Martin Martin Wynne wrote: Bullhead track on waybeams, with adjustable turnbuckle gauge tie-rods: With all ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_955.php
... little dialogue pops up right over the bit I am trying to alter. I usually have to move the said box so that I can actually see what I am trying to do. No doubt some will say it's a helpful feature, but if we have to have it can it please be slightly offset? 2) Inevitably there are times when you want to join two tracks end on but you don't want to alter either of the other two ends for whatever reason. It would be so very useful to do this, adjusting any small mismatch with radii alterations perhaps etc. Templot has grown so much over the years, that there are now many functions of which I have made but scant use. Is this one of them and if it is what is it? Any clues people please. I don't mean F7, useful though it is, as that impacts on the other end of the track. posted: 19 May 2017 14:15 from: Martin Wynne Borg-Rail wrote: This is more of I wish it wouldn't. 1 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3027.php
... own so, would you prefer me to feed in the questions one at a time or store them up and send down a few at a time in one message. I know your first reaction is don't send any. Now for the Templot question. I experimented with the printer calibration, which came up spot on, and printed the B6 Turnout as a N for UK only. Visually it appears clear to me that it has been printed as a fine scale turnout. My assumption is that I will have to make minor adjustments to the track and Guard/Check rail positioning during construction to take care of the fact that I am using code 80 track and to allow for the coarser wheels on my old rolling stock and that there is no adjustment which can be made in Templot prior to printing. Am I correct? There is no urgency for an answer. Take care, ken Last edited on 4 Feb 2010 18:17 by kenbec posted: 4 Feb 2010 22:02 from: Martin Wynne Kenneth Beckett wrote: would you prefer me ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1037.php
... topic: 1487 Using gaunt turnouts posted: 20 Jul 2011 11:21 from: Martin Wynne Richard T asked for a quick recipe for using a gaunt turnout in a 3-way tandem turnout. This was one reason for introducing gaunt turnouts -- for use as a partial template forming the middle crossing in a 3-way turnout (tandem or three-throw types). Note that in many cases you may find using an irregular half-diamond template gives better results and is easier to adjust than a gaunt turnout. Here's a quick guide to using a gaunt turnout in a tandem: (Templot2 only) 1. Put the notch on the rail intersection for the middle vee in the usual way.* With a new turnout control template: 2. F5 to set the crossing angle to a guess, say 1:5 for a typical double-sided tandem. 3. real> V-crossing options> curviform V-crossing. (These are new quicker-access menu items.) Don't forget this step. 4 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1487.php
... sleepers and once for the timbers. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Oct 2012 18:17 from: Martin Wynne 2_070534_550000000.png Hi Chris, 2. Templot is not a CAD program in the usual sense, so some of these dimensions can't be directly set as they stand. There is no way to draw a line on the screen and have it converted to track. Templot does the drawing work for you. The usual way to get a full prototypical match is to watch the dimensions showing in the information panel as you adjust the turnout by mouse action, until the desired dimension is obtained. Before that you may need to make some other non-default settings, such as changing to CLM unit angles or changing the blunt nose width. Also it's not unknown for prototype drawings created before the digital age to contain errors, such that it is impossible for two dimensions shown to be reconciled. 2_070542_140000000.png To answer your specific questions: Q1. The "1 /2 point of frog" is called the blunt nose. It is the width of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  66k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2075.php
... you want. Presumably you are copying over a map or other drawn shape? Use the "length" function to make it along the length of the curve. If the radii are different the "swell" key can be used to ease the curve either way. Use "roam" to roam the turnout to where you want it, use the L and R buttons to make it the correct hand and the "facing" and "trailing" to make it face the right way. The "size" button will adjust the size. Don't worry too much about sleeper detailing just yet, get the whole plan done first, I find it easier that way. Once you've got the turnout as you want it, then "make crossover". The "straight" road on the other turnout will follow the curve of the original curve then you can extend the approach length and exit length to match that curve. orry about the detail later. I find it easier to use the "mirror on peg" function at each end of an ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3794.php
... Peco- or possibly Peco themselves. You can get 2mm wide sleepering strip from the 2mm Association- but you have to be a member- or from SMP, part way down on this web page SMP Web Site: http://www.smpscaleway.com PCB turnout construction is probably the easiest way to start and the cost per turnout is low so you can probably afford to learn by your mistakes. Don't lay and solder to every timber when starting- lay and solder to every fourth or fifth timber so that if you have to adjust any solder joint, it can be done reasonably easily. It's not very easy to adjust soldered track if you have laid and soldered to every sleeper. Once the turnout is working, add all the missing timbers. Jim. PS- Fallen foul of Martin's forum software somehow posted: 11 Jan 2010 18:19 from: Martin Wynne Jim Guthrie wrote: PS- Fallen foul of Martin's forum software somehow Hi Jim, Not sure how you managed to link half your message to my Profile page, but I've fixed it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1009.php
... : I understand now that there are three places where a template may live, it may either be the control template, or a background template, or it may be in the storage box. Where I got confused is what wiping or deleting to the control template means and does. Hi Jerry, I fear that I have again failed to explain. The basic working of Templot is so simple that it baffles me why folks find it so hard to grasp, and why I find it so hard to explain: 1. adjust what you see on the screen to what you want. The thing you are adjusting is called the control template. 2. store a copy of it as a permanent record of your work. 3. go back to 1. and adjust it again to make a new piece of work. I have tried over and over again for more than 20 years to explain what seems to me to be these very simple and obvious concepts, but it's clear that I just can't do it. I will have one more go ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3784.php
... In this context the most important point to grasp is that in the UK and Templot, a "switch" is ONLY that part of a turnout comprising the moving points, NOT the whole thing: startup_pad.png The 28" inner radius you quote is not an input you can use. You get to that figure by starting with a turnout curved to 30" radius in the main road, and then modifying the size of the turnout until the desired inner radius shows up in the information panel. The size of a turnout is adjusted using the F5 mouse action, and by zooming in close you can get a very fine adjustment. The size of a turnout is the combination of switch type and size (points planing angle), and V-crossing angle (frog angle), and a few other settings such as the type of V-crossing. There are some diagrams explaining this at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_realtrack.htm The diverging turnout road is a compound curve of several radii, so you can choose which one to call ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_787.php
... topic: 716 Adjustment Switches posted: 28 Jan 2009 16:44 from: richard_t I've templotted an f/b adjustment (nee) expansion switch, but on looking back at the plan they aren't very clear- as it's just 4 differently spaced 12" sleepers. Is there a way, cunning or otherwise, that I can simulate the two strengthing rail strips so they stand out a bit more. (one form of the straps are two lengths of bullhead rail on their side spaced 457mm from the inside of the foot of the rail and are 2286mm long). No doubt the metric dimensions are standard imperial, but I don't have time to do the conversion! Thanks Richard. posted: 28 Jan 2009 16:59 from: Martin Wynne richard_t wrote: Is there a way, cunning or otherwise, that I can simulate the two strengthing rail strips so they stand out a bit more. (one form of the straps are two lengths of bullhead rail on their side spaced 457mm from the inside of the foot of the rail and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_716.php
... ' 1 in 6 turnout as published by Roy Link in NG&I magazine and also on the O-14 yahoo group. I don't know how to get the tiebar in the correct position on this turnout. The second turnout has been produced from a de-perspectified drawing (using GIMP) of the turnout on the loop at Chelfham on the Lynton& Barnstaple. This appears to be a 1 in 8 turnout with 10' switch blades, however I understand many of the main turnouts were 1 in 10 and this adjusts to this OK. I would very much welcome comments/criticism. Regards John Clutterbuck Attachment: attach_340_541_o14_master_08_09_10 _1039_26.box 469 posted: 10 Sep 2008 18:01 from: Martin Wynne John Clutterbuck wrote: I have attached a template containing my first attempts at two turnouts for 7mm scale 2' narrow gauge (O -14). The first turnout is based on a drawing of a Robert Hudson 6' 1 in 6 turnout as published by Roy Link in NG&I magazine and also on the O-14 yahoo group ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_541.php
... . That means that the curves will no longer be true arcs of course, but you are using it only as a guide so the discrepancy will be lost in the new design. There are some videos showing how to use a background guide over which you create a detailed track plan. Go to: Video list page Read the notes, then scroll down to "picture shape -- display a scanned track plan as a background guide". It's 39MB so suitable for broadband only, sorry. Other videos showing tracks being adjusted over a background guide are "overlaid track on a rough sketch" (a good beginner's guide to using the basic Templot adjustments), and "overlaid track on a scan" (a longer video showing a classic H0 layout). Edit 2012 for Templot2: Templot now supports PNG and JPG files in addition to BMP files for picture shapes, and it is no longer necessary to save them first in the shapes folder. You can save them anywhere on your computer. The above videos and notes have not yet been ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  145k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_458.php
... topic: 2478 TOLP Peg Position Query. posted: 1 Jul 2014 00:30 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, I have a query regarding one of the geometry peg positions in version 2.09a. when you lengthen the turnout exit road using CNTRL+ F12, say beyond the turnout overall length, then after the adjustment, putting the peg on the TOLP position, still puts the peg on the centre-line of the turnout road directly in line with the overall turnout length (as before). Is this correct? Or should this change with the turnout exit road length? All the best, Brian. posted: 1 Jul 2014 12:11 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, The TOLP peg position is on the Turnout road Opposite overall Length Position, i.e. opposite the end of the main road, not necessarily at the end of the turnout road. So it is working as intended. It is mainly intended for use with parallel type V-crossings, so that additional templates can be pegged onto the loop line: 2_010649_540000000.png ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2478.php
... topic: 2761 New mouse actions -- adjust adjacent track centres posted: 19 Oct 2015 21:07 from: Martin Wynne Most of the recent changes in Templot have been to assist beginners. So I thought it was time to do something for established users who know what they are doing. I have added new mouse actions to adjust the adjacent track centres settings, instead of entering the dimensions directly. This makes use of the geometry> centre-line options> functions in order to see what you are doing, which means these need to be reset afterwards. The new mouse actions will be useful in two situations: 1. where you have some existing double track at an unknown spacing, and wish to create some connecting double track into which you can insert a crossover, say. 2. when using the dummy vehicle tool to determine the required spacing for running clearance at different radii. I have made a quick bit of scruffy video illustrating that: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=r6BdZWxz5kk5ye1ek-P -Ag2 ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2761.php
... options in the same box. Also, ALT key+ left click sets one end of the ruler at the mouse. ALT key+ right click sets the other end at the mouse. You can change the mouse to precision cross-hairs with CTRL+ FULL-STOP keys. With NUM LOCK on you can make tiny mouse movements by pressing the 1,2 ,3 ,4 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 keys on the number pad. This is useful when using the ruler and making fine mouse action adjustments. The 5 key makes a mouse click. When using these keys put the mouse to one side and don't bump it. regards, Martin. posted: 20 Feb 2014 19:05 from: Hayfield Somehow I have had 2 tries at doing a new one, but somehow I just keep getting the geometry wrong. In frustration I have altered the first try, but not yet tidied up the timbering. Please is mk 2 any good. Thanks Attachment: attach_1773_2409_JJ_P4_3_way_mk2.b ox 305 posted: 20 Feb 2014 20:06 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  55k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2409.php
... template, I find myself back in the land of "the beginner" once again! Previously, I had tackled (with Martin's help) to work out turnouts designs for On30 and 7mm scale dual gauge Broad& Standard turnouts and crossings, and these involved a fair amount of editing. However, Templot 2 v2.25d and the imminent release of Templot 3, the program now includes options for 3-ways, tandems and slips that were not there before. I used to have to alter turnouts adding half crossings etc, then adjust rails and check rails, switchblade lengths and so on, ending with a jigsaw of frogs& box files etc with a collection of shoved and altered timbers. Now I find the options to adjust check rails and shove timbers, but cannot find how to adjust or omit the heel and switch of an overlapped template and retain the frog and check rails. Can any one help to find these tools and options? I have gone through my old notes (version 2.11) but many of the references and sub menus seem to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3637.php
... , but it will now be possible to include diagrams and screenshots in the notes in future. The printed output from the Help viewer is now much improved also. There is a new option to match the template length when using the align functions. tools> align options> menu options. This is now a more convenient alternative to the insert turnout in plain track and obtain functions when you want to insert a customized template into an existing location. New option for the F6 curving mouse action to maintain the swing angle constant by adjusting the template length accordingly (constant-radius templates only, not transition curve templates). There are some Help notes about this at action> F6 curving options> menu options. New mouse action: adjust crossing entry straight for a regular-type V-crossing. action> mouse actions: real> adjust V-crossing entry straight menu item. Increasing the crossing entry straight is a convenient way to shorten a turnout without changing to a smaller turnout size. Previously this required the data to be entered manually, needing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_113.php
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