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... topic: 494 Printing problem posted: 17 Jul 2008 02:18 from: dickc Hi All, I've got a small problem which I hope someone can help me with. When I print out a template using either F11 or via the toolbar, not only do I get the template but also an extra full page with all the associated data (template generated at... scale.. track gauge... etc etc) printed on it. As I don't need this data, how do I stop it being printed please? It seems to be a recent phenomenon as I didn't have this problem when I first "bought" Templot. I am using .91c but get the same problem when trying it with earlier versions. Many thanks, Dick posted: 17 Jul 2008 02:36 from: Jim Guthrie dickc wrote: Hi All, I've got a small problem which I hope someone can help me with. When I print out a template using either F11 or via the toolbar, not only do I get the template but also ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_494.php
... topic: 3187 print box list as a csv/tsv posted: 17 Jan 2018 16:52 from: richard_t Pretty much as the subject says, I'd like to import the box list into Excel, I'm guessing the easiest way would be either via CSV or TSV files. I'll tried copying the text out of the generated PDF, but that all ends up in one column. Thanks. posted: 17 Jan 2018 21:36 from: Matt M. Hi Richard, Have you tried typing it in manually? Not being a smart a***, but many years of building database sets and excel lists have taught me that you can waste more time finding automated system, getting it to work properly and correcting any problems that show up than just doing the data entry yourself. Especially for a small project. Sincerely, Matt M. posted: 17 Jan 2018 22:03 from: Andrew Barrowman Hi Richard, If you google "pdf to excel" you'll find lots of programs that can do it. I've no idea if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3187.php
... : 3496 Export PDF posted: 3 Sep 2019 15:51 from: Terry Schroeyens Hi Martin, Sorry if this has been reported before but there is a misalignment across PDF pages. The attached shows a crossover where the TS tracks don't align but the MS ones do??? The box file is fine. The PDF is for the control template. Attachment: attach_2888_3496_up_final_crossove r.pdf 129 posted: 3 Sep 2019 16:02 from: wcampbell23 Hi Terry You have not taken the trim margins into account. If you were to print this out and then trim each page to the purple trim margins, you would find everything in alignment. If you wish printed copies of your plan it is better to calibrate your printer and then use the printed output option. Regards. Bill Campbell. Last edited on 3 Sep 2019 16:04 by wcampbell23 posted: 3 Sep 2019 16:05 from: Martin Wynne Terry Schroeyens wrote: Sorry if this has been reported before but there is a misalignment across PDF pages. The attached shows a crossover where the TS ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3496.php
... topic: 3560 Problems with Windows 10 posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:00 from: Gordon S Hi Martin Never had a problem with Windows 7, but as you know I've upgraded to Windows 10 and seem to have an issue. I've used Group Selection Fence then Print Group and keep getting an error message which won't allow me to do anything. It says "Out of system resources". Tried shutting Templot down several times, but get the same message. Any ideas? posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:49 from: Gordon S Not sure if this helps, but I clicked on one of my desktop shortcuts to a sketch board plan and it suddenly started playing a continual pulsing noise and opened all these pop ups. It kept going for 15-20 seconds and I couldn't do anything. It stopped eventually.... Here is the screenshot. 479_260755_370000000.jpg Last edited on 26 Nov 2019 12:56 by Gordon S posted: 26 Nov 2019 13:20 from: Martin Wynne Gordon S wrote: Hi Martin Never had ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3560.php
... topic: 1349 Printing a single slip template posted: 22 Jan 2011 04:17 from: roger counsell I have successfully followed the video on how to get a single slip template, but I cannot figure out how to get a printout for a template to construct it. I cannot get the complete template into the current control template, only one section at a time. Hope you can help. Roger Counsell posted: 22 Jan 2011 04:53 from: Martin Wynne roger counsell wrote: I have successfully followed the video on how to get a single slip template, but I cannot figure out how to get a printout for a template to construct it. Hi Roger, Welcome to Templot Club. There are two ways to do this. 1. Click the print> print entire pad menu item. I agree that the wording there isn't as clear as it might be. In the next Pug it will be changed to print background templates (trackplan). Then on the print dialog which appears select the pages which contain the slip by ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1349.php
... topic: 753 Pug progress report posted: 6 Mar 2009 01:21 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, It's now over 12 months since pug 091c was released, so I thought a progress report on the next pug wouldn't go amiss. In fact it will now be the next pug but one, because I have committed to producing an interim pug as soon as possible with some basic user preferences saving. The main changes in the next full pug will be to the output options. In addition to the previous printed output there will be three new options: 1. output to PDF files, up to large sizes suitable for wide-format roll printing. 2. output to raster image files (GIF, PNG, BMP formats). 3. output to pages on the Templot Sketchbook. In addition any output can be in "diagram mode" or the existing "template mode". Diagram mode is a simplified output suitable for published track plans, signal box diagrams, control panels, and similar. None of these functions is yet ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_753.php
... topic: 3363 Printing track plan posted: 5 Dec 2018 15:26 from: roythebus I know this has probably been asked before, how can I print a small scale copy of a proposed track plan using just the centre lines on something like a standard A4 sheet? posted: 5 Dec 2018 16:30 from: Martin Wynne roythebus wrote: I know this has probably been asked before, how can I print a small scale copy of a proposed track plan using just the centre lines on something like a standard A4 sheet? Hi Roy, To print on a single page, click this menu option before printing: 2_051112_520000000.png To change which elements appear on a printed output, for example if you want only track centre-lines, click this menu item: 2_051112_520000001.png This dialog will then appear, and you can untick elements not wanted: 2_051112_520000002.png You can then print quickly by clicking this menu item: 2_051112_520000003.png If you print only track centre-lines, you may find that they are too faint. You can click this option: 2_051122_570000000.png ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3363.php
... topic: 1997 Printing problem posted: 27 Jun 2012 15:40 from: Paulr1949 Hi all This is probably just a "problem" of my own making (or not finding!), but I can't seem to print background shapes. I have a plan for the forthcoming club layout which is under construction, and the background templates show the individual board edges, which it would be very useful to have on my printouts. I am currently printing a few in A3 for test purposes, but I believe we have found access to a printer capable of printing A1 width on a roll. Paul posted: 27 Jun 2012 16:15 from: Martin Wynne Hi Paul, Which Windows? If it's Windows 95/ 98/ ME, the reason is that the lines in the background shapes are too long. You can get them to print by breaking them into several shorter lines in a row. Otherwise, try output> output drawing options> element options> and make sure background shapes is ticked. Also, check that the colour for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1997.php
... topic: 2892 Printer Problem posted: 22 Jun 2016 15:41 from: Rodger Chaplin Good afternoon Im not sure if this a Templot fault or my printer. When printing a track plan at 125% the printer crashed, telling me it could not print Templot plans (I have previously printed many plans on the same printer). Unfortunately the printer will not restart even after removing and replacing the drivers. Has anyone had a similar problem? Printer Epson stylus photo PX650 Operating system Windows 10 Rodger posted: 22 Jun 2016 16:33 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rodger, This looks like a case of switching the computer and the printer off and back on. Then open the printer properties in the Windows Control Panel, and delete any documents remaining in the print queue. How many pages were you trying to print? At what print quality (dpi)? If you have a large trackplan it is easy if you are not careful to send dozens of pages to the printer in one go. Which is fine if both the printer and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2892.php
... topic: 1063 'Mirror' Printing posted: 8 Mar 2010 15:34 from: Donald MacLean One more session and my new baseboards should be complete! Which means I can start laying track. While the baseboard project has been on-going, I have started bench construction of some of the more complex pint configurations. I am intending to try the 'ballast-as-you-go' technique which means accurate positioning of the point modules while the glue retains its tackiness. As an assist, I am envisaging printing mirror images of the more critical track patterns onto the ink-jet paper that is used to transfer images onto T-shirts and the like and ironing the templates onto the cork underlay. [Expensive I know, but this will be my last layout and I want to ensure it will be done right. And it will only be on the complex bits!] First questions then are, obviously, has anyone tried this? And, if so, did it work and was it worth the effort? Did the heat ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1063.php
... topic: 3500 Bug Warning: printing bug in 223c posted: 11 Sep 2019 02:31 from: Martin Wynne There is a serious bug in the latest version 223c. When printing the control template, the timber infill is escaping across the page outside the timber outlines. This could waste a lot of ink, and obscure other parts of the template. I'm a bit surprised that no-one has mentioned it? Perhaps not many folks use Templot to print single one-off templates these days? Fortunately it doesn't apply to track plans/ background templates, nor to PDF or other outputs. It's only when direct printing the control template (F11). It was caused by yours truly when messing about with the experimental 3D chairing. Sorry about that. I will get it fixed in the next program update as soon as possible. I had intended to wait a while before releasing the next update, but this bug needs urgent fixing. cheers, Martin. posted: 11 Sep 2019 16:36 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3500.php
... topic: 2498 Printing Large Templot Plans posted: 1 Aug 2014 15:45 from: Les Waters Apologies if this has already been answered previously. I am drawing a large prototypical plan using Templot. The final size could well be 12 metres X 2 metres and I would like to have it printed on one roll of paper. A local printer has said they can print the length but not the whole width. Has anyone on this forum attempted this type of thing? Regards Les posted: 1 Aug 2014 19:49 from: Ian Allen Hi Les, Yes, I've had large format prints made up. I'm not sure about the 2m width though. The widest my printer could do was 42". Ian posted: 1 Aug 2014 19:57 from: Martin Wynne Hi Les, The PDF engine in Templot can create PDF pages of any length or width within reason. However, the Adobe Reader program will not display or print PDFs longer than about 4 metres. From Templot or anywhere else. Other (free) PDF Readers ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2498.php
... topic: 347 A First Template- is this ok? posted: 27 Feb 2008 03:26 from: Brian Tulley Hi all, I've spent this evening creating my first template. Basically I used the initial Turnout template that appears on the drawing pad and modified it to 00-SF Gauge, made it RH and straight. After then calibrating my printer I found the Template was too big to print on a single sheet of A4, so I saved it as a DXF file on a CD and will print it out out at work tomorrow on A3 (I hope!). A couple of questions if I may: 1. Bearing in mind I want to use the Template to construct my first serious attempt at a handlaid turnout (at Missenden Abbey in a couple of weeks time) are there any other settings/options etc. that I should have considered when modifying the Template please? 2. Is there anything I need to do with regard to calibration of the printer at work please? Many thanks. Best Regards, Brian ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_347.php
... entered planing length and the first result in the list is the page to which I directed Graham. That's a long page, so instead of scrolling you can if you wish do CTRL-F on the page and quickly find planing length again. I also entered railway track switch planing length in Google, and guess which page came out top of the results? And it has to be in paper form. I'm not going to produce the Templot docs in any format which can't be updated as I develop the program. So printed paper is out, sorry, until Templot is finished. It's very easy to print it out yourself if you need it printed, and some parts of the Templot web site are available in PDF format for that very purpose. The latest version 091b of Templot has an updated viewer for the Help texts, which also includes improved printing functions. It's very clear from feedback that most users prefer the video format for learning about Templot. So my time and effort will be directed towards that for the immediate future, rather than ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_282.php
... holes, whereas BB will be slightly higher quality with holes filled and sanded at source. We built BB grade baseboards for the O gauge railway and these have resided in an uninsulated, garage with temperature and humidity variations for over 12 years with no signs of deformation etc. They haven't been varnished or painted either. Ian posted: 10 Oct 2012 15:26 from: Richard_Jones Hi Peter, I'm not at home at the moment, so can't open up TEMPLOT to check this, but... You'll find under the PRINT options something like enlarge/reduce where you can print out the whole BOX file (and SHAPE files) at various sizes, down to putting the whole layout on a single A4 sheet! There is another thread on the forum where I enquired about printing multiple shapes- ie one for the OS map, one for the base board outline and one for the room outline, but so far I have failed in this only getting the 'top' shape to print under the templates... With Singleton I worked from the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2077.php
... topic: 2073 Printing multiple backgrounds posted: 6 Oct 2012 13:33 from: Richard_Jones Hi, Is it possible to print multiple background shapes- ie superimpose a baseboard outline on top of the OS map and print these out together with the templates? (I also have a "room" shape in there as well!) I've been trying the "transparent" option on the background shapes but I haven't been able to print them out as they appear on the screen. Fully accepting this may be down to my ignorance.... best wishes Richard posted: 6 Oct 2012 13:49 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, The picture shapes are themselves background shapes, and all background shapes print on top of one another in the order listed on the background shapes dialog. In order to have all other shapes showing over the top of a picture shape, you need to move the picture shape to the top of the list, i.e. to the back of the stack. Select it in the list and then click the top ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2073.php
... topic: 3523 Printing to a plotter... posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:48 from: johndon I appreciate that this may not be a Templot issue per se but, after two frustrating hours yesterday, I figured I'd ask anyway. I have access to an HP DesignJet T520 36" plotter so ideal for printing my trackplan (18'* 3') on a single sheet of paper. In Templot, on the output menu, I have selected 'print on wide format roll printer/plotter' and the printer itself is set with a custom paper size of 18'* 3'. I go to Output -> Print Background Templates (track plan), select the printer and the 'preview' appears where it shows the outlines of the sheets of paper. This, correctly, shows a single sheet of paper and the Print Background Templates dialog shows just one page. However, when I then choose to print all pages, about 11" of the plan is printed and the plotter cuts the page and prints nothing else ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3523.php
... . The back siding. This is causing me some issues, namely with alignment to the plan, now the plan is a really poor copy from an a4 sheet of paper scanned in, I do have 40ft plans but again these were only copies of copies, so I cannot vouch for the accuracy of them in the firstplace. 3. Timber Shoving. I am really struggeling to get this right, I have attempted this so many times over the past weeks, I just cannot seem to get it right. 4. Printing. The age old problem, I can get it to print to PDF using cutePDF, adobe acrobat V9 reads the file ok, But I really would prefer to get it printed once it is all fixed as a single roll and not multiple sheets, can anyone assist with this, I am of course prepared to pay a resonable price! Hopefully attatched is the BOX files for assesment, critisim, slagging off cos I got it totally wrong. Attachment: attach_715_996_sr __westerham_22-12-09.box 350 Last edited on 22 Dec ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_996.php
... 03 from: mike47j The picture with the text is good. However, as a user I want to spend as little time as possible using Templot. (I have enough things to fill my time already.) Also I don't want to "learn" how to do something complex, I just want a recipe to follow. One problem is that Templot usually occupies the whole screen, so there is no space for a video or slideshow. So what I need is the words and pictures in a form that I can print, and then follow by doing it on my track plan. So the text and pictures in a printable form would be great. Mike J Last edited on 20 Jan 2013 09:05 by mike47j posted: 20 Jan 2013 10:06 from: Raymond Well since I do want to learn how Templot works I think this new version of tutorials is excellent. Regards Raymond posted: 20 Jan 2013 10:49 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin I'm still learning new things on Templot, and enjoying doing so. That ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  92k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2143.php
... topic: 345 Printing Trackplan and Scanned Map posted: 23 Feb 2008 10:40 from: George McKenzie Hi, I have been searching through the Templot messages and can't find the information which I need to print my template with the OS map as background. The template prints fine but there is no evidence of the map. Many thanks, George McKenzie posted: 23 Feb 2008 10:52 from: Martin Wynne George McKenzie wrote: Hi, I have been searching through the Templot messages and can't find the information which I need to print my template with the OS map as background. The template prints fine but there is no evidence of the map. Hi, George, On the print pages dialog click the picture shapes tab and then the print pictures (stretch) option. See: print_picture_shapes.png Make sure you click the? help button and read the notes. And check your ink cartridges!( N.B. If using Windows 95, 98 or ME this is unlikely to be successful if you are printing finished templates. In most cases the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_345.php
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