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TEMPLOT 3D PLUG TRACK - To get up to speed with this experimental project click here.   To watch an introductory video click here.   See the User Guide at Bexhill West.

  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

Templot seems temperamental after latest update **NOW RESOLVED**

Quick reply >


Hi Martin,

Templot updated yesterday (now @ 2.43a) and now I find that when scrolling in and out and also moving templates around the trackpad by mouse action I'm noticing that it often seems "laggy" and I'm getting the "blue spinning circle" at the cursor location a lot. At times the display will also go very bright for a few seconds and Templot will display "Not Responding" at the top of the screen.

The update was done with all other programs shut down and I've also done a restart since.

Hope this helps in some way.
Kind Regards,
message ref: 9552
Hi Brian,
My install of 2.43a seems fine. Does your computer system behave normally using other software and is the system of a reasonable spec?

I have attached the largest Templot file I have ( courtesy of Tony Wilkins ). Try loading this into Templot - it runs fine on my 12 year old desktop.



  • brimsdown_2018_06_15_1654_23.box
    5 MB · Views: 86
message ref: 9554
Hi Martin,

Templot updated yesterday (now @ 2.43a) and now I find that when scrolling in and out and also moving templates around the trackpad by mouse action I'm noticing that it often seems "laggy" and I'm getting the "blue spinning circle" at the cursor location a lot. At times the display will also go very bright for a few seconds and Templot will display "Not Responding" at the top of the screen.

The update was done with all other programs shut down and I've also done a restart since.

Hope this helps in some way.
Kind Regards,

Hi Brian,

There are no changes in 243a from 242a which could affect the screen response.

Are you doing track planning with the experimental chairing switched on? That's not recommended and will significantly slow down the screen response because of all the extra detail in each template.

It's recommended to switch on the chairing only after the track-planning is complete, and then only on the actual templates from which you are extracting timbering bricks.

Make sure when doing track planning that you are not creating duplicate or multiple copies of each template, because that will also affect the screen response time.

Perhaps you could post your BOX file?


message ref: 9556
Hi Martin,

I definitely haven't turned the experimental chairing on (way above my pay grade!); here's the box file I was working on - I've included the shape file as well for good measure.



  • Beattock Thru' Shed V.2.box
    270.7 KB · Views: 86
  • Beattock Thru' Shed V.2.bgs3
    2.3 MB · Views: 91
message ref: 9558

Hi Brian,

Thanks for posting the files.

I can find no reason for your problem. Everything is working fine here and Templot is zooming and panning very quickly without issues. Templot is using less than 7MB of memory, see:


Do you by any chance have any 3rd Party antivirus installed? It may be constantly scanning Templot activity and slowing things down.

Generally 3rd Party antivirus programs are worse than an actual virus in wrecking the performance of your computer. Not needed on modern Windows computers.


message ref: 9560
Hi Martin,

I have Norton and Malwarebytes (free version); however Templot has been absolutely fine prior to today. I'll have another play tomorrow (and also try the Box File that Rob attached above) and report back......
Incidentally, Templot displayed an error yesterday when I tried to update it - the following was displayed:


"An error occurrd while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied".

I retried several times without success; after I restarted the Laptop this morning I tried again and it was fine (no other programs loaded/running). Is this a clue?

message ref: 9561
Is this a clue?

Yes. Switch off your antivirus programs. Windows Defender is all you need, and will not interfere with the running of Templot or anything else.


message ref: 9562
Yes. Switch off your antivirus programs. Windows Defender is all you need, and will not interfere with the running of Templot or anything else.


Hi Martin,
Back in the days when I was working I wish I had charged a fiver for every person who I told to turn off their anti-virus. I would have been able to retire earlier:). Mind you Windows wasn't so hot at picking bad things up in those days.

message ref: 9563