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TEMPLOT 3D PLUG TRACK - To get up to speed with this experimental project click here.   To watch an introductory video click here.   See the User Guide at Bexhill West.

     Templot5 - To join this open-source project on GitHub click here.  For news of the latest on-going developments click here.  Templot5 is now included with Templot2 - download.

  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

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A place to share your Templot designs, tracks and layouts. Topics in this section are treated as articles.
I'd appreciate it if anyone can look over this and offer advice - I'm really only worried about rails at the moment, I've had a bit of a play with timber shoving and concluded based on that and forum advice that it's best to leave that to last. My plan is either to build C&L, or FDM COT track. Pretty happy with 3D printing (RC planes) but unsure our current printer is up to it. Very exciting where templot is heading, it's amazing. Thank you Martin and all helping out.
Hi all, I've been playing with a Monport fibre laser recently and though my most recent experiment might be of interest to some. The pictures show my first attempt at producing an etched chassis kit using a laser machine. There are some tweaks to make, and some redesigning of the 3d printed body to do, but I think the results are quite encouraging. There's also the bogie to do, but I've not made my mind up on the best form of springing for it just yet. It's for an SE&CR F class, eventually it will become a B, B1 & an F1 too. It looks as though the structure isn't square in this image, I think that's a photo thing, as it's quite true when measured-up. Also, the bogie stretcher isn't fitted here.
Hi everyone, I've been a bit absent recently. I've had my head down laying some track and trying to ascertain what the difficulties might be in laying laser cut plug track in a layout setting. I've been working on my S4 challenge project, working with just the baseboard tops to begin with. I'm sure there are those who will say I should have built the complete baseboards before laying track, but there are several reasons for progressing this particular way, more of which later, but for now I thought I'd share my progress. I must stress that at this stage, I am just testing out some ideas, and I'm happy to take all of this up and start again if need be, but so far so good. Stock all runs well (as far as I can test at this stage). I...
Well, after spending what seemed like ages building sections of track, boards, electronics etc, suddenly almost all the flat-bottom sections of track have been laid and rolling stock, well, rolled along it. Right now the track is only suitable for clockwork or live steam locos though! The bridge at the far left is not yet fixed, nor is the track over it. A very late decision means that that section now leads to a 90 degree corner board (Grainge & Hodder) which has only just arrived and been built. As a reminder, the layout is 4mm scale based on, but not a model of, the Festiniog Railway. Track gauge is 7.83mm and apart from the gauge is built to 2mm Scale Association standards. The section in the first photo is 2.1m long. Edit - see...
Hi all, I thought I best turn my old discussion into a proper layout topic as I am making some progress. My thoughts for this layout is a 30's GWR layout with shared running from the other companies to add some variety. I am handbuilding all the track using functional chairs apart from the fiddleyard (RH Side) which will be just rtr for ease and speed. This is my current plan after much deliberating on weather or not to add a junction instead of a branch but with the fiddleyard space I have I don't think it would work very well. So where the mainline disappears the bottom it will just run around behind the backscene and into the fiddleyard (which will be opened up to 00 for tighter curves). With it being plain track there shouldn't...
Work at the SR7mm Group railway, of which I am a member, has seen Great Victoria Street services suspended whilst the permanent way team lifted the existing station throat to replace it with a new formation. This is a job laid over from winter 2020 due to the dreaded lurgy. First, the connection to the Up and Down main lines was cut. Seacoal Row, the locomotive servicing depot, and turntable, was removed. The station approach/throat was then lifted. Just in case any passengers were caught off guard with the suspension of services, official notices have been posted. The following day, worked commenced on building the new point and crossing formation. The section below was then transferred from my workbench to the railway...
Hi all, I am new to Finescale and I am new to Templot. I decided to try it for my future new layout, a 260 by 175 mm 2mm scale layout, with a small terminus station, a loc shed and a DMU shed at +25 cm, and then a double track with goes down to 0 cm with a curvy double track. At level 0 there will be a hidden station and a reverse loop. I attach here my first station plan, I'd like to have comments both on the way I used Templot and on the plan itself. Any comment is really welcome, so that I can improve the design.
I have started to look at the feasibility of first designing and perhaps building this Junction. I have done the easy bit but yet to find out if this is what is wanted My next objective is to try and find, read and understand how to make breaks in the rails then overlay partial templates I am thinking my real option though is to paste partial templates on top, certainly quicker and less frustrating. One other area is check rails, I am not too certain about how long the common crossing wing rails should be Please don't spend too much time on the plan as I am not certain the basics are correct
An interesting, albeit large, prototype, especially for those who prefer freight movements. My interest came about after discussing the L&Y station "New Barns Junction" which was at the end of the branch from Windsor Bridge. Originally trains from the L&Y ran throughto the rear of the warehouses at Dock 8...you can just see them peeping out on the right of the screenshot. These were truncated and terminated when "The Grid" was built, along with the opening of Dock 9. On the left hand side are the Manchester Ship Canal Company sidings, and to the right, those of the L&Y, with the MSC running freight to the warehouses on Dock 8 and 9. At its peak, the MSC had 75 locomotives, 2700 wagons and 230 miles of track. Ian
This is something I have been pondering ever since I saw this photo on the front of Great Eastern in Town & Country book The plan is to have a cameo layout in EM gauge about 48" x 18" .I wanted a strong lightweight track bed as its on a viaduct and settled on a plastic soffit board. There are no detailed photos in the book, and behind left should be tenements (I think Adolf redeveloped this site in the early 40's) Its going to be my own interpretation of a docklands scene This is showing an early version on a card former, using Wills products to determine heights etc The exact orientation of the track bed is yet to be decided, as are the position and sizes of the warehouses I have and will need to buy. The warehouses are ones...
Hi Folk, Back in 2018 I posted the start of my O gauge starter layout, so here's the current state of play - I have "found" a corner to enable me to work on it undisturbed but, as you can see, progress is slow..... Progress on Singleton has been even slower though, during lockdown, I have built a couple of engines and am working up drawings for the platform buildings in Inkscape, with a view to using my Silhouette Curio (still not unwrapped!) to cut out the parts. best wishes, stay safe Richard
Share and show, right? Really no problems at all, nothing, everything went very smoot. To call it a success? yes and no. Frogs and safety rails could be wider to receive the wheel/flange (not deeper) better thus the distance between the flange baring surface and the safety/guardrail can be 0.5 mm smaller/shorter, 41mm to 40mm perhaps even 39mm. Does this make any sense? I will make a drawing of what i mean tomorrow. If you see anything that can be improved please share your thoughts. Thanks for reading, with best regards Igor