Hi Phil,Hi Patrick,
As the others have said, welcome to Templot Forum.
As Phil has said that Templot is ever evolving, although since Martin has started on the plug track, the basic track planning has remained fairly stable except where bugs have been found. However, when using the NLS maps feature, things can go awry as NLS are also continuously evolving their output, which means that Martin has to alter Templot to be able to continue to use the maps.
There's plenty of help with any problems that you come across. As you may have gathered on Monday's Zoom meeting, I have some practical track experience, having worked on the ESR as a trackman and also attended some PWI (Permanent Way Institute) seminars, whilst I was an associate member.
Thank you for the welcome.
I recently joined the PWI so that I could acquire more information on modern track. Bought the latest manuals on track from the PWI but still need to acquire representative drawings of modern turnouts; 'timber' spacings and sizes are different to bullhead turnouts. I'll have a few more goes at making a bespoke turnout in TEMPLOT. If I still have no luck, I may also try to make my own templates similar in style to those from C&L.
All the best.
message ref: 9938