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TEMPLOT 3D PLUG TRACK - To get up to speed with this experimental project click here.   To watch an introductory video click here.   See the User Guide at Bexhill West.

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  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed. Some of the earlier pages of this topic are now out-of-date.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.
  • The Plug Track functions are experimental and still being developed.

    For an updated overview of this project see this topic.   For some practical modelling aspects of using Plug Track see Building 3D Track.

    The assumption is that you have your own machines on which to experiment, or helpful friends with machines. Please do not send Templot files to commercial laser cutting or 3D printing firms while this project is still experimental, because the results are unpredictable and possibly wasteful.

    Some pages of this and other topics include contributions from members who are creating and posting their own CAD designs for 3D printing and laser-cutting. Do not confuse them with Templot's own exported CAD files. All files derived from Templot are © Martin Wynne.

Experimental 3D plug track - up to version 244c

Quick reply >

Cornwall Model Boats sell sheet in 1m by 100mm, which I've ordered a few of Walnut and Mahogany, along with some 2mm x 4mm of each strip. My original plan was to cut down the 1m x 100mmm into 3.3mm strips for "normal" sleepers using my Proxxon table saw (the cheaper of the 2 available - the fence is rubbish, so might be something I "upgrade" using the 3D printer).

Happy to send you some - 1 of each letter size? (240mm x 165mm, perhaps a little bit smaller).

Eventually my order from Cornwall Model Boats turned up this morning - the walnut and mahogany strips and sheet have survived but I also ordered some MDF sheets as well, and each one of those are damaged in some way, and also they are now out of stock on some of the MDF and so didn't fulfil my order. I noticed my local timber merchant/DIY* place sells a variety of pre-cut MDF (I suspect for picture framing/backing) so I suspect that might be a better route.

Anyhow, if still you'd like some of the Walnut/Mahogany sheet, I'm sure I can organise that over the next few days (he says... ha ... ha ... ha ...)

All the best


* Along with offcuts of various bits of plywood, that I can't help getting ... sigh ...
message ref: 3257
Progress with the MINIBO printer today:


EM Gauge.

More info:



So it's time I got back to the chairs to fill all those sockets. :)

message ref: 3260
More tickboxes:


I'm beginning to wonder if this is all getting a bit too complex for anyone to follow? There is still a long way to go. :confused:

These new tickboxes enable the individual chairs on the selected timber to be switch on and off. There can only ever be 4 chairs belonging to a single timber, numbered 1 to 4 across from the MS end. If more chairs are needed on a long timber, they must be supplied from another (hidden) timber, usually one on a different template.

Why do we need all this? Well consider an ordinary crossover in Templot before the experimental chairing:


Templot has been in the habit of omitting some of the crossing timbers in a crossover, leaving a convenient space for you to extend long timbers across from the opposite turnout, and then tidy up the timber conflicts with some shoving.

Which works fine until you switch the experimental chairing on:


As you can see, that leaves the extended timbers with chairs missing, because those rails are not part of the same template.

To get all the chairs along all the rails, we need to generate the full set of crossing timbers without leaving any space:


Which generates the missing chairs -- but also a lot more which we don't need. Plus some conflicting timbers.

The answer is to use those new tickboxes to remove the unwanted chairs. The wanted chairs can then have their generating timber hidden (hide timber outline button), before being slid along the rails into position over the long timbers. A hidden timber can be selected by clicking its number, in the same way as a visible timber.

This is different from omitting a timber, which removes the timber and its chairs from the template, until you click restore timber.

Here I am sliding the two chairs belonging the hidden sleeper A1 into position over the long timber:


And the final result is:


As you can see there is still a long way to go. The special crossing chairs (marked in red) and the check rail chairs (in green) will be automatically generated and positioned by Templot (hopefully). Also the conflicting Y chairs (in orange).

However the conflicting yellow chairs are likely to need a human eyeball and will need to be "heaved" manually. That's because they might be on two different templates. In each case one of them, or maybe both, will need to be changed from an S1 to an L1 or M1 bridge chair.

Likewise if any adjustments are made to the check rail lengths, as in a tandem, the check rail chairs will need to be changed accordingly.

It seems a lot of work, just for an ordinary crossover, but hopefully it will be fairly quick with practice. I will try to provide a video tutorial once it is all working.

Here is the 3D CAD view:


The sockets for the special chairs are still a mess, but you can see that the long timbers have more than 4 chairs -- some of their own, and some captured from hidden timbers on other templates.


message ref: 3349
Hello Martin

Is there any way to enable/disable by clicking on the chair or its location on the screen and holding a key for example? Apologies if I'm making a bad suggestion as, despite looking at Lazarus, I haven't a clue whether that is easy or hard.

Either way, I take my hat off to you.

message ref: 3350
Is there any way to enable/disable by clicking on the chair or its location on the screen and holding a key for example? Apologies if I'm making a bad suggestion as, despite looking at Lazarus, I haven't a clue whether that is easy or hard.

Either way, I take my hat off to you

Hi Derek,

Thanks. Sure you could click on a chair to select it. Then you might perhaps click on a menu or button to remove it.

The snag comes if ever you want to get it back. What do you click on to select it? If you realise you made a mistake straight away, you can click an undo button somewhere. But what if you decide you need it back a week later?

Generally I prefer the Templot method of clicking on a marker, such as a timber number or a check rail label. That remains accessible even after an item has been removed, or when multiple partial templates are stacked obscuring one another.

In Lazarus and most other compilers you can do whatever you like. To select something by clicking on it, you need to keep a list of all the screen locations, and test whether the mouse is within any of them when it is clicked. If it is, you need to redraw the screen with the item highlighted in some way so that the user knows it has been selected, and at the same time redraw any previously highlighted items as now unselected. It works best if the item being clicked on is fairly small, and preferably rectilinear with the screen. Otherwise there is a risk of accidentally clicking it while doing something else.

It is best to perform the test as the mouse button goes down, or as it comes back up. If you do the test on a full click (down and back up) there is a risk that the mouse may have moved between the two actions.

For the best user experience you may also want to highlight the item as the mouse moves over it, before it is clicked. That requires keeping track of the mouse location and testing every time it moves.

Testing if the mouse co-ordinates are within a rectilinear shape is easy. Testing for multi-sided and angled polygon shapes involves a lot more code, which means it might be slow if there are a great many locations to test.

Most of the Templot code is available open-source, from:


Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opentemplot/files/templot_mec_292a_10_12_2019.zip/download

The download is a couple of years old, but in math_unit.pas have a look at these three procedures for some ideas, and the Windows mouse events on pad_form which call them:

procedure pad_mouse_move(shift_state:TShiftState; X,Y:integer);

procedure pad_mouse_down(mouse_button:TMouseButton; shift_state:TShiftState; X,Y:integer);

function shove_number_clicked(X,Y:integer):boolean;


message ref: 3351
Hi Martin,
In your "Chairs" group box, instead of having 4 tickboxes, could you have 4 drop-down combo selection boxes?
With valid choices such as:-
Omit, S1, S1J, L1, M1, CCL, CCC, CCR, etc (I might not have got the right abbreviations but you get the idea)
Omit and a blank box being synonymous.
Selecting a type of chair also selects the type of socket.
message ref: 3352

Hi Steve,

Yes, all things are possible. But I don't want to cram too much more into the shove timber dialog, it is already getting in the way of seeing what you are doing on a small screen.

At present I have added a settings... button to open a separate dialog for the chairing on a timber:


In addition to the type of each chair, there are prototype settings such as switching from REA to GWR chairs, or some other custom chair designs. In the larger scales there may be a choice of wooden key or spring steel key. Some of these options would be template-specific rather than timber-specific, but may need to be over-ridden on a specific timber -- it was quite common in BR days to see a mixture of chair origins where there had been spot timber renewals. There will also be some settings related to the special switch and crossing chairs. I want if possible to allow parallel-wing crossings, as they are quite common. Fortunately using all-vertical rails makes them a lot easier to model.

All this may sound far too picky in 4mm scale, but I have to keep in mind that Templot is for all scales up to Gauge 1 and beyond, where such details are clearly visible.

Selecting a type of chair also selects the type of socket.
Yes, that is always automatic.

Another setting which I am currently working on is the keying direction. That would normally be template-specific, but may need to be over-ridden on a specific timber -- for example adjacent to rail joints in pointwork:

Forwards means the key is driven into the chair away from the CTRL-0 end towards the opposite end of the template. With the result that the exposed end of the key remains projecting back towards the CTRL-0 end. And in the opposite direction for backwards. The amount by which it projects is randomised, up to the maximum off-centre setting.

The random option allows you to print a batch of mixed chairs to be mixed and matched on different templates as required.


message ref: 3354
With 233a released, there is now an option to switch individual chairs on and off.

Which means you can get round my lamentable failure to get the special chairs done yet, by removing the sockets from the relevant timbers. Which could then have C&L/Exactoscale chairs used on them instead (use cyano superglue).

In other words, you can get this far in Plug Track now in 233a:


Which is quite a long way from where we started, but with still a long way to go. But a whole new year to do it in.

Happy Christmas Plug trackers. :)

message ref: 3397
And some more buttons for flange control :)

Hi Steve,

We have 4 buttons for individual flange control:


But none for the webs, which at present are linked to the end flanges. I have plenty of buttons for the webs, but no space for them on here. I have other ideas about what to do with them. :)

message ref: 3400
Just to add for anyone using 233a for FDM printing, that I left the default shrinkage settings for my MINIBO printer (which actually needs a negative shrinkage correction, i.e. the uncorrected output is larger than the design size, probably due to stretching of the thin timing belts).

For a more usual FDM printer you will need to change the settings:


Notice that since 233a I have now added another output option. I suspect the main difference in shrinkage factors will be caused by the build plate being heated or not (the MINIBO is cold), so it is now possible to keep some settings for both.

Another setting which will need some trial and error on your actual printer, is the fit tolerance for the brick connector clips:


You need a setting which allows the clips to fit closely together because they control the rail alignments and gauging across the brick boundaries. The claws can flex a fraction to ensure a close fit, but it should be only a fraction, so some trial and error is needed for the best results.

n.b. not all these settings are yet included in the saved custom data, at present you need to set them for each Templot session.

The BIBO printer was feeling neglected, so I have been tinkering with it again. I have changed the nozzle from 0.6mm back to 0.4mm so I can report my results with some expectation that they will match most other users' results, and also to match the MINIBO. The results from the two printers are now almost identical. I'm not sure what to make of that, bearing in mind that one cost about 6 times the other -- admittedly for a much larger build area and a proper robust cased construction.


message ref: 3405
I'm keen to create 3D CAD models of the various chairs so that I can resin print individual batches etc. I was wondering whether anyone had any 3D files of chairs they could share or dimensioned drawings from which I would create 3D models and then share in whatever format required?
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

Welcome to Templot Club. :)

Drawings of the standard REA chairs can be downloaded from:


Note that there are drawings for both 85lb and 95lb rail, don't get them mixed up. For code 75 bullhead you want the 95lb rail (BS-95R).

It's good to see the Templot exports being put to good use (p.s. in your photo you have the chairs in the timbers the wrong way round :) ).

I notice that you have provided your own printing supports for the chairs. Templot can do that for you, see:


Timber webs under the rails can be difficult to remove without causing damage (the knife blade forces the timbers apart). Instead, Templot can add "sprues" to the ends of the timbers which are easily removed from track after laying, without damage (hold Xuron-type snips vertical):


To export the above, omit all the layers, and then switch back on just the 3 layers you want:


For the timber outlines and sockets Templot can set an allowance for the cutter kerf.

You should be able to open and edit the STL files in Fusion 360 (free for personal use). Or there are online converters to other formats.

The 3-D DXF files should open in any traditional CAD package -- I use TurboCAD.

For laser cutting use the 2-D DXF files, which can be opened in most CAD and drawing programs, such as Inkscape (free).

Sorry all this stuff is still extremely experimental in Templot and unfinished, and the docs have not yet been written (I'm not looking forward to doing that :( ). I'm currently working on the P slide chairs.


message ref: 3455
What is the Flange Control for guys?

Awesome progress as usual Martin. Thanks so much for this herculean effort! I am a long way behind but following keenly...I'm tiling the floor of my model railway room at the moment lol!
message ref: 3457

Hi Phil,


What is the Flange Control for guys?

Do you mean the timber flanges?


I added them to the FDM timbering bases mainly to stiffen the narrow plain track sleepers (10" wide) alongside the chair sockets (6" wide). It's arguable that they are not needed on the wider turnout crossing timbers (12" wide). But everything in Plug Track is optional so users can decide for themselves. The flanges can be switched on and off entirely via the layer settings in the DXF export, or on individual timbers via the shove timber settings:


Even on the crossing timbers there are some good reasons to keep the flanges:

1. some chairs are skewed on the turnout timbers, meaning the corners of the chair sockets come close to the edge of the timber.

2. the increased underside area of each timber gives a better grip on the FDM build plate.

3. the increased underside area of each timber is helpful in gluing the track to the trackbed.

4. instead of gluing, some users might prefer to spike the track to the trackbed, by engaging the head of the spike over the flange. The original 1950s Peco track spikes* are still available:


This could be an attractive alternative means of tracklaying, or perhaps with small round-head screws instead of spikes. It would allow better control of track levelling, alignment and re-use than one-time gluing. It all gets lost under the ballast in the end.

5. where timbers are interlaced, the side flanges can replace the webs as a means of linking adjacent timbers. This is important where the webs would break into the sockets in the STL file:


And instead:


6. By printing only the flanges, and not the timbers, you can create a timbering fret, or "3D template":

This would allow individual timbers to be placed with greater accuracy than a printed paper template. The fret could be removed from the underside afterwards in the same way as a paper templated, if desired.

*let's hope the spikes are still in production, and Peco are not simply using up the last binful they had delivered in 1957. :)


message ref: 3458
Thanks Martin. What do the flange prefixes mean, TS, MS etc?

Hi Phil,

Try clicking them to see? :)

Timber End flanges:
MS=Main Side of template​
TS=Turnout Side of template​

Timber Side flanges:
N=Near to CTRL-0 end of template​
F=Far from CTRL-0 end of template​

This terminology is used throughout Templot.


(That diagram has been on the web site for 20 years -- it could do with an update for Windows10.)


message ref: 3467
p.s. Phil,

They do explain themselves if you hover over them:


I do try to add such hover-hints on anything which I think might not be self-explanatory, although I'm sure there are many places where I have never got round to it.

message ref: 3468
Hi, I have been watching this thread with interest over the past 6 months or so and have been experimenting with 3D printing and laser cutting, see latest results attached/below. I'm keen to create 3D CAD models of the various chairs so that I can resin print individual batches etc. I was wondering whether anyone had any 3D files of chairs they could share or dimensioned drawings from which I would create 3D models and then share in whatever format required?

I'm modelling 4mm with the intention of matching custom point work to Peco bullhead points and track.

Current process for timbers is to create plan within Templot, export 2D dxf timbers only, import dxf into AutoCAD, add positional sprues between timbers (to be removed later), send finished/block 2d dxf file to desktop laser cutter software and laser cut 1.6mm thick plywood.

View attachment 2923

For Chairs I have managed to export 3D .stl files from Templot and successfully printed using Form3 resin printer but, I want to refine the chairs and create other chairs in a native 3D format. I can not modify .stl files and I have not been able to open/read any of the 3D dxf files out of Templot so, I was wondering whether another 3D format was available for the chairs e.g. step, .sat or .igs?


I've got chair files for most types of chairs (based on the LNER permanent way book). But these are for 7mm, and I don't have access to the software used to create them (Autodesk Inventor) anymore to scale them. The files are massive as there are fillets/etc everywhere - they look pretty on screen, but as to how much practical use they are when it comes to 3D printing I'll find out in April when my Phrozen Sonic 8K Mini should have turned up ... perhaps it will be May/June before I take it out of it's box :confused:

A posted about them here.
message ref: 3477

Hi Richard,

Which has reminded me that you sent me those files, and I promised to have a go at 3D printing them on the Elegoo Mars. I'm very sorry that I forgot all about it, you should have reminded me. :(

I can't do any 3D printing today, but I will do them as soon as I can, or at least have a go.


message ref: 3478
I've got chair files for most types of chairs (based on the LNER permanent way book). But these are for 7mm, and I don't have access to the software used to create them (Autodesk Inventor) anymore to scale them. The files are massive as there are fillets/etc everywhere - they look pretty on screen, but as to how much practical use they are when it comes to 3D printing I'll find out in April when my Phrozen Sonic 8K Mini should have turned up ... perhaps it will be May/June before I take it out of it's box :confused:

A posted about them here.
Hi Richard,
Your chairs look ideal. I was just about to start modelling these chairs from scratch but, would prefer to get a head start and import your models.

I'm a Mechanical Designer with Autodesk Inventor so, I can quickly import these, rescale and export in whatever format you require pretty quickly. If you could email me the native Inventor files .ipt or .iam then I'll get cracking. I also have a Form3 resin printer so, I can also test print a couple as well for you.

Terry. (terry at kosmik dot co dot uk)
message ref: 3484

I'll try to email an L1 chair today (it's an assembly of the chair/key/bolt I think) - just to see if it works your end. As I've said they aren't "scaled" versions of the real thing, but more designed around the C&L 7mm rail, so I'm not sure how well they would directly scale from 7mm to 4mm. Also I was going to use separate keys for the special chairs around the crossing and switches as I don't think it's possible to assemble the crossing if the keys are present due to the various angles. For 4mm this would be shear folly, and I'd follow Exactoscale's approach (I think - I'd need to check), and have the chairs for these locations in 2 or more parts.

Finally the file was created in Inventor 2016 (I think), and it struggled at times with the variable fillets.

And this is what it should look like:


message ref: 3490

Hi Richard,

That looks good. :)

This is Templot's programmatic model Plug Track equivalent L1 bridge chair (for C&L/EMGS code75 rail):



As you can see, the key has to be distorted to fit in the over-scale web thickness of the rail.

For easier threading there is a taper on the key to a central pressure-pad area. At present this is central on the key, but I'm hoping eventually to move it so that it is closer to being directly opposite the inner jaw when the key has a large offset (the offset is randomised, no two chairs are ever exactly the same).

That's easier said than done -- it means moving the key from the 3D data into the 2D data. It will have to stay as it is for now. If it causes problems there is a setting to limit the maximum key offset.


message ref: 3492
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

Looking good. (y)

Don't use the 2-D cutter kerf... setting to adjust the socket fit, otherwise you will get the wrong timber sizes. Adjust the kerf to get the correct timber outline size, and then use the chair/socket fit... button to set the socket clearance for a close fit on your plugs. The clearance can be negative if needed:



message ref: 3503
Sorry there was no update for a while, I've been busy with some electronics work.

But back on Templot today, working on the P chair (slide chair).

I've decided to go with the PJ version of the REA chair:


because it's a bit beefier and stronger on model rail sections. Maybe I could do the older P type later as an option.


Outer jaw still to do (you noticed :) ) but I've got the slide table and stock rail bolt and boss done. The bolt is at 1:20 to match the prototype, even though the model rail will be vertical.

The slide table is 7" wide, which means for REA switches the switch blade tip should align exactly with the edge of the table. Which will be a convenient guide when track building. The length of the chair and slide table is increased from the prototype to suit the model gauge/scale in use where needing an over-scale switch opening (for 00, EM, etc.).

The nut rotation on the stock rail bolt is part-randomised in 15-degree steps (the chair-screw heads are infinitely randomised).

I'm omitting the spring washer under the nut, the screw-thread on the exposed end of the bolt, and the domed end of it -- I have to draw a sensible line somewhere. Otherwise it will take forever and the STL file size will go through the roof.



Now to get the jaw done.


message ref: 3533
Some progress with the P slide chair.


In close-up the missing fillet radii and blends are very obvious, but not so much at normal viewing. They would take the STL file size through the roof -- I do want all the chairs for a timbering brick to be in a single STL file if possible. In any event the resin prints need a good scoosh of paint for UV protection, so it's pointless adding too much fine detail in the smaller scales.



You should be able to see the random nut rotations.

The missing sole plate is very obvious. I haven't yet decided whether to include that in the timber for FDM printing and CNC milling, or as a one-piece resin-printed insert comprising both chairs. The latter would look better and be doable in laser-cut timbers (provided the timber can drop lower into a slot in the trackbed), but it would need an accurate shrinkage adjustment to maintain the gauging.

Also the switch front chairs are often S1J joint chairs (likewise at joints in the closure rails) so they might be next on the list. The wider S1J sockets are another reason for the timber side flanges.


message ref: 3537
Looking good Martin!
In the prototype is the soleplate timber made thinner, or does it just get laid lower into the ballast bed?
Could the sole plate just be represented by a piece of thin card or thick paper glued on top the of the timber?
Did some soleplates have an insulated section, ie were actually two seperate sheets joined with an insulated lip?
message ref: 3538
In the prototype is the soleplate timber made thinner, or does it just get laid lower into the ballast bed?

Hi Steve,

The timber is 1/2" lower in the ballast. The prototype doesn't have a baseboard. :)

Here is a drawing of an REA soleplate (insulated for track-circuiting):


It's made from 1/2" steel plate. A 1/2" thick rib is riveted or welded on the ends to prevent any gauge-spread of the chairs.

Here's a photo of that (with more insulating inserts than the drawing) and a facing points lock:


Note that the stretcher bars (behind the lock bar) are also insulated, and the lock bar at the left-hand end. The chair screws on that slide chair have had their heads shortened to prevent any contact with the lock bar flange.

Here's a GWR plain un-insulated soleplate:


Instead of a rib on the end, the GWR preferred to turn up the end of the plate as a forging.

Could the sole plate just be represented by a piece of thin card or thick paper glued on top the of the timber?

In what scale? It's 1/2" thick, which scales to 0.17mm (.007") in 4mm/ft scale. So it could be represented using thin card or plasticard under the chairs. But that's more than enough to disrupt the rail level. The chair base is 0.58mm thick, so it would be possible to make special model P chairs with a thinner 0.41mm base, if you wanted to avoid changing the timber levels.

But for Plug Track I want to represent it properly on a lowered timber top, so that it works equally well in the larger scales. That's easy for FDM printing or CNC milling. For laser-cut timbers some fiddling about will be needed. For individual plywood timbers the easiest solution might be to remove the bottom ply from the timber.

Using a resin-printed soleplate+chairs insert, it will be possible to have an insulated option for running lines (not for yards).

p.s. I can't remember ever seeing the soleplate modelled, despite it being quite prominent in some photos as is evident above.

The big question will be "Is soleplate one word or two?" :)


message ref: 3539
p.s. I can't remember ever seeing the soleplate modelled, despite it being quite prominent in some photos as is evident above.

Hi Martin.

I've modelled the soleplate (sole plate? sole-plate?)! Firstly in some EM gauge track in 2002, more recently on my S4n2 track where I've attempted an insulated soleplate, not entirely successfully. I'm sure I have seen others model them, possibly in the hallowed pages of MRJ!



  • 2002-05-12_17-44-14_.JPG
    787.9 KB · Views: 204
  • 2020-09-19_17-26-41_PJM_0150.jpg
    5.4 MB · Views: 193
message ref: 3540
"the resin prints need a good scoosh of paint" - what a marvellously expressive word, new to me, love it!
message ref: 3541
message ref: 3542
For the longer P chairs I have had a rethink on the support pyramids for 3D resin printing.

To reduce the overhang from the support I have increased the size of the pyramid to better match the size of the plug:


This doesn't affect the fit of anything. The only difference might be needing a stronger pair of snips to remove the chair from the support. Fortunately any rubbish remaining on the bottom of the plug is of no consequence.

For slender snap-off supports the alternative would be to tilt the chairs at an angle, as is commonly done for 3D resin-printing. I don't want to get involved in that if I can help it -- measuring the chairs and adjusting the tolerances and fits would turn into a battle of wits with the printer.


message ref: 3544

Hi Steve,

The timber is 1/2" lower in the ballast. The prototype doesn't have a baseboard. :)

Here is a drawing of an REA soleplate (insulated for track-circuiting):

View attachment 3054

It's made from 1/2" steel plate. A 1/2" thick rib is riveted or welded on the ends to prevent any gauge-spread of the chairs.

Here's a photo of that (with more insulating inserts than the drawing) and a facing points lock:

View attachment 3058

Here's a GWR plain un-insulated soleplate:

View attachment 3055

Instead of a rib on the end, the GWR preferred to turn up the end of the plate as a forging.

In what scale? It's 1/2" thick, which scales to 0.17mm (.007") in 4mm/ft scale. So it could be represented using thin card or plasticard under the chairs. But that's more than enough to disrupt the rail level. The chair base is 0.58mm thick, so it would be possible to make special model P chairs with a thinner 0.41mm base, if you wanted to avoid changing the timber levels.

But for Plug Track I want to represent it properly on a lowered timber top, so that it works equally well in the larger scales. That's easy for FDM printing or CNC milling. For laser-cut timbers some fiddling about will be needed. For individual plywood timbers the easiest solution might be to remove the bottom ply from the timber.

Using a resin-printed soleplate+chairs insert, it will be possible to have an insulated option for running lines (not for yards).

p.s. I can't remember ever seeing the soleplate modelled, despite it being quite prominent in some photos as is evident above.

The big question will be "Is soleplate one word or two?" :)


Soleplates are something I have never been asked for. Nor it seems is it something that most others bother with either, Palatine Models, (Ralph Robertson) used to do an etching of them with anchors as well, but now discontinued, I do have a few in my stash if I ever feel the need.
message ref: 3546

Hi Steve,

The timber is 1/2" lower in the ballast. The prototype doesn't have a baseboard. :)

Here is a drawing of an REA soleplate (insulated for track-circuiting):

View attachment 3054

It's made from 1/2" steel plate. A 1/2" thick rib is riveted or welded on the ends to prevent any gauge-spread of the chairs.

Here's a photo of that (with more insulating inserts than the drawing) and a facing points lock:

View attachment 3058

Here's a GWR plain un-insulated soleplate:

View attachment 3055

Instead of a rib on the end, the GWR preferred to turn up the end of the plate as a forging.

In what scale? It's 1/2" thick, which scales to 0.17mm (.007") in 4mm/ft scale. So it could be represented using thin card or plasticard under the chairs. But that's more than enough to disrupt the rail level. The chair base is 0.58mm thick, so it would be possible to make special model P chairs with a thinner 0.41mm base, if you wanted to avoid changing the timber levels.

But for Plug Track I want to represent it properly on a lowered timber top, so that it works equally well in the larger scales. That's easy for FDM printing or CNC milling. For laser-cut timbers some fiddling about will be needed. For individual plywood timbers the easiest solution might be to remove the bottom ply from the timber.

Using a resin-printed soleplate+chairs insert, it will be possible to have an insulated option for running lines (not for yards).

p.s. I can't remember ever seeing the soleplate modelled, despite it being quite prominent in some photos as is evident above.

The big question will be "Is soleplate one word or two?" :)


I think it would be possible to create a resin print of a sole plate with two sliding chairs and maybe with a facing point lock. so rather than two individual plug chairs you could have one long plug or maybe resin the whole individual timber complete with soleplate, opposing chairs and point lock option.
message ref: 3548
I think it would be possible to create a resin print of a sole plate with two sliding chairs and maybe with a facing point lock.
@Terry Downes

Hi Terry,

That's my current intention. However, the chairs will be the standard P chairs with full base thickness, requiring the timber top to be 1/2" lower than the adjacent timbers.

Others with 3D printers may choose to do it differently of course. I may include an option for a thinner chair base -- I do like to add as many tickboxes as possible. :)


message ref: 3549
Here you go:


Note that these are placeholders -- they don't actually do anything in 233c or anytime soon.


message ref: 3551
The Scalefour stores have the "Brooksmith award winning design 1983" for the Turnout operatig unit mk.2 as a kit, which contains parts for the base plate (or sole plate as some call it) as well as a stretcher bar and lock stretcher. It would be interesting to know how many have been sold, amd how many actually used.

But of course it does not have sockets :)

I think that in 4mm scale anyone wanting soleplates would also want realistic stretcher bars etc.

I could print the templot template onto say 120gsm paper/card, then cut out the space for the soleplate timber, thus allowing the soleplate timber to sit lower thatn the others which are glued ontop of the template, hen leave the template stuck to the underside of the turnout when laying the completed unit.
message ref: 3553
Soleplates are something I have never been asked for. Nor it seems is it something that most others bother with either, Palatine Models, (Ralph Robertson) used to do an etching of them with anchors as well, but now discontinued, I do have a few in my stash if I ever feel the need.
Yes, I did produce an etch for soleplates and rail anchors for Slattocks Junction layout. Our track wizard, Dick Petter, asked for some for the track he was laying and this was covered in MRJ 203 where some excellent photos of the model trackwork he produced was covered as well as a fantastic photo of a prototype double junction. There is a lot of information in that article and well worth digging out.

I discontinued the etch some years back as they never sold but I could have another run of there is sufficient interest. A sheet produces 18 frets so unless I get orders for them all it is not going to happen, sorry.

My own track has not yet materialised as I am still trying to sort out the modelling collection of Dick Petter who sadly died last summer. His modelling was outstanding and some of his models have gone to selected modellers who can complete them as he rarely finished anything. Once I have cleared out I can put the layout back up and lay some more track which will be ply and rivet pointwork and card sleepers with 3D printed chairs for plain track. Hope to get back to it in a few weeks.

message ref: 3554